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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
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Search Help Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bright Sparcs Index Australian Science at Work Index Abbreviations d - diagram g - graph i - illustration m - map t - table N.S.W. - New South Wales N.T. - Northern Territory Qld - Queensland S.A. - South Australia S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area Tas. - Tasmania Vic. - Victoria W.A. - Western Australia Contact us ![]() |
Index P Pacific Dunlop Ltd 300, 881, 881i Pacific Dunlop. Holeproof Division 281 paddle steamers 438 - 439, 439 - 440, 439i paint industry 682 - 695, Australian inventions 689 - 692, early years, industrial manufacture 685 - 687, important developments in the 1920s and 1930s 685 - 687, pigments manufacture 692 - 695, pioneers 682 - 685, recent trends 691 - 694, research 687 - 689, the 1950s and 1960s 687 - 690 Papin, Denis 827 Paraburdoo Mine, W.A. 428, 428 - 429 Paraburdoo Power Station, W.A. , 718, 719 - 720 Paraburdoo, W.A. 718, 719 - 720 parachute control system 957 - 958 Park, R. P. 17 - 18 Parker Point, W.A. ship loader 428i, 428i Parramatta, N.S.W. 346 - 347, 435 - 436 Pasteur, Louis 100, 103, 112, 616 pasture grasses, endemic and introduced 58 pasture improvement 41 - 43, 56 - 58, computerised management system 65 - 66 pasturization 99 - 101, 114, 126 - 127, 143 - 144 Patent Preserved Meat Manufactory, Camperdown, N.S.W. 78 patents 607 - 608, 608i, 609i, 609, 610 - 611 Patience and Nicholson Ltd 888 Paul, Lewis 268 Peacock, George 80, 86 - 87 Pearce, Sen. George 904 Pearcey, T 586i, 587 - 588, 588 - 589, 590 - 591, 592 - 593, 593, 595, 920 peas, frozen 134 Pechiney Australia Pty Ltd 727, 728 pedal radio 508 - 509, 540 - 541 penicillin 616, 619 - 620, 628 - 629 Penny, J. P. 586i, 592 - 593 Performance Merino Breeders Association 54 Perrin, Sir Michael 665 Perrot, Lyon Mathieson Pty Ltd 387 Perry Davis pain killer 617 - 618 Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Australia) Ltd (P.A.C.C.A.L.) 666 - 668, 668 petroleum storage tanks all welded 415 - 416, concrete 417 petroleum, self sufficiency in 701, 751 - 753, exports 752t, use of 752t Phalaris Staggers 622 Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria 620 pharmacists and pharmaceutical industry 616 - 633, effects of war on 622 - 627, establishment of major manufacturing enterprises 618 - 624, nature of 616 - 618, post-war manufacture 629 - 632, public sector policies 630 - 633 Pharmacy Board of Victoria 620 phenol 607 - 608, 624 - 625, 662 - 663 Philips Electrical Industries 540, 543, 787 Phillip, Gov. Arthur 150, 150, 313, 435 - 436, 442 Phoenix Foundry, Ballarat 455, 832, 834, 836, 840 phosphatic fertiliser 602, 604 - 605 pigment emulsified creosote (PEC) (timber preservative) 232 - 233 Pigments Manufacturers of Australia 694 Pilbarra, W.A. 337, 381, 428, 475 - 477, 493, advanced process technology 720 - 721, iron ore discoveries 717, 717 - 718, iron ore history 718 - 722, Radio Hill nickel-copper sulphide 725 piles, instrumentation of driven 357 - 358 Pinchin Johnson 683 Pipeline Authority of South Australia 810 Pitts, W. 588 Pittsburgh Plate Glass 684, 692 plant survey, to establish eucalyptus oil content 620 plastic laminates for wine casks 872 - 873 plastic packaging of foods 121 plastic pipes, fibre-glass reinforced 846 - 848 plastics in vehicle production 487 plastics industry 659 - 683, petro-chemical complexes 667 - 683, phenol 662 - 663, 664, phenol and ureaformaldehyde 664, polystyrene and polyethylene 664 - 666, processing 659 - 663, second generation plastics 665 - 668, styrene monomers 667 - 670, vinyl-chloride and PVC 664 Plastiline (PVC sheeting) 186 - 188, 363 - 364, 845 - 846 Platt Ltd 290 Plessey Aust. Pty Ltd 234, 932, 951 Plessey Co. 932 polarography 648 Polyester fibre 654 polyethylene (polythene) 664 - 666, 665i, 669 - 670, 673 - 674, 675 - 676 polystyrene 664 - 666, 675 - 676, 679 - 680 polythene xx Ponte, Vincent 386 population, in 1851 4, after gold rush 9 - 11, in Melbourne 1881 12 - 13 Port Arthur, Tas. 442 Port Pirie, S.A. copper technology 714 - 715 Porter, A. 586 Portland cements 326 ports and harbours, early 315, 338 - 346, containerisation 339 - 342i, dredging 345 - 346, special purpose ports 341 - 345 ports and harbours, named Abbott Point, Qld 342, Albatross Bay, Qld bauxite port 410, beginnings 347 - 348, Brisbane 341, Bunbury, W.A. alumina ship loader 411, Burnie, Tas. 341, cement export installation 412i, 412 - 413, container terminal 341 - 342, Dalrymple Bay, Qld coal loading facility 409, 409i, Dampier, W.A. 342, Darling Harbour, Sydney 339, 341i, Esperance, W. A. export of salt 406, Exmouth Gulf, W. A. export of salt 406, Fremantle, W.A. inner harbour 339, Geelong, Vic. 341, Gladstone, Qld alumina production 411 - 412, Gove, NT. 342, 410, 411, Hay Point, Qld 342, 342i, 342i, iron ore export port 342 - 343, 407 - 408, Kwinana grain terminal, W.A. 405, Kwinana, W.A. alumina production 411, Lucinda Point, Qld sugar loader 407, Mackay, Qld sugar storage 407, Melbourne, Vic. 341, Newcastle, N.S.W. 341, 342, 345, Pinjara, W.A. alumina production 411 - 412, Port Adelaide, S.A. 339, 341, 345, Port Bonython, S.A. 343i, 343, Port Botany, N.S.W. 341i, Port Hedland, W.A. 342, 345, Port Kembla, N.S.W. 319 - 320, 339, 342, Port Moresby, P.N.G. 337, Port Walcott, W.A. 342, power supply 402, salt export facilities 404 - 406, Townsville, Qld 341, Weipa, Qld 342, Westernport, Vic. 343, Worsley, W.A. alumina production 411 Potter, Charles Vincent 633, 712 Powellizing process (timber preservation) 231 - 232 power systems, capacity of 394 - 395 Powers punched card machine 584 - 586 Poynter, Prof. John S. 602, 618 - 619 Pratt and Whitney engines 906, 907, 912, 912 - 914 Pratt and Whitney manufacturing technique 901 - 902 Precision Visual Glidepath System 927 Presbyterian Church in Australia 509 Prestel 572 prestressed concrete flat-plate floor construction 326 - 327 Price, Douglas G. 368 - 373, 422 - 423 Pritchard (steam car) 480 - 481 private enterprise, in early years 827 - 829 processing of fibres, flow chart 264d, 264 - 265 productivity output (in textile industry) 264 - 265, 265d, 300 - 301 Project Jindalee 942, 954, 954i Promicide (tickicide) 655 - 656 public analysts 112, 113 - 114, 117 Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) 571, 571 - 572 pulp and paper industry 222 - 223, 244 - 257, environmental considerations 254 - 257, future demands 260 - 261, post 1975 254 - 255, processing developments in the 1950s 252 - 253, wood pulp in reinforced cement products 256 - 257 Pulse Code Modulation system (PCM) 554 PVC (polyvinylchloride) 142 - 143, 173, 662 - 663, 662i, 664, 666, 669 - 670, 671 - 741, 673 - 674, 675 - 676 PVC piping 173 pyridine 607 - 608, 625 - 626, 650 - 651 pyritic smelting 708 - 709, 744
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