Index - V![]() |
Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
Table of Contents
Search Help Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bright Sparcs Index Australian Science at Work Index Abbreviations d - diagram g - graph i - illustration m - map t - table N.S.W. - New South Wales N.T. - Northern Territory Qld - Queensland S.A. - South Australia S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area Tas. - Tasmania Vic. - Victoria W.A. - Western Australia Contact us ![]() |
Index V vacuum tray drying 116 vacuum tube repeaters 537, 540 - 541 vacuum tube technology 591, 592 Vapocure International Pty Ltd 691 - 692 variable ratio Bishop integral power steering gear 486 - 487 Variable Ratio Linkage 882 - 883 Variable Ratio Rack and Pinion steering unit 883 - 884 variable stroke crankless engine 487 - 488 Vegemite 116 vegetables, canning of 87 - 89 vehicle suspension engineering 487 - 488 veterinary drugs 622 - 624, 630 - 632, 641 - 643, 654 - 656 Viatel 572 Vibrocompaction 355 - 356, 355i Vickers Cockatoo Dockyard Pty Ltd, Sydney 517 Vickers Commonwealth Steel Co. Ltd 855 - 856 Vickers Ltd 855 Vickery, J. R. 92, 115 - 116, 116, 125 Victoria Agriculture Implement Factory 833 Victoria Ammonia Company Pty Ltd, Spotswood 606 Victoria Bone Mills, Yarraville 602 Victoria Galvanized Iron and Wire Company 849 Victoria Institute of Brewing 104 Victoria Meat Preserving Company 82, 85 Victoria Woollen and Cloth Manufacturing Co. 274 Victoria, colonial defence establishment 900 - 901 Victoria. Acts Victoria. Act to Prevent the Adulteration of Articles of Food and Drink 1863 112, Victoria. Irrigation Act 1886 196 - 197, Victoria. Milk Supply Act 126 - 127, Victoria. Public Health Amendment Statute 1883 114, Victoria. Pure Food Act 1905 112, Victoria. River Murray Waters Act 1915 196 - 197, Victoria. Water Act 1905 196 - 197 Victoria. Government Departments Victoria. Board of Agriculture 23, Victoria. Department of Agriculture 23, 92, 116, 140, Victoria. Department of Water Supply 194, Victoria. Soil Conservation Authority 188, Victoria. State Rivers and Water Supply Commission 152, 197 Victorian College of Pharmacy 620 Victorian Housing Commission 326, 337 Victorian Industrial Society 97 Victorian Pipelines Commission 771 Victorian Pyrites and Smelting Works 602 Victorian Railways 466, 468, 470 Victorian Solar Energy Council 779, 799 Victorian Solar Energy Research Committee 779, 785 Victorian Sugar Company's Works 602 Victorian Telegraph Service 529t Video-conferencing system 551 - 552 vinyl chloride 664 - 672i, 672i, 675 - 676 visual display units (VDU) 594 - 596 Vitamin A 619 - 620, 624 - 625 Vitamin C 624 - 625, 679 - 680 von Mueller, Baron Ferdinand 58, 236, 620, 626 VOR (Very High Frequency Omni Range) 510
© Online Edition 2000 Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher |