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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
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Search Help Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bright Sparcs Index Australian Science at Work Index Abbreviations d - diagram g - graph i - illustration m - map t - table N.S.W. - New South Wales N.T. - Northern Territory Qld - Queensland S.A. - South Australia S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area Tas. - Tasmania Vic. - Victoria W.A. - Western Australia Contact us ![]() |
Index N N.E.C. Australia 570, 572, 573, 576 - 577 N.S.W. Department of Agriculture, development of computerised management systems in farming development of computerised management systems in farming 65 N.S.W. Forest Conservancy Branch 207 N.S.W. Forestry Commission 214, 231, 234, 241, 244 N.S.W. Government Tramways 494 N.S.W. Public Works Department 426 N.S.W. Railways 460, 462, 469 - 470 N.S.W. State Dockyard 515, 515, 517 N.S.W. State Rail Authority 855 N.S.W. State Transport Co-ordination Act 489 Nabalco consortium 728 NANGANA 931 napthalene 607 - 608, 625 - 626 narrow tape weaving loom 302 - 303 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (N.A.S.A.) 558 National Ammonia Company of the U.S.A. 606 National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia 892 National Bag Company of Australia 870 National Cattle Breeding Centre, Qld 49 - 50 National Commonwealth Laboratory 903 National Energy Advisory Council 757 National Energy Research Development and Demonstration Council (N.E.R.D.D.C.) 130, 756, 779, 795 National Gallery of Victoria 618 National Health and Medical Research Council (N.H.M.R.C.) 122, 632 National Health and Medical Research Council. Poisons Schedule Standing Committee 233 National Museum of Australia 592 National Standards Commission 892 National Standards Laboratory 909, 911 native hop bush 620 native tree plantations, hoop pine (Araucaria Cunninghamii) 214 - 217, 220 - 221, future developments 260 Nauru Island 337 Naval Air Power and Tactical Weapons Systems study (NAP/TAWS) 943 navigational radio beacons 510 Nelson, P. F. 211, 211 - 212 neutral sulphite chemical process (NSSC) 253, 254 - 255, 256 New Zealand Forest Research Institute 212 New Zealand Post Office 558 - 559 New Zealand, D.S.I.R. 92 Newcastle Chemicals 625 - 626, 641, 680 - 681 Newcastle Coal and Copper Mining Co. 831 Newcomen, Thomas 448 Newport Power House (old), Vic. 468 Newport, Vic. railway locomotive construction 461 Nhulunbuy, NT. 337 Nicholas International Ltd 623, 841 Nicholas, George 620, 621 - 623, 624, 639, 841 nickel 723 - 725, Greenvale, Qld 724, in top three producers 701, Kambalda, W.A. 724i, Radio Hill, W. Pilbara 724, W.A. 723 - 724 Nicolle, Eugene Dominique 89, 92, 606 Nimmo, - 168 nitration of glycerine 610i, 610 - 611, 610i nitroglycerine 608 - 609, 612, 613, 'bubble theory' 612, 614 Nobel's Explosives Company Ltd 609i, 609 Nobel, Alfred 608i, 608, 610, 611 Noble comb 277 - 278, 277d, 288 - 289 NOCH unitrol Humidity system 294 - 295 Noe, G. W. 424 - 425 Non-Atomic Research and Development (NAMRAD) 899 Norcoast Refrigeration Company 787 Norfolk Bay, Tas. 442 Norrbin, J. H. 612 North Broken Hill Ltd 246 - 247 North Fitzroy gas holder 321 North Queensland Engineers and Agents, Cairns, Qld 517 North Queensland Meat Export Company, Townsville 82 North Rankin A platform, N.W. Shelf 421, 430 - 431, 430i North Rankin gas field, W.A. 430 North West Cape, W.A. radio masts 321 North West Shelf Oilfields 414, 421i, 430 - 431 Northern Australia Pasture Plant Introduction and Evaluation Committee 47 Northern Territory Electricity Commission 812 Northern Woodchips Pty Ltd 258 - 259 nuclear energy 790 - 796, Australian Atomic Energy Commission 792, development programs 795 - 796, first industrial scale generator 791 - 793, for electricity 791 - 793, on-stream analysis of mineral ores 794, production of radioactive isotopes 794, the Manhattan Project 791 - 792 nuclear research 590 Nuclear Research Foundation 589 Nycast zipper machine 303 Nyguard Zipper 302
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