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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
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Search Help Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bright Sparcs Index Australian Science at Work Index Abbreviations d - diagram g - graph i - illustration m - map t - table N.S.W. - New South Wales N.T. - Northern Territory Qld - Queensland S.A. - South Australia S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area Tas. - Tasmania Vic. - Victoria W.A. - Western Australia Contact us ![]() |
Index T T-VASIS (Visual Approach Slope Indicator System) 392 - 393, 510 TANGARA 855 tank manufacture 913 Tank Stream, Sydney 150 - 151, 314 - 315 Tarrant, Harry A. 479 Tasmania. Forestry Commission 214, 221 Tasmanian Paper Pty Ltd 246 - 247, 253 Tasmanian Pulp and Forest Holdings Ltd 258 - 259 TAT-1 558 Tate process for relining water mains 173 - 174 Taubmans Pty Ltd 683, 687, 688, 692, 692 - 694 Taylor Brothers and Co. Ltd 855 Technical Co-operation Program (T.T.C.P.) 936, 939 Technical Committee on Agricultural Chemicals 233 technological development in small countries 635 - 636 technology transfer, xxvii; the Australian example technology transfer xix, the Australian example technology, history of xviii - xxi Tee Visual Glidepath Indicator system (TVGS) 927 Telecom Australia (Australian Telecommunications Commission) 526, 568, 568, 569 - 570, 570 - 571, 572, 572 - 576, 576, 578, 580 - 582, cooling buildings 786 - 787, solar cells 787, solar powered radio phone 787i, transportable solar power packages 780, 787i Telecom Australia International Limited 581 Telecommunications Research Establishment (T.R.E.), Gt. Malvern U.K. 590 telecommunications, development of 532 - 533, 554, Automatic Network and Switching Objectives (A.N.S.O.) Committee 554, COMPAC 558 - 559, 559, growth in services 574, 576t, improving quality of 540 - 545, International Telegram Service 560 - 561, research in 580 - 582, Royal Commission 1901 532 - 535, SEACOM 559 - 560, use of satellites 556 - 558 Telefunken 536 telegrams 574 telegraph business transacted with Europe and the East 1872-84 529t, 529t telegraph communications building the network 529 - 530, 529i, 535 - 536, Darwin-Java cable link 529i, early lines 529 - 530, expanded during World War two 543 - 544, first 529, introduction of Teleprinter Reperforator Switching System 552, local manufacture of telegraph carrier equipment 544 - 545, picture gram service 541 - 542, telegraph cable technology 552 - 553, V.F. system introduced 541 - 542, 544 - 545 telephone first service 529 - 530, invention of 529 - 530 Telephone & Electrical Industries (T.E.I.) 545, 559 telephone cables 549 - 551, 574 - 575, multi-channel telecommunications 558 - 559, 559 - 560, 560i, new Pacific cable 576 - 577, technology 574 telephone exchanges 531 - 533, automatic 537 - 540, country 538 - 540, equipment 538 - 539, national trunk system 535 - 536, 541 - 542, shadow exchanges 543 - 544, transportable 543 - 544 Telephone Manufacturing Company (Australia) 565 telephone network transmission performance standards 529 - 530i telephone service Australian Post Office choose new system 554 - 557, automatic mobile 571 - 575, by 1901 531, 531 - 533, charges to the U.K. between 1932 and 1986 576t, Community Telephone Plan for Australia 554, early trunk lines 535 - 536, expansion during World War two 543 - 544, expansion of trunk line facilities 543 - 545, 548d, 562 - 563, first 529 - 530, growth in 1901-85 period 573d, 574 - 575, growth in international traffic 561, high priority lines 543 - 544, improving quality of 540 - 543, in country towns post-war 546 - 548, 547i, international exchange 559 - 560, 561, international service to England 535 - 536, International Subscriber Dialling (ISD) 574 - 575, international switching capacity expanded 577, introduction of AXE system 569 - 570, multi-channel telecommunications 558 - 559, 559 - 560, new trunk switching plan 562t, 562 - 563, qualitative maintenance 565 - 566, Royal Commission 1901 532 - 535, rural 538 - 540, state of in 1959/60 561, Subscriber Trunk Dialling 556 - 557, 562 - 563, 574 - 575, underground cables 531 - 532, 532t, Viatel 572 Teleprinter Reperforated Switching System 552 Teletra design 571 television availability 562 - 564, 572 - 573, between Australia and U.K. 558, first in Australia 562 - 563, ground equipment shelter 563i, 563 - 564, relaying 574, S.B.S. 575 telex services 552 - 553, 552i, 574, 574 - 575, upgrading of international facilities 574 Telford method of road paving 348 - 349, 348d Terania Creek, N.S.W 209 tetramisole synthesis 654t, 655i Tex Innovation AB 303 textile dyes 264 - 266, dyeing of wool 294 - 295 textile manufacturing industry 266, 308, Australian contribution in improving technology 300 - 308, factories in 1939 298 - 300, Freney-Lipson process 282 - 283, numbers of manufactories in 1920 279, post-war protection for 299 - 301, textile technical training 281 - 283 textile technology, in 1788 267 - 272, Australian textiles in the twentieth century 278 - 299, Australian textiles, the early days 271 - 277, the nineteenth century 276 - 279 The Bendix Corporation 487 The Factory, Parramatta Gaol 272 The Food Journal 112 The Iliad 442 The National Measurement System 890 - 892 The Spirit of Progress (train) 461 The United Alkali Co. Ltd 639 The United Salvage Pty Ltd 521 thermal power station technology, separation firing 395d, 395 - 396, 395d, boiler fouling 395 - 396, 395d, brown coal handling and storage 396 - 398, 397d, fabric filter dust collectors 397 - 398, 398i, furnace research 395 - 396, 396i, sound attenuators for power station stacks 398 - 400, 398i thermal power stations 394 - 404, coal fired filters for 397 - 398, in Queensland 398 - 401, in W.A. 400 - 404, steam power using brown coal 394 - 398 thermal power stations, named Bayswater Power Station, N.S.W. 398, Cape Lambert Power Station, W.A. 402, Carnarvon Power Station, W.A. 402, Eraring Power Station, N.S.W. 398, 398i, 399, Hazelwood Power Station, Vic. 395 - 396, Kwinana power station, W.A. 401, Loy Yang A, Vic. boiler steel structure 321i, Morwell Power Station, Vic. 395 - 396, separation firing modification 395 - 396, Yallourn Power Station, Vic. 395, Yallourn W Power Station, Vic. 397 thermosiphon flow system 778 - 779, 782 Thistle milking machine 24 Thomas Baker and Company Laboratory 842 Thomas Nationwide Transport Ltd (T.N.T) 490, 508 Thomas, Sidney 849 Thompson Engineering & Pipe Co. Ltd 415 thrust bearing 480 - 481, 513, 522 - 523 timber industry 221 - 236, automated truss 319 - 320, early methods of extraction 222, future developments 260 - 261, post Second World War extraction methods 222 - 225, sawn timber production 228 - 229, 228g timber plantations, pine 210 - 214, biological attack 220 - 221, current outlook 212 - 214, development of 260, 260 - 261, establishment 211 - 212, in the states 210, mechanised harvesting in 223 - 224, nutritional requirements 210 - 211, South Australian 221 - 223, 227 - 228, thinning 211 - 212, tree breeding 211 - 213 timber preservation 231 - 234, Australian Standard 232 - 234 timber processing 225 - 236, mechanised harvesting equipment 222 - 225, storage of fire killed timber 219 - 220 timber production, future 260, regulation of 206 timber, use of as a structural material 316 - 320, glueing technology of 318i, 319 - 320, mechanical stress grading of 319 - 320, modern engineering research into 317 - 318, preservative impregnation of 319 - 320, structures designed during Second World War 318 - 320 Timbrol Ltd 606, 624, 625, 638, 643, 664, 666, 672 Time Referenced Scanning Beam (TRSB) 510 tin plate, supply of 79 - 80, Australian produced 83 - 84, duty on imported 79 - 80, printing of 839 - 840 Tindal, C. G. 80, 81 - 82, 112 Titan Manufacturing Company 852 - 853 Todd, Sir Charles 529, 532 - 535 Tomlinson recovery process 247 - 249 Tootal Broadhurst Lee 282 Totalisator (analogue calculator) 584 - 586, 586 trace elements 41 - 44, 604 - 606 Trans Australia Airlines (T.A.A.) 507 - 508 Trans Australia Railway 378, 448 - 449 Transfield Industries. Transavia Division 503 transport , 1788-1888 435 - 442, aviation 496 - 512, aviation transportation 829 - 830, modern shipping 513 - 523, motorised vehicles 478 - 495, railways 448 - 477 trees (botanical names) A. decurrens 236 - 237, A. mearnsii 236 - 237, A. melanoxylon 205, 214, A. pycnantha 236 - 237, Acacia aneura 203, Agathis robusta 205, 227, 239 - 240, Araucaria bidwillii 205, 225, 239 - 240, Araucaria cunninghamii 205, 209, 214 - 217, 220 - 221, 225, 227, 239 - 240, Athrotaxis selaginoides 205, Callitris spp 204i, 205, 225, Cardwellia sublimis 203 - 204, 239 - 240, Castanospermum australe 203 - 204, 239 - 240, Ceratopetalum apetalum 239 - 240, Dacrydium franklinii 203 - 204, 227, Duboisia 237 - 238, 626 - 627, E. astrigens 214, 236 - 237, E. camaldulensis 205, 214, 225, 237 - 238, E. citriodora 236 - 237, E. delegatensis 205, 208, 225, 237 - 238, E. diversicolor 205, 208, 214, 225, 245 - 247, E. dives 236, E. globulus 203 - 204, 214, E. grandis 203 - 204, 214, E. leucoxylon 205, E. macarthurii 236 - 237, E. macrorhyncha 237 - 238, E. maculata 203 - 204, 225, 237 - 238, E. marginata 203 - 204, 205, 220 - 221, 225, 237 - 238, 239 - 240, E. microcorys 203 - 204, E. muellerana 203 - 204, E. nitens 214, 214 - 215, E. obliqua 203 - 204, 205, 214 - 215, 225, 239 - 240, E. paniculata 316 - 317, E. pilularis 203 - 204, 214, 214 - 215, 225, E. polybractea 236, E. radiata 236, E. redunca 236 - 237, E. regnans 205i, 205, 208, 214 - 215, 225, 236, 239 - 240, 246 - 247, 497 - 498, E. saligna 203 - 204, 214 - 215, E. sideroxylon 205, E. sieberi 203 - 204, E. tereticornis 214, E. youmanii 237 - 238, Endiandra palmerstonii 239 - 240, Eucalyptus agglomerata 203 - 204, F. brayleyana 203 - 204, 209, 239 - 240, F. pimenteliana 203 - 204, 208 - 209, Flindersia bourjotiana 203 - 204, 239 - 240, Gmelina leichhardtii 203 - 204, Nothofagus cunninghamii 205, 239 - 240, P insignis 210, P pinaster 210, 211 - 213, P. elliottii var. elliottii 210, 211 - 212, P. radiata 210, 210, 211 - 212, 239 - 240, 242, 250 - 251, 254 - 255, P. taeda 210, Phyllocladus aspleniifolius 205, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis 210, 211 - 212, 212i, Santalum spicatum 203 - 204, Schizomeria ovata 239 - 240, Syncarpia glomulifera 203 - 204, 225, Toona Australis 203 - 204, 208 - 209, 220 - 221, 239 - 240, Tristania conferta 203 - 204, casuarinas 237 - 238, melaleucas 237 - 238 trees (common names) alpine ash 205, 208, 225, 237 - 238, black bean 203 - 204, 239 - 240, black wattle 236 - 237, Blackbutt 203 - 204, 214, 214 - 215, 220 - 221, blackwood 205, 214, blue-leaved mallee 236, broad leaved peppermint 236, brown mallet 214, 236 - 237, brush box 203 - 204, bunya pine 205, 225, 239 - 240, Camden woollybutt 236 - 237, celery top pine 205, coachwood 239 - 240, corkwood 237 - 238, 626 - 627, cypress pine 204i, 205, 225, early black wattle 236 - 237, flooded gum 203 - 204, 214, forest red gum 214, golden wattle 236 - 237, green wattle 236 - 237, grey ironbark 316 - 317, Honduran Caribbean pine 210, 211 - 212, 212i, hoop pine 205, 209 - 210, 214 - 217, 220 - 221, 225, 227, 239 - 240, Huon pine 203 - 204, 227, ironbarks 237 - 238, Jarrah 203 - 204, 205, 220 - 221, 225, 237 - 238, 239 - 240, Karri 205, 208, 214 - 215, 225, 245 - 247, kauri 205, 227, King William pine 205, lemon-scented gum 236 - 237, loblolly pine 210, maple silkwood 203 - 204, 209, maritime pine 210, 211 - 213, messmate stringybark 203 - 204, 205, 214 - 215, 225, mountain ash 205i, 205, 208, 214 - 215, 225, 236, 239 - 240, 246 - 247, 497 - 498, mulga 203, myrtle beech 205, 239 - 240, narrow leaved peppermint 236, northern silky oak 203 - 204, 239 - 240, Queensland maple 203 - 204, 209, 239 - 240, Queensland silver ash 203 - 204, 239 - 240, Queensland walnut 239 - 240, radiata pine 210, 210, 211 - 212, 239 - 240, 242, 250 - 251, 254 - 255, red cedar 203 - 204, 208 - 209, 220 - 221, 239 - 240, red ironbark 205, red stringybark 237 - 238, remarkable pine 210, river red gum 205, 214, 225, 237 - 238, shining gum 214, 214 - 215, silvertop ash 203 - 204, slash pine 210, 211 - 212, spotted gum 203 - 204, 225, 237 - 238, stringybarks 203 - 204, swamp gum 205, Sydney blue gum 203 - 204, 214 - 215, tallowwood 203 - 204, Tasmanian 'oak' 239 - 240, Tasmanian blue gum 203 - 204, 214, turpentine (tree) 203 - 204, 225, wandoo 236 - 237, Western Australian sandalwood 203 - 204, white beech 203 - 204, white birch 239 - 240, white top gum 205, yellow gum 205, Youman's stringybark 237 - 238 trees, distribution of species 203 - 205 Trials and Proving ground, Monegeetta Vic. 945 trickle irrigation 160 - 161, 164 - 166, 184 - 185, 884 - 885 Trifolium subterraneum 42 - 43 Trikojus, Prof. V. M. 624 - 625 tripolyphosphate process 645 - 646 tropical forages, Australian research on 47 trucks 487 - 493, interstate road transport legislation 489 - 491, manufacturing 491 - 493 trunk carrier cables: gas pressure alarm 566 - 568 Tsiolkowsky, Konstantin Eduardovich 497 Tswett, M. S. 648 Tubal Cain 832 Tube Investment Company of England 854 Tugan Aircraft Company, Mascot 498, 500 Tumut 1-3 power stations 373, 373i, 422i Tuna platform, Bass Strait 419 tungsten carbide manufacture 859 - 860 Turner, A. W. 43 two-airline policy 508 TYMNET 577
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