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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
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Search Help Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bright Sparcs Index Australian Science at Work Index Abbreviations d - diagram g - graph i - illustration m - map t - table N.S.W. - New South Wales N.T. - Northern Territory Qld - Queensland S.A. - South Australia S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area Tas. - Tasmania Vic. - Victoria W.A. - Western Australia Contact us ![]() |
Index I I. G. Farben 638 - 639, 639 - 640, 647, 664 - 665, 671 I. M. Pei (U.S.A.) 386 I.C.I. (U.K.) xx, xx, 499, 604, 607 - 608, 634, 634 - 635, 638 - 639, 639 - 640, 640, 643, 645, 646, 650, 650 - 651, 652, 655 - 656, 672, inventions 640, 684 - 685 I.C.I. (U.K.) Dyestuffs Division 652 I.C.I. (U.K.) Nobel Division 612, 613, 614 I.C.I. (U.K.) Paints Division 683 - 684, 688 I.C.I. Australia Ltd xx, 604, 606, 610 - 615, 619, 624, 625 - 626, 631, 634 - 637, 639 - 643, 650 - 651, 652, 655 - 656, 658, 664, 671 - 672, 681, 684, 694, 695, RP39G 776 - 777, technical service laboratories 662 - 663 I.C.I. Australia Ltd. Central Research Laboratories 646 - 650, 652 - 653, 654, 654 - 655, 671 - 672 Ibalia (wasp) 221 Ikara (anti-submarine weapon) 502, 503, 921 - 922, 921i, 931, 934, 947, 956 - 957 Index to N.S.W. Letters of Registrations of Inventions 607 - 608 Indian Pacific 473i industrial and agricultural fabrics 870 - 871 industrial chemical research laboratories 645 - 662, Australian entrepreneurs 658 - 662, instrument inventions 648 - 650, modus operandi 647, nylon 651 - 654, plant protection 650 - 652, technical service research and development 657 - 658, veterinary drugs 654 - 656 industrial gas turbines in ships 516 - 517 industrial paint manufacture 685 - 695, 'Compolex' 690, Dusol 690, Spindrift beads 690, Vapocure 691 - 692, alkyds 685 - 688, coating for concrete roof tiles 691 - 692, epoxy based resins 688 - 689, metallic zinc-alkali silicate paints 689 - 690, nitrocellulose lacquers 688 - 689, nitrocellulose-based lacquers 685 - 687, pigments 692 - 695, polyesters 689 - 690, polyurethanes 688 - 690, roller coating 691 - 694, thermo-setting acrylic enamels 688 - 689, thermoplastic acrylic lacquers 687 - 689, urea formaldehyde resins 687 - 688, water-based house paints 689 - 690 industrial process heat 821 - 825, boilers 821 - 823, evaporators 823, innovation index 823 - 825, juice heating 823, pan boiling 823, swirl burner 822 - 823 industrial research laboratories 612, 614, 615 industries with defence potential, setting up 906 - 907 Industry Assistance Commission 632 Industry Councils 893 Information Electronics, Canberra 595 INMARSAT (International Maritime Satellite Organisation) 578 - 579, 583 Institute of Brewing, London 104 Institute of Science and Industry 206, 246 Institution of Engineers, Australia 379, 401, 413, 746 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London xvi Institution of Surveyors, Australia 746 instrument inventions 648 - 650 Insulated Bundled Aerial Cables 804 insulin production 627i, 627 - 628 Integrated Digital Network (IDN) 569 - 570, 571 - 572 INTELNET 559 INTELSAT 558, 574, 576, 582, 583 intensive production, agricultural 38 - 40 Inter State Conference on Artesian Waters 152 inter state tour and express services 494 Intercolonial Exhibition of Australia 1866-7 602 Interim Communications Satellite Committee (I.C.S.C.) 558 International Atomic Energy Agency (I.A.E.A.) 795 International Catamarans Pty Ltd 520i, 520 International Centre for the Improvement of Wheat and Maize, Mexico 62 International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O.) 390, 392, 510 International Combustion of Australia (I.C.A.L.) 395, 804 International Computers and Tabulators (I.C.T) 593 International Computers Ltd (l.C.L.) 593 International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges Ltd (I.D.P) 63 International Federation for Information Processing (I.F.I.P) 597 International Harvester Company 491, 491, 945 International Solar Energy Conference (1970) 778 International Solar Energy Society (I.S.E.S.) 786, 790 International Standards Organization 781 International Subscriber Dialling (I.S.D.) 574, 574 - 575 International Telegram Services 560 - 561 International Telephone and Telegraph Co. (I.T.T) 540 - 541 International Wool Secretariat (I.W.S.) 296 introduced pests and diseases 46 ionospheric research 550 - 551, 942, 954 iron and steel birth of industry 848 - 858, early imports 830 - 831, Lithgow Works 848 - 849, 849 - 851, 852 - 853, Newcastle 850 - 852, 853 - 854, production at Newcastle 860 - 862, production at Port Kembla 857 - 861, statistics 859, technology 721 - 724 iron construction 321 iron making 721 - 722, 723, early iron production 832 - 833, 848 - 849, Port Kembla, N.S.W. 722 - 723, sinter plant (Newcastle) 721 - 722, 723 iron ore 407 - 408, 408i, 701, exports xiv, 717, Mittagong 717, prices 718, S.A. 717, W.A. 717 - 718, Whyalla, S.A. 722 iron ore mining communications 719, computer applications 721 - 722, conveyor belting 719 - 720, haul trucks 719 - 720, limonite pellets 718, on stream analysis 719 - 720, open cut mining 717i, 718, 718i, pit equipment 719 - 720, prospective areas 718, railway operations 719 - 721, technology in 717 - 722, Xray fluorescenspectometry 719 - 720 irrigation design rules for drainage 160 - 161, development 154 - 166, distribution channels 156 - 157, from the Snowy Mts Scheme 423, Humphrey pumps 158 - 160, increased efficiency of water use in 200 - 201, introduction of 18 - 20, 39 - 42, pumping stations at Mildura 158 - 160, techniques 158 - 161, 164 - 166, trickle 160 - 161, 164 - 166, 184 - 185, 884 - 885 ITERRA 573
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