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Technology in Australia 1788-1988Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
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Bright Sparcs Index
Australian Science at Work Index

d - diagram
g - graph
i - illustration
m - map
t - table

N.S.W. - New South Wales
N.T. - Northern Territory
Qld - Queensland
S.A. - South Australia
S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area
Tas. - Tasmania
Vic. - Victoria
W.A. - Western Australia

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This page (help.html) contains information on how to navigate the online edition:

NOTE: The colours we have chosen for Web links are: link (brown), active link (blue), visited link (green).

Navigation Bar and Navigation Arrows

Every page (except the cover) in this online resource has a navigation bar and navigation arrows. The navigation bar is on the left of the page. The navigation arrows for 'previous page' and 'next page' are at the bottom of the page and also in the upper left of the page, above the navigation bar.

=> Access the different sections through the navigation bar.

=> Page through the online resource by clicking on the navigation arrows.

  • There is a standard navigation bar common to the preliminary pages, such as the table of contents, foreword, contributors and so on.
  • There is a standard navigation bar common to the index, search and help pages, containing links to the indexes, search, help and table of contents.
  • The navigation bar changes within each chapter to reflect the contents of the chapter, but always has a link to the table of contents and the chapter content page.

Page Numbers

The online version has different page numbers to the print edition. The page number is in the upper left of the page. The preliminary pages use roman numerals. Page 1 is the Chapter 1 content page.

=> Page through the online resource by clicking on the navigation arrows.

Table of Contents

=> Access the chapters through the table of contents by clicking on the page number to the left of the chapter title.

Each chapter has a chapter content page listing the sections and subsections of the chapter. The sections are in bold text. The subsections are bulleted. Sub-subsections are not listed.

=> Access the sections and subsections through the chapter content page by clicking on the page number to the left of the text.

NOTE: The navigation bar changes to reflect the contents of the chapter, indicating the section and subsection structure by upper and lower case roman numerals. The section or subsection title changes to red to indicate your location within the text.

Chapter Structure and Heading Gradings

Each chapter has a chapter content page listing the chapter title, sections and subsections of the chapter. Sub-subsections are not listed. Chapters can have up to three subheadings (sections, subsections and sub-subsections):
  • Chapter Head - title case, large font
  • A Head (section) - upper case, smaller font, brown
  • B Head (subsection) - sentence case, smallest font
  • C Head (sub-subsection) - sentence case, smallest font, italic
The chapter head appears on the chapter content page and first page of the chapter. If a section spans two pages the heading is repeated at the top of the page with the word (continued) after it.

NOTE: The navigation bar changes to reflect the contents of the chapter, indicating the section and subsection structure by upper and lower case roman numerals. The section or subsection title changes to red to indicate your location within the text.


References are listed in a separate page for each chapter. References are indicated in the text by a running number encased in square brackets in a smaller font.

=> Click on a reference number in the text to jump to the section of the chapter reference page for that reference.
=> Click on [Return to text] at the end of a reference to return to the page you were in.

You can also jump to the top of the chapter reference page by clicking on References in the navigation bar.


All images in Technology in Australia 1788-1988 are copyright the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. If you use images elsewhere please acknowledge the source of the image as:

Source: Technology in Australia 1788-1988, 2000 Online Edition, p. 30, figure 2.

Bright Sparcs and Australian Science at Work Links

At the bottom of chapter pages there are links to people or organisations mentioned in the text who have entries in Bright Sparcs and Australian Science at Work.

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© Online Edition 2000
Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher