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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
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Search Help Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bright Sparcs Index Australian Science at Work Index Abbreviations d - diagram g - graph i - illustration m - map t - table N.S.W. - New South Wales N.T. - Northern Territory Qld - Queensland S.A. - South Australia S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area Tas. - Tasmania Vic. - Victoria W.A. - Western Australia Contact us ![]() |
Index L L. M. Ericsson 545 - 546, 556, 560, 561, 576, AKE system 577, AXE system 569 - 570, computer controlled network monitoring 577, crossbar 545 - 546, 552 - 503, 554, telex exchanges 574, trunk exchanges 569 La Technologie Sanitaire 151 - 152 La Trobe, Superintendent Charles Joseph 315 Lachlan Swamps, Sydney 150 - 151, 314 - 315 LADS 953 Lady Southern Cross (aeroplane) 505 Lancet Analytical Sanitary Commission 79, 112 land assessment methods, agricultural potential of 34 - 39 land transport 1788-1888 442 - 447, buckboard and buggy 444 - 445, bullock and horse drays 443 - 445, camels 446i, coaching services 444 - 445, 445 - 446, Concord coach 444 - 446, convict gangs 442 - 443, donkeys 446, gigs and phaetons 444 - 445, imported coaches 444 - 445 Lane Poole, C. E. 206, 207, 246 Lang, J. T 426 Langley, Samuel 497 laser cutting machines 890 - 892 lasers 928, 942, 953, 956 - 957 Latrobe Valley, Vic. 394 - 398 Launceston Municipal Council 809 Lawes, John Bennett 603 Lawrence-Kennedy milking machine 24 Lawrenson Diecastings Pty Ltd 880 Lay, M. G. 346 - 349, 435 Le Chatelier, H. L. 854 lead extraction, Lindesay Clark's papers on xv lead refining, continuous 714 - 715, 744 lead-zinc-silver 711 - 717, Australia among world's top three producers of 701, Broken Hill technology 711 - 715, concentration practices 712 - 713, froth flotation process 711 - 713, Glen Osmond, S.A. 700, McArthur River, NT. 716, Mt. Isa technology 715 - 716, Port Pirie technology 714 - 715, Risdon technology 715 LeBlanc process 602 LeClair, William F. 612 Lees, John 268 legislation on food 112, 132 - 133 legume grasses, as a rehabilitator 56 - 57 leguminous plants, introduced 47 - 49 Leighton, A. E. 611, 901, 905, 908 Levy, Sir Bruce 58 Lewis, Essington 499, 852, 862, 906, 908 Lewis, R. 837 Liebig, Justus von 85, 105, 112, 603 light organic solvents (LOSP) (timber preservative) 232 - 233 Lilienthal, Otto 497 limnological research 190 - 196 Linde's liquifaction and fractional distillation of air 618 - 619 Linklater, P. M. 122, 130, 138 Lipson, Dr M. 282 - 283, 284, 285 liquid air distillation 854 - 855 liquid natural gas (LNG) 430, 430 - 431 Lister Institute, London 627 Lister, J. 619 Lister, S. C. 277 Lithgow Works 849, 849 - 851, 852 - 853, 858 Lithofracteur 609 livestock first imports 5 - 7, investment in 17, management system, GRAZPLAN 65 - 66, pathological conditions 42 - 44, problems of 26 - 28, water supply 17 LKG milking machine 24 Lloyd Hartnett 486 Lloyds 854 Locotrol system (railways) 382 logging 205 - 206, 222 - 225, 260 - 261, 374 Long Bay, Tasmania 442 Long Range Weapons Establishment (L.R.W.E.) 898, 911, 918 - 919 Long Range Weapons Establishment Electronic Digital Automatic Computer (LEDAC) 920 Longerenong Agricultural College, Vic. 21 Low Powered Aeroplane Competition (1924) 498 Low Temperature Research Station, Cambridge 92, 115, 116 Lowrie, W. R. 56, 56, 603, 603 Loy Yang open cut, Vic. 807i Lucas 834 Lucas Industries Australia Ltd 885 Lysaght Bros. & Co. Pty Ltd 849 - 850, 870 Lysaght's Springhill Works 859 - 860, 863 Lysaght's Westernport Works 865i, 865 Lysaght's Works Pty Ltd 853 - 854i, 860 - 861, 862 - 863
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