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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
Table of Contents
Chapter 6 I Construction During The Settlement Years II The Use Of Timber As A Structural Material III Structural Steel IV Concrete Technology V Housing VI Industrialised Pre-cast Concrete Housing VII Ports And Harbours i Containerisation ii Mineral Ports iii Oil and Gas Ports iv Other Bulk Cargoes v Dredging VIII Roads IX Heavy Foundations X Bridges XI Sewerage XII Water Engineering XIII Railways XIV Major Buildings XV Airports XVI Thermal Power Stations XVII Materials Handling XVIII Oil Industry XIX The Snowy Mountains Scheme XX The Sydney Opera House XXI The Sydney Harbour Bridge XXII Hamersley Iron XXIII North West Shelf Sources and References Index Search Help Contact us ![]() |
ContainerisationThe maximum exchange of a general cargo ship pre-containerisation at a capital city port was approximately 7,000 tonnes, whereas with present container ships it can be as high as 20,000 tonnes. It is mainly for this reason that land areas in the order of 14-15 ha per berth are now needed for container terminals, whereas previously a general cargo berth would have had a maximum of 4-5 ha.A typical example of modern world-class container facilities is shown in Fig. 17 of Port Botany and these can be compared with Fig. 18 showing shipping facilities existing at Darling Harbour, Sydney, until the early 1960s. Port Botany container berths meet the unique requirements of the container trades, in that each terminal has approximately 1,000 metres of wharfage, capable of accommodating at least three present day container ships, three 35 tonne wharf cranes, 15.25 metres of water at the face of the berths, 42 ha of 'backup' land, paved to meet the 100 tonne axle loadings imposed by mobile container handling equipment, and major road and rail links. Fig. 17 also shows the 2 km armoured revetment wall constructed to protect the reclamation and create a still water port in the area of Botany Bay originally most exposed to wave attack. The design of this port to ensure that container ships can be loaded and unloaded regardless of offshore wave heights of 10 metres would not have been practical without current mathematical and physical modelling techniques. ![]() ![]() Specialised container terminals have been provided at Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Fremantle, Brisbane, Darwin and Geelong. In addition, container cranes are also available at Townsville, Newcastle and Burnie.
People in Bright Sparcs - Wallace, J. M.
© 1988 Print Edition pages 339 - 340, Online Edition 2000 Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher |