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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
Table of Contents
Chapter 6 I Construction During The Settlement Years II The Use Of Timber As A Structural Material III Structural Steel IV Concrete Technology V Housing VI Industrialised Pre-cast Concrete Housing VII Ports And Harbours VIII Roads IX Heavy Foundations i Hawkesbury Railway Bridge ii Impact of Floods iii Hydraulic Jetting iv Development Between First and Second World Wars v Foundations Post-Second World War vi Victorian Arts Centre vii Bowen Bridge X Bridges XI Sewerage XII Water Engineering XIII Railways XIV Major Buildings XV Airports XVI Thermal Power Stations XVII Materials Handling XVIII Oil Industry XIX The Snowy Mountains Scheme XX The Sydney Opera House XXI The Sydney Harbour Bridge XXII Hamersley Iron XXIII North West Shelf Sources and References Index Search Help Contact us ![]() |
Heavy Foundations The early settlers brought with them experience and techniques of heavy foundation construction which had stood the test of time in many countries. A number of these techniques had remained unchanged in principle since the days of the Roman Empire (though of course the change in motive force from muscle to machine was well in progress). Thus large footings were constructed in strutted and timbered excavations; available timber was used for piling; bridge foundations were constructed within earth and timber cofferdams. For many years engineers and builders were obliged to rely on the use of available natural resources, or to accept the delays and costs of imported materials. Fortunately many of the Australian hardwoods have good strength and durability and are eminently suitable for piling and other engineering use; thus a large number of early bridges and wharves were founded on timber piles. In the early development of the Melbourne docks, for example, the Harbour Trust's engineer, J. Brady, proposed the substitution of timber piles for the masonry and concrete foundations recommended by the eminent British engineer Sir John Coode. Brady's proposals were finally accepted, with a resulting cost saving of some £340,000. Many of today's Australian engineers would sympathize with Brady's search for economical alternatives and his readiness to question the conclusions of overseas experts. After the exciting years of the gold rushes in the middle of the nineteenth century, a period of major development occurred, with heavy expenditure on public works. Expansion of the railways along the Eastern seaboard required major bridges over the numerous wide and flood-prone rivers. Many required large cylinder and caisson foundations, a number of them involving work of daunting magnitude.
People in Bright Sparcs - Brady, J.; Coode, Sir John; Sewell, A. P.
© 1988 Print Edition pages 349 - 350, Online Edition 2000 Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher |