- Samuels, L.E.
- 13-20
- Sanders, C.
- 7-28
- Schoenfeld, R.
- 13-20
- Science and Industry Forum
- 9-9 9-11 9-12
- Scott, E.
- 13-20
- Scott, T.R.
- 13-20
- Secondary Industries Testing and Research
- 5-6
- Seitz, F.
- 13-26
- Shiels, D.O.
- 13-20
- Shirrefs, H.K.
- 4-12 4-19
- Siemon, S.R. Prof.
- 13-20
- Slatyer, R.O. Prof.
- 13-20
- Smart, D.
- 16-23
- South Australian Board of Advanced Education
- 12-57
- Spooner, C.R. Prof.
- 12-58
- Sprigg, R.C.
- 13-20
- Stewart, E.D.J.
- 13-20
- Stewart, I.McC.
- 13-20
- Street, R. Prof.
- 13-20
- Sullivan, J.V.
- 13-20
- Sutherland Medal
- 10-9 10-10
- Sutherland, K.L.
- 12-61 16-16 16-17 16-20
- Sweeney Report
- 13-6
- Swinburne College of Technology
- 12-63 13-13
- Swinburne Institute of Technology
- 13-19 13-20
- Syme Medal
- 1-19