- Nagakura, S.
- 11-18
- Nagasaki, H.
- 11-28
- Nagata, C.
- 11-16
- Napoli, D.
- 3-24
- National Energy Advisory Committee
- 3-38 3-40
- National Library of Australia (NLA)
- 4-47 4-48 4-53 4-54 12-26
- National Science Foundation
- 4-10 4-11
- National Science Trust of Australia
- 4-8
- National Trust of Australia
- 4-27
- Neece, G.A.
- 11-47
- Needham, Joseph
- 12-17 12-37
- Nelson, J.
- 1-28
- Neugebauer, C.A.
- 11-45
- New minds for the New World
- 4-5
- New South Wales Council of Science and Technology
- 12-29 12-30
- Newbrun, E.
- 9-5
- Newcastle, University of
- 12-29
- Newkirk, H.W.
- 10-52
- Newnham, I.E.
- 1-5 1-29 3-7 3-38
- Newspaper Clippings
- 1-15 4-14 4-16 4-48 4-49 5-35 6-11 6-13 6-16 9-1 9-6 10-68 11-55
- Nicholas, J.F.
- 3-1 11-43
- Nicholson, A.J.C.
- 3-2
- Nicol, J.L.
- 3-9
- Nicol, M.J.
- 12-34
- Niehrs, H.
- 11-33
- Nobel Prize for Chemistry
- 12-2
- Nobes, B.
- 6-23
- Noble, N.S.
- 1-30 3-1 3-2 3-3
- Nomenclature, Symbols, Units, and Terminology and their Usage
- 12-20
- Norcliffe, A.
- 11-46
- North, J.
- 3-23
- North, P.
- 11-55
- Nossal, G.V.S.
- 4-39 4-59 4-60 4-63 4-71 5-8 5-43 5-48 5-49 12-22
- Noyes, R.M.
- 11-17
- Nuclear Quadrupolar Resonance
- 3-5
- Nuclear Quadrupolar Resonance, Research Group
- 3-5
- Nyholm, R.S. (Photograph)
- 1-5