- Daffey, B.M.
- 8-33
- Dainton, F.S.
- 7-9
- Dale, E.C.
- 1-28 3-26 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-12 8-21 8-22 8-23 8-24 8-31 8-32 8-33 12-38
- Dallinga, G.
- 11-9
- Dalrymple, B.
- 6-16
- Danach, C.C.
- 9-6
- Dance, J.
- 1-3 1-13 3-5 4-28 4-33 4-35 4-36 6-61 8-8 8-12
- Dart, G.F.J.
- 5-21
- Davenport, J.B.
- 4-42 10-70
- David, D.J.
- 3-1 3-2 3-3 7-17 7-22 7-24
- Davidson, B.
- 12-32
- Davidson, R.J.
- 3-13 12-28
- Davie, R.S.
- 1-24 1-28 8-29
- Davies, E.
- 2-20
- Davies, M.
- 1-14 1-19 1-21 1-23 1-25 1-27 1-28 12-17 12-36 12-37 12-38
- Davies, R.
- 7-25 12-18
- Davies-Graham, L.R.
- 7-25
- Davis, E.B.
- 6-23
- Davis, E.H.
- 3-6 3-9
- Dawkins, J.S.
- 8-18
- Dawson, B.
- 1-29 10-52
- Day, M.F.
- 10-54
- de Boer, J.H.
- 1-21 1-27 12-21
- de Bruin, H.J.
- 1-24 1-27 3-19 10-52 11-45
- de Groot, S.R.
- 11-15
- de Jager, C.
- 4-68
- de la Mare, P.B.D.
- 12-34
- de Maine, P.A.D.
- 11-17 11-18
- de Vahl Davis, G.
- 4-68
- Debye Temperatures
- 11-47
- Deeble, J.
- 3-2 3-6 4-14 4-45 4-57 4-59 4-60 4-62 4-63 4-64 4-68 4-69 4-71 7-9 11-57 12-4
- Deegan, J.L.
- 10-52
- Deeley, C.M.
- 8-6 8-7
- Defence Industry and Material Policy Division
- 6-22 6-56
- Defence Industry and Material Policy Division, Brief for ERC
- 6-47
- Defence Procurement
- 6-56
- Defence Research
- 6-3 6-14 6-24 6-37 6-41 6-42 6-43 6-58 6-60
- Defence Research Centre Laboratories, Salisbury (See also AEL, ERL, TRL and WSRL listings)
- 6-24
- Defence Research Groups
- 6-37
- Defence Research, Australian Defence Equipment Industry
- 6-16
- Defence Science and Technology Management Advisory Committee (DESTMAC)
- 6-21
- Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO)
- 6-8
- Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Budget
- 6-40
- Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), DSTO Central
- 6-37 6-38 6-39 6-40 6-44
- Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Scientific Advice to Other Areas of Defence
- 6-37
- Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Staff
- 6-7
- Defence Support
- 6-16
- Defence, Department of
- 6-1 6-3 6-11 6-16 6-33 6-43 6-56 6-57
- Defence, Department of, Functional Directory
- 6-33
- Degree Conferring Ceremonies
- 8-7 8-13
- Deitch, R.
- 9-6
- Dekker, M.
- 4-42
- Denne, W.A.
- 1-29 3-27
- Derbyshire, C.
- 9-5
- Desborough, L.O.
- 3-3
- Dettrick, G.W.
- 8-16
- Deulofeu, V.
- 12-20
- Dewitt, B.S.
- 11-46
- DeWitt, R.
- 11-51
- Dewsnap, N.
- 3-1
- Diagrams
- 2-13 2-14 2-16 10-1 10-20 10-25 10-30 10-37 10-61 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 11-14 11-19 11-21 11-24 11-27 11-28 11-34 11-36 11-38 11-39 11-40 11-41 11-43 11-47 11-48 11-50 11-51
- Dicker, G.E.
- 1-28 3-22 5-8 12-33 12-34 12-35
- Dickie, V.O.
- 7-24
- Diesendorf, M.
- 9-6
- Differential Analyser
- 10-31
- Dillon, J.F.
- 12-29 12-30
- Dimmock, E.N.
- 4-41 10-25
- disessa, A.
- 11-56
- Distinguished Scientists Visiting Australia
- 5-1
- Distinguished Scientists Visiting Australia, During 1964
- 5-1
- Dixmier, J.
- 11-44
- Doble, L.
- 8-12 8-31 8-33
- Dobson, W.T.
- 8-20
- Doctoral Degrees
- 8-2 8-3
- Dodd, D.
- 7-23
- Dodson, R.W.
- 3-1
- Donnan, F.G.
- 1-9
- Donnay, G.
- 10-1
- Doolan, K.R.
- 3-20
- Doomsday, Another Whiff of
- 5-35
- Dorman, F.H.
- 3-2
- Doubleday, B.C.L.
- 1-27
- Dow, K.L.
- 3-26
- Dowell, W.C.T.
- 11-28 12-16
- Downing, R.I.
- 5-43
- Doyle, P.H.
- 6-23
- Dreyer, L.
- 3-13
- Droguett, S.C.
- 11-48
- DSTO External Review Committee (ERC)
- 6-6 6-9 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-17 6-18 6-24 6-28 6-29 6-41 6-42 6-43 6-44 6-45 6-46 6-47 6-48 6-49 6-50 6-51 6-52 6-53 6-54 6-55 6-56 6-57 6-59 6-60 6-62
- DSTO External Review Committee (ERC), Committee files
- 6-13
- DSTO External Review Committee (ERC), Meetings
- 6-17 6-18
- DSTO Review
- 6-2 6-19 6-52
- DSTO Review, Review Briefing Notes
- 6-2
- Dual-Valency Coordination Compounds
- 11-38
- Duane, W.
- 11-46
- Dubois, J.E
- 12-20
- Duckmanton, T.S.
- 5-8 5-45 5-48
- Duncan, J.F.
- 1-16 3-2 3-6
- Dunham, K.
- 1-18
- Dunn, D.D.
- 4-43
- Dunn, G.R.
- 9-1
- Dunn, P.
- 6-48
- Dunstan, W.J.
- 7-16
- Duruz, J.J.
- 11-48
- Dushman, S.
- 4-40
- Dyason, D.
- 5-21
- Dybkaer, R.
- 12-21