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Table of Contents
Memories of the Bureau, 1946 to 1962 Foreword Terminology Prologue Preface Chapter 1: The Warren Years, 1946 to 1950 Chapter 2: International Meteorology Chapter 3: The Timcke Years, 1950 to 1955 Chapter 4: A Year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chapter 5: The Dwyer Years, 1955 to 1962 Leonard Joseph DwyerA Complex Character Reorganising the Bureau Public Weather Services Forecasts for the General Public Importance of Radio Stations The Advent of Television Automatic Telephone Forecast Service Beacons Wording and Verification of Forecasts Warnings Services for Aviation Atomic Weapons Tests Atomic Weapons TestsMosaic G1 and G2 Atomic Weapons TestsBuffalo 1, 2, 3 and 4 Atomic Weapons TestsOperations Antler, 2 and 3 Atomic Weapons TestsMinor Trials Instruments and Observations Radiosondes Radar/Radio Winds and Radar Weather Watch Automatic Weather Stations Sferics Meteorological Satellites Telecommunications Tropical Cyclones Bureau Conference on Tropical Cyclones International Symposium on Tropical Cyclones, Brisbane Hydrometeorology Design of Water Storages, Etc Flood Forecasting Cloud Seeding Reduction of Evaporation Rain Seminar Cloud Physics Fire Weather Research and Special Investigations International Activities The International Geophysical Year The Antarctic and Southern Ocean International Symposium on Antarctic Meteorology International Antarctic Analysis Centre ADP, EDP and Computers Training Publications Management Conference Services Conference CSIRO and the Universities Achievements of the Dwyer Years Chapter 6: A Springboard for the Future Appendix 1: References Appendix 2: Reports, Papers, Manuscripts Appendix 3: Milestones Appendix 4: Acknowledgements Appendix 5: Summary by H. N. Warren of the Operation of the Meteorological Section of Allied Air Headquarters, Brisbane, 194245 Endnotes Index Search Help Contact us ![]() |
Rain Seminar (continued)Chairmen of the twelve sessions were Eric Kraus (SMHEAtwice), J. E. Moyal (ANU, Canberra) and Uwe Radok (University of Melbourne), and from the Bureau, Harry Ashton, Bill Brann, Len Dwyer (twice), Bill Gibbs, Col Hounam and Neil McRae (twice).This is not the appropriate place to make a detailed examination of the papers presented and the discussions which followed. Generally the Bureau's papers discussed the problems of forecasting rainfall, examining particular synoptic situations, study of rainfall statistics and methods of measuring rainfall. Papers from the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics discussed cloud and rain physics and rain-making. The session dealing with artificial stimulation of rainfall contained two papers by E. J. Smith and one by E. E. Adderley and only brief abstracts are included in the report. The report of the discussion at the end of the session is brief and somewhat vague. The session on temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall chaired by Col Hounam saw an interesting mixture of papers by meteorologists and engineers and contained a paper by D. N. Body of the Hydrometeorological Section of the Bureau dealing with the prediction of stream-flow from rainfall. Neil McRae chaired the session on numerical and statistical methods of rainfall forecasting which included papers by Kraus, Jenssen and Radok and five Bureau authors. Of particular interest was the paper by Jenssen and Radok which discussed a NWP made with the use of the primitive Utecom and CSIRAC computers to predict the 500 mb chart and deduce vertical motion from the prediction. It contained reference to a M.Sc. thesis by Jenssen on numerical prediction using the barotropic model which earned him that degree in 1959. This must have been one of the first theses in Australia on that subject. The seminar concluded with a review by a panel consisting of W. J. Gibbs, C. J. Wiesner, P. Squires, E. B. Kraus, U. Radok, and J. N. McRae with proceedings chaired by Len Dwyer. I identified problems in measuring rainfall, statistically analysing the data, meeting requirements for data and consultative advice, forecasting and warning of heavy rainfall and flooding, and the need for research in various hydrometeorological fields.
People in Bright Sparcs - Ashton, Henry Tamblyn (Harry); Brann, Harold Walter Allen Neale (Bill); Dwyer, Leonard Joseph; McRae, John Neil; Squires, Patrick
© Online Edition Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and Bureau of Meteorology 2001 Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher |