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Table of Contents
Memories of the Bureau, 1946 to 1962 Foreword Terminology Prologue Preface Chapter 1: The Warren Years, 1946 to 1950 Chapter 2: International Meteorology Chapter 3: The Timcke Years, 1950 to 1955 Chapter 4: A Year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chapter 5: The Dwyer Years, 1955 to 1962 Leonard Joseph DwyerA Complex Character Reorganising the Bureau Public Weather Services Forecasts for the General Public Importance of Radio Stations The Advent of Television Automatic Telephone Forecast Service Beacons Wording and Verification of Forecasts Warnings Services for Aviation Atomic Weapons Tests Atomic Weapons TestsMosaic G1 and G2 Atomic Weapons TestsBuffalo 1, 2, 3 and 4 Atomic Weapons TestsOperations Antler, 2 and 3 Atomic Weapons TestsMinor Trials Instruments and Observations Radiosondes Radar/Radio Winds and Radar Weather Watch Automatic Weather Stations Sferics Meteorological Satellites Telecommunications Tropical Cyclones Bureau Conference on Tropical Cyclones International Symposium on Tropical Cyclones, Brisbane Hydrometeorology Design of Water Storages, Etc Flood Forecasting Cloud Seeding Reduction of Evaporation Rain Seminar Cloud Physics Fire Weather Research and Special Investigations International Activities The International Geophysical Year The Antarctic and Southern Ocean International Symposium on Antarctic Meteorology International Antarctic Analysis Centre ADP, EDP and Computers Training Publications Management Conference Services Conference CSIRO and the Universities Achievements of the Dwyer Years Chapter 6: A Springboard for the Future Appendix 1: References Appendix 2: Reports, Papers, Manuscripts Appendix 3: Milestones Appendix 4: Acknowledgements Appendix 5: Summary by H. N. Warren of the Operation of the Meteorological Section of Allied Air Headquarters, Brisbane, 194245 Endnotes Index Search Help Contact us ![]() |
Leonard Joseph DwyerA Complex CharacterLen Dwyer was born in Geelong, Victoria, on 1 December 1907. Educated at St Kevin's Christian Brothers College and the University of Melbourne, he graduated B.Sc. in mathematics and physics and also gained a Diploma in Public Administration. He also studied accountancy and was an Associate of the Australian Society of Accountants.![]() Early in his career he worked as an accountant and a journalist before he joined the Bureau in 1937. I have given these paragraphs the title "Leonard Joseph Dwyera complex character" because he was a man of many parts. He served as a company commander in the Army Militia from October 1939 to February 1940 and had the bearing and air of authority of an army officer. He could be extremely brusque at times and highly abrasive when irritated. He tended to use colourful language after consuming a few beers and on one social occasion when Audrey and I were entertaining delegates to an Antarctic symposium in our home, Len's language became so earthy that I quietly suggested to him that perhaps it was time for him to go home. Next day some of the US delegates who had overheard my advice to Len the previous evening expressed surprise that I should speak so frankly to my boss. It was to Len's great credit that he had readily agreed with my suggestion that he should leave our party and subsequently displayed no rancour regarding my action. Although Len's forthright behaviour caused offence to some Bureau staff and some other people, I believe it was the result of his eagerness to achieve urgently required changes in organisation and his irritation with any delay in reaching his objectives. Many people realised that it was this impatience which drove his forthright communication with his staff and other people. He did not suffer fools or sycophants gladly. He welcomed vigorous debate and encouraged a critical attitude in others. It was interesting that his direct, forthright and sometimes blunt demeanour won him and the Bureau many influential friends in political, administrative and international arenas. One of the most rewarding of Len's initiatives was his flair for promoting communication between staff within the Bureau and between Bureau staff and their customers. He encouraged communication with the Bureau's customers by issuing pamphlets and other publications to inform the general public and special users how Bureau services could be used to meet their particular needs. An example was the series of pamphlets he organised to celebrate the jubilee (50th anniversary) of the Bureau in 1958. He also convened conferences and seminars within the Bureau and with other authorities to discuss techniques and applications for providing and using meteorological services. My assessment of the complex character of L. J. Dwyer is that his achievements far outweighed any damage to the Bureau that his blunt, direct, matter-of-fact attitude may have caused.
People in Bright Sparcs - Dwyer, Leonard Joseph
© Online Edition Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and Bureau of Meteorology 2001 Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher |