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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
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Search Help Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bright Sparcs Index Australian Science at Work Index Abbreviations d - diagram g - graph i - illustration m - map t - table N.S.W. - New South Wales N.T. - Northern Territory Qld - Queensland S.A. - South Australia S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area Tas. - Tasmania Vic. - Victoria W.A. - Western Australia Contact us ![]() |
Index S S. H. Smith (U.K.) 694 S. Haunstrup and Co. Pty Ltd 416 S. W. Hart and Co. Ltd (Solahart) 779, 780, 782 S.A.A. Timber Engineering Standard 236 S.A.A. Timber Framing Standard 236 Safe Seal pail 871i Safety Digest 510 sailing ships, in the grain trade 513 Sale, R. M. 482 salicylates 620 - 622, 622 - 624 salinity reduction 160 - 164, 188 - 192 Salt Water Creek, Melbourne 313 salted meat, imported to Botany Bay 70 - 72, 74 - 75, exported to Britain 74 - 75 Salvarsan 616 Sanderson, J. G. 586i, 592 - 593 Sandford, W. 320, 849 - 851 sandstones, Sydney 312 Sanforizing Services of Australia 280 Santa Gertrudis cattle 48 - 49 Sara Lee 623 satellite tracking stations 922 satellites Cocos Islands 578i, earth stations 578, 578i, in telecommunications 556 - 558, 568, 572 - 573, 574, 574 - 575, 576 - 577, 578 - 580 Savio, S. p. A. 298 sawmills and sawmilling 205, 206, 209 - 210, 222 - 223, 225 - 229, 226i, future developments 260 - 261 Schaetzel, Stanley S. 496 - 513 scheelite xiv Schlafhorst, A. G. 298 Schletterius (wasp) 221 School of Dairy Technology, Werribee 101 science and technology, respective roles xix Science Museum of Victoria 590 Scientific Design (S.D.) 663, 672 scientific laboratories, earliest 610 - 611 Scott Paper Co., U.S.A. 252 Scovill Manufacturing Company, U.S. 302 scrapie 46 Sea Dart 934 Search Light Control radar (SLC) 914 Sears, U.S.A. 304 Second World War, stimulus to food technology 70 - 72, 110 - 111, Australia major source of food for SWPA in 118 - 119 sedimentation basins 174 Senate Select Committee on Water Pollution in Australia. Report 191 series multiple magneto exchanges (telephone) 531 - 532, 533i SESA packet switching system 571 settlements, early European in Australia 149 - 151, in rural areas 164 - 167 settlers, their water sense 148 - 150 sewerage systems, in the major cities 184, 363 - 365, activated sludge treatment 184, 365i, 365, broad acre land treatment 184 - 185, collection systems 185 - 188, in early Sydney 314 - 315, lagoon treatment 184 - 185, package plants 184 - 185, 365i, 365, Pasveer intermittent oxidation ditch 184 - 185, standards 186 - 188, 365 sewerage technology 362 - 367, hydrogen sulphide problem 362, reticulation 365 - 369, sewer tunnels 365 - 367, 366d, sewerage boring machine 365, 365i Shalite expanded shale lightweight-aggregate concrete 326 - 327 Shay Gap/Sunrise Hill area 718 sheep industry, early period 7 - 9, computerised management systems 65 - 66, controlled breeding 54 - 57, disease 17, fecundity rates 54 - 55, fencing of properties 17, in 1970 52 - 53, in 1984 52 - 53, research for 55 - 56, 56 - 57, sheep and wool production 52 - 57, sheep numbers in 1890 17 - 18, worm killing drug for 641 - 643 sheep population 264 sheep-wheat rotation system, introduced 56 - 57, efficiency 59 - 61 Shell Co. of Australia 430, 662, 666, 689, 773 Shew, D. I. 117, 126, 127 shipbuilding industry 516 - 518, 518 - 521, 828 - 829, catamaran mine hunter 519 - 521, 520i, ferries 519 - 521, high speed vessel using aircraft lift techniques 519 - 521 shipping freight costs 518 shipping lines, named A. J. Carmichael's Golden Fleece Clippers 442, James Baines Black Ball Line 441, Loch Line of Clipper Packets 442, P. & 0. Company 442, The Dale Line 442, The Mersey Line 442, The Orient Line 442, The Thames Line 442 shipping, modern 513 - 523, adoption of industrial gas turbines 516 - 517, bulk cargo carriers 514 - 517, 518, coastal trading 514 - 517, innovative small craft 518 - 519i, 519 - 521, 520i, marine salvage 519 - 521, roll-on roll-off vessels 514 - 515, shipbuilding industry 516 - 518, 518, simultaneous discharge and loading capacity 519 - 521, technological changes affecting industry 513, 517 - 521 shipping, technological changes affecting 513, 517 - 521 ships, named 2001 518, Accolade 518 - 519, Alltrans 518 - 519, Amanda Miller 517 - 518, Arab Steed Berean 441, Ballarat 516 - 517, Bass Trader 514i, Bogong 517 - 518, Champion of the Seas 440, Chevron Oregon 516 - 517, China 440, Corinth 441, Darwin Trader 515, Donald Mckay 440, Duchess of Northumberland 440, Earl Grey 440, Endeavour (Sydney) 436, Gemini 439, H.M.A.S. Rushcutter 520i, HMAS Perth 521, Idomeneus 91 - 92, Iron Duke 515, Iron Monarch 515 - 517, 515i, James Baines 440, James Watt 437, Jane Eyre (paddle steamer) 158 - 160, King George 436, Kodam 521, Lady Augusta 438, Lady Jocelyn 442, Lightning 440, Loongana 441, Lufra 441, Marco Polo 441, Mary Anne 438, 439, Morayshire 440, Princess of Tasmania 514i, Rapid 519 - 521, RMS Niagara 521, Rose Hill Packet 435 - 436, 516 - 517, Rose 437, 516 - 517, Santhia 521, Seaway Prince 516 - 517, Shamrock 437, 516 - 517, Sophia Jane 437, Speedwell 436, Spirit of Victoria 519 - 521, Stolkraft 518 - 519i, 519 - 521, Strathleven 89 - 90, 513, Tamar 437, The Australia 437, 441, The Ceres 437, The Cutty Sark 441, The Experiment 436, The Grappler 439, The Great Britain 442, The Harriet McGregor 441, The Hawkesbury (ship) 436, The Helen 441, The Lump 435, The Maitland 437, The Robert Miller 517 - 518, Thermopylae 441, Thistle 437, 516 - 517, Tricolor 515, Troubridge 514 - 515, 515, USS Houston 521, Warrego 516 - 517, William the Fourth 437, Zincmaster 519 - 521, M.V. Kooringa 515i Shirley's Fertilisers, Pinkenba 604 Shoalhaven Scheme, pumped storage 800 Shriver, A. K. 84 Si-Ro-Mark 286 SI-RO-SET process 288 - 290, 289d Siemens (Australia) Ltd 563, 581 Siemens-Martin furnace 849 - 850 Simon, Henry 94 Simpson, - 619 Singapore Air Force 503 Singapore, industrial precast concrete housing 338 single mode optical fibre (SMOF) 570 - 571 Sir Roy Grounds & Associates 387 Sirex Wasp (Sirex noctilio) 221 Sirospun spinning process 295 - 297i, 300 - 301 Sirotherm process 176 - 178, 658i, 658 - 659 Skylark 934 Slide Raft 507 Smith Reichhold Colours Pty Ltd 694 Smith, Ross 505, 507 - 506 Smithsonian Institute, Washington 749 Smorgan Consolidated Industries Ltd (S.C.I.) 252, 253, 254, 255, 255 Sneider Trophy Team, British 506 Snowy Mountains Council 423, 814 Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (S.M.E.C.) 423 Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Power Act (1949) 197, 422 Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme 182, 369, 370, 373, 421i Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric Authority (S.M.H.A.) 423, 591, 592, 592, 806, 814 Snowy Mountains Scheme 814 - 815, for Canberra 813 - 814, power for Sydney 805 - 806, 813 - 814, pumped storage 800 - 802 Snowy River, Vic. 422 soap 602 Sobrero, Ascanio 608 Society of Chemical Industry of Victoria (S.C.I.V) 114, 645 Society of Diecasting Engineers 880 Society of Public Analysts 112 Socrates 786 Sohio ammoxidation process 651 - 652, 652d Solar Edwards 779 Solar Energy Research Institute of Western Australia 779 solar polythene tent fish driers 130 - 132 solar power 334 - 336, 464, 751 - 753, 752t, 755 - 757, 776 - 791, building heating and cooling 785 - 787, collectors 778, 780, 781t, 781 - 782, cooling 789, in remote areas of W.A. 402, 402 - 404, industrial applications 783 - 785, 784i, International Solar Energy Society 790, on Tarcoola-Alice Springs railway 379, photo voltaics 778 - 779, 786 - 788, 787i, 787i, research and development 778 - 779, salt industry 404 - 406, state of the art 780 - 782, swimming pool heating 784 - 786, 785i, water heating industry 780, 781 - 784, 782i, wind power 787, 787 - 789 Solar Star Salt Works 618 Somerville, J. M. 586 sonar 951 Sopwith team 506 sound attenuators (power station stacks) 398 - 400, 398i South Australia, competition to open the River Murray as a waterway 438 - 439 South Australia. Engineering and Water Supply Department 181 South Australia. Woods and Forests Dept 210, 212, 227, 251 South Australian Rubber Mills 884 South Australian School of Mines and Industries 743 South Australian Timber Corporation 244 South East Queensland Electricity Board 805 South-Eastern Purification Plant (S.E.P.P.), Melbourne 185 Southern Cloud (aeroplane) 505 Southern Cross (aeroplane) 505, 510 Southern Cross Corporation Ltd 780, 788i, 788 Spartan 683 Special Broadcasting Service (S.B.S.) 575 Spencer Chemical Company 612 Spencer Kellog 683 spinning, major advance in 277 - 278i, bottleneck in yarn production 290, Repco/CSIRO self twist spinner 289i, 290i, Sirospun spinning process 295 - 297 spun concrete pipes 173 squatters 9 Stanco (Australia) Pty Ltd 625 Standard Oil, New Jersey 675 Standard Telephones and Cables (S.T.C.) 540, 543, 544, 545, 545i, 550, 558 - 559, 563, 563, 569, 569 - 570, 571, 576 - 577, 589, 914, 932 standard transposition schemes 549 Standard Vacuum Oil Company (Stanvac) 675, 675, 676 Standards Association of Australia 781, 892 Standards Association of Australia. Timber Sectional Committee 234 Stapledon, Sir George 58 State Departments of Agriculture 21 - 25, 25 - 26, 38 - 40, 121 State Electricity Commission of Victoria (S.E.C.) 395, 423, 807 - 808, 824 State Electricity Commission of Western Australia 811 State Energy Authority of South Australia 779 State Energy Commission of W.A. 402, 402 - 403, 430, 788, 811 State Herbage Plant Liaison Committees 47 State Lands Departments, responsibility for forests 206 'steam curing' process 845 - 846 steam engines 827 - 828, Colony's first steam engine 828 - 829, first steam train 827 - 828, fitted to locally built timber vessels 828 - 829, on gold fields 832 - 833 steamship companies, named Orient Steam Navigation Company 499, Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company 438, The Australian Steam Navigation Company 516 - 517, The Grafton Steam Navigation Company 438, The Hunter River Steam Navigation Company 437, 516 - 517, The Illawarra Steam Navigation Company 438, The Kiama SteamCompany 438, The North Coast Company 438, see also shipping lines 617 - 618 steel making 723 - 724, BOS process (Newcastle, Port Kembla) 723 - 724, bullet-proof steel 723 - 724, 860 - 861, developments at Port Kembla 723 - 724, 864 - 866, drums and pails 870 - 873, Hoskins Iron and Steel Works 840, hot coil box 865 - 866, open hearth 723 - 724, pipes and tubes 854, rails 866 - 868, sheet and coil products 863 - 867, sheet rolling 852 - 854, special steels 867 - 868, steel for automotive industry 867 - 869, wire products 851 - 853, 869 - 870 steel pipes, concrete lined 844 - 845 steel structures, notable 321 Stephenson and Turner Architects 794 Stephenson, George 827 Stewarts and Lloyds (Aust.) Pty Ltd 854 stocking rate, overriding importance of 58 Strain Range Pair Counter 941 Strassman, Fritz 791 stream gauging, records 150 - 152 stripper-harvester xii Strowger, A. B. 537 Sub Committee on Non-Atomic Research and Development (N.A.M.R.A.D.) 936 sub-sea completions 417 - 419, 418d Submarine Cable Ltd (S.C.L.) 558 - 559 submarine coaxial cables 535 - 536, 576 - 577 Subscriber Trunk Dialling (STD) 556 - 557, 562 - 563, 574 - 575 subterranean clover, use of 56 - 57 Sugar Experimental Stations Act 1900 51 - 52 sugar industry 51 - 53, 107 - 111, advances in 70 - 72, 114 - 115, cane and beet growing 108 - 109, chemical book-keeping 109 - 110, chemical process control 607 - 608, chopped cane harvesting 796 - 797, handling and export 407 - 408, industrial process heat 821 - 825, milling 75 - 76, 143 - 144, refining 109 - 110, use of bagasse 242, 795 - 798, 821 - 822, work of the S.R.I. 119 - 120 Sugar Research Institute, Mackay 119, 119 - 120, 797, 822 sugar-cane tramways 475 sugar-cane, improving strains of 607 - 608 sulfanilamide 619 - 620, 624 - 625 sulphide nickel deposits xiv sulphuric acid 602, 603 - 604, 610 sulphurous acid 602 Sumitomo 570 Sunshine Harvester Works 16, 834 superheterodyne equipment 540 - 541 superphosphate 42 - 43, 56 - 57, 602, 604 - 605, 605 - 606, 640 Supradyne 488 Sutherland, Dr Keith L. 633, 744 Sutton process of water pipe manufacture 369 Swallow, J. C. 665 Swematex 303 Sydney bus system 494, 495, container terminal 341 - 342, early layout of 313 - 314, early telephone system 529i, 532t, 537 - 539, 538d, early tracks in 314 - 315, electric train system 468 - 470, 469 - 471, 471 - 472, George St. 346, introduction of gas lighting 815 - 817, road building in region 346 - 348, telephone system in the mid 1900s 546 - 547, tram network 467 Sydney Cove Campbell's Wharf 339, early water supply 149 - 150, 150 - 151, 313 - 314, government shipyard 435 - 436 Sydney Foundry and Engineering Works 830 Sydney Harbour Bridge 888 Sydney Meat Preserving Company 82, 83 Sydney Morning Herald 246 - 247 Sydney-Newcastle-Maitland Cable 541t Synthetic Coal Oil Products 635 synthetic fibres 266, 284 - 285, 288 - 289, 289 - 290, 299 - 300, 304 - 308
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