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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
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Search Help Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bright Sparcs Index Australian Science at Work Index Abbreviations d - diagram g - graph i - illustration m - map t - table N.S.W. - New South Wales N.T. - Northern Territory Qld - Queensland S.A. - South Australia S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area Tas. - Tasmania Vic. - Victoria W.A. - Western Australia Contact us ![]() |
Index C C.B.H. Grain Terminal, Kwinana 355 C.I.L. (Canadian Industries Ltd), Canada 255, 613, 615 C.S.R. Chemicals Ltd 624, 625, 639, 676, 676, 680 - 681 cabbage tree palms, for roofing 313 Cable and Wireless (C. & W.) 553, 558 - 559 Cablemakers Australia Ltd 804, 878 CAD (Computer-aided-design) displays in train signalling 464, transferred from defence research 956 - 957 Cahill, J. J. 590 calculators 584 - 586, 588 - 589, analogue 584 - 586, 586, 591, digital 584 - 586, 587 - 588, patents for 586 - 587 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) 391, 392 CAM (Computer-aided modelling) in water resource planning and management 160 - 161, 168 - 171, 195 - 196, 196 - 197, 200 - 201 Campbell's Wharf, Sydney Cove 339 can industry, beginnings 839 - 840 can-making and canning 70 - 72, 839 - 840, beer cans 84 - 85, detail of process 82d, first period 77 - 80, jam 86 - 88, mechanisation of 83 - 85, modern period 84 - 88, second period of 79 - 85, vegetables 87 - 88 Canadian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation 558 - 559 Canberra, A.C.T., water supply system 195 - 196 Candy Filter Company 174 Cane-ite 242 CANTAT (U.K.-Canada) 558 - 559 Capricornia Electricity Board 805 Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education 244 car body building industry 480 - 481, 481 - 482 car engines and components 882 - 884 car tyres 881 Carbide and Electro Products Ltd 809 carbon bisulphide 617 - 618, 625 - 626 cargo handling techniques 514, 517 - 521 Carlton and United Brewery 123 Carlton Brewery 85, 104, 116 - 117 Carothers, W. M. 284 Carr-Price method 122 Carrington Slipways Pty Ltd, Newcastle 517, 520, 947 Carrum sewerage plant, Vic. 799 Carrum Waste Water Treatment Plants, Vic. 366 Carson, Rachel 645 Castner Kellner electrolytic processes 639 Catherine Hill Bay, N.S.W. 46 cattle, early breeding of 18 - 20, breeding beef for Northern Australia 48 - 51, breeding dairy for Northern Australia 50 - 51, cattle tickicide 655 - 656, imported breeds 18 - 20, worm killing drug for 641 - 643 caustic chlorine cells, Yarraville 644 - 645 Cawthon, E. R. 582 C.C.I.T.T. (International Consultative Committee for Telephony and Telegraphy) 551, 552, 557, 559 - 560, Interim Telephone Signalling System No.5 559, Specification and Description Language (SDL) 581, Telephone Signalling System No.6 559 - 561, Telephone Signalling System No.7 571 - 572, 578 Cellulose Australia Ltd 211, 251, 252 cement fibre pipes 845 - 848, asbestos free products 846 - 848 cement penetration macadam road construction 326 Central Queensland Meat Export Company, Rockhampton 91 Central Queensland Meat Preserving Company 85 Central Studies Establishment (C.S.E.) 943 Chadwick, Sir James 791 Chaffey, George 143, 158 - 159, 840 Chaine, E. B 616 Chamberlain, Albert William 484 charcoal and wood distillation products 237 - 238 Charlton, P. 898 Chateau Muller, C. W. 103 Cheese Industry Productivity Improvement Project (C.I.P.I.P.) 138 cheese making 99, 100 - 101, 126 - 127, 127, 130 - 132, 136 - 139, processed 138 - 139 chemical industry , beginnings 602 - 604, chemists in other industries 632 - 634, Commonwealth Serum Laboratories 627 - 629, explosives 607 - 615, factory research and development 644 - 646, fertilisers 603 - 606, growth of synthetic chemicals 637 - 646, impact of English experience 599 - 600, industrial chemical research beginnings 607 - 608, industrial chemical research laboratories 645 - 662, innovative organic syntheses 641 - 645, international chemical firms 639 - 643, modern chemical industry 634 - 638, nature of Australian 600 - 601, pharmaceuticals 616 - 633, plastics 659 - 683, raw materials from gas and coke industry 605 - 608, science-technology gap 599 - 601, Scottish influence 599 - 600, trends in the 1980s 694 - 697 chemists, government 117 chemotherapy 616 - 624, 629 - 632, 632 - 633 Chempatents xx Chevron Group 430 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation 390, 392 Chifley, J. B 486i Chisholm Institute of Technology 590 chlorine-Hercosett process 289 - 290, 295 - 296 chromatography 122, 123, 648, 648 - 649, 649, gas liquid 648 - 649 chromite 701 City of Melbourne Gas Coke Company 816 clipper ships 439 - 440, 440 - 442 clover, aerial seeding 604 - 605 Clunies-Ross, Sir Ian 590, 648 Clyde Industries Ltd 887 - 888 coaching companies, named Cobb and Co. 445 - 446, The Adams Express Company 445, The American Telegraph Line of Coaches 445, Wells Fargo 445 coaching services 444 - 445, 445 - 446 coal 700, 701, 751 - 753, 751 - 753, 752t, 752t, 754 - 755, 754 - 757, 755 - 757, 758 - 763, 758 - 770, 758 - 760i, 758 - 770, 762 - 763, 763 - 767, 767, 767, 767 - 769, 767 - 770, 798 - 800, 811 - 812, automation 767 - 770, coalscan ash monitors 755 - 757, electrostatic precipitator 754 - 757, hand mining 758 - 760i, in Hunter Valley 700, in W.A 811 - 812, largest energy source 751 - 753, 798 - 800, mine planning 767 - 769, opencut mining 763 - 767, 767, roof bolting 762 - 763, supply and use 752t, underground mechanisation 758 - 763, 767, world's largest exporter 701, 751 - 753, 752t, 754 - 755 coal exports 264, handling 408 - 409, 409i, 409i coal feeder layout 397d coast disease 622 coastal surveillance 502 - 503 coastal trading 514 - 517, 517 - 521 Coats Patons (Australia) Ltd 303 Cobia 2 sub sea completion, Bass Strait 418 - 419, 418d Cockle Creek Imperial Smelting Furnace 714, 715, 715 Cocos Islands, Indian Ocean 46 Codd, Hiram 838 Colebrook, - 624 Colonial Ammunition Factory 900, 901, 903, 905 Colonial Sugar Refining Company (C.S.R.) 108, 108 - 109, 109 - 110, 110, 117, 118, 242, 603, 607, 624, 680, 822, Research laboratories 645 - 646, 658 - 659 Comalco Ltd 727, 727, 728, 871i Common Channel Signalling (CCS) 571 - 572 Common User Data Network (CUDN) 552 - 553 Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Defence Science (C.A.C.D.S.) 917 Commonwealth Aeronautical Advisory Research Council (C.A.A.R.C.) 502, 898, 917, 927 Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (C.A.C.) 498, 499 - 501, 503, 503, 504, 906, 921, 926 - 927, 928, 948, 955 Commonwealth Arsenal 904 - 906 Commonwealth Cable Conference, Kuala Lumpur 559 Commonwealth Cable Management Committee 559 Commonwealth Defence Science Organisation 120, 949 Commonwealth Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd (C.F.& C.), Yarraville, Vic. 603i, 639, 641 Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd (C.I.G.) 618, 821, 854 - 855 Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry 905 Commonwealth Litharge and Red Lead Pty Ltd 683 Commonwealth Marine Salvage Board 521 Commonwealth Oil Refineries Ltd 415 Commonwealth Prickly Pear Board 43 Commonwealth Railways 448 - 449 Commonwealth Rolling Mills (C.R.M.) 860 Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (C.S.L.) 626 - 630i, 629i Commonwealth Softwood Forestry Agreement Act 210 Commonwealth Solar Observatory 911 Commonwealth Steel Company Ltd 855 Commonwealth Steel Products Company Ltd 855 communications 526 - 586, 1975 and later 567 - 583, Australia's expertise 582 - 583, between 1901 and 1946 532 - 545, electrical communication before Federation 529 - 533, equipment manufacturing 540 - 541, 543, 543 - 544, 545 - 546, 582 - 583, 583i, innovation and initiatives 564 - 568, major technological developments affecting 567 - 568, 574 - 575, non-technical factors affecting 567 - 568, post war and on to 1975 544 - 583, prior to telegraph 527 - 529 communications industry: labour force, professional 544 - 545 Community Telephone Plan for Australia 554 - 557 Comox (Commonwealth Oxygen Ltd) 854 COMPAC (Pacific) 558 - 559, 559 - 560, 576 Complaints Analysis, Recording and Graphing Organisation (C.A.R.G.O.) 565 - 566 compressed air MURLA shield 366i computer design and development 592 - 596, Australian developments affecting overseas design 592 - 593, C.S.I.R.O. requirements 592 - 594, Defence requirements 593 - 594, first large scale, on line, multi-user system (DAD) 593 - 594, solid state technology 591 - 594, vacuum tube technology 590 - 591 computer industry, and customer education 594 - 597 computer manufacturers, marketing operations in Australia 591 computer programs DAD 593 - 594, GEORGE programming system 592 - 593 'Computer' socks 304 computer software: after 1965 594 - 596 'Computermatic' machine stress grader 234 computers and computer networks, named ADA 591, AGWAC 591, ARCTURUS 592 - 593, ATROPOS (or DIP) 594 - 596, Bendix D-12 591, C.D.C. 1700 590, Cirrus 586i, 592 - 593, 593 - 594, Control Data 3200 593 - 594, Control Data 3600 593 - 594, CSIRAC 587 - 588, 588 - 589, 589, 590 - 591, 591i, 592 - 593, CSIRONET 593 - 594, DUECE 590, EDSAC 589, EDSAC II 592 - 593, Elliott 396, 591, English Electric KDF9 590, 592 - 593, Ferranti FP 6000 592 - 593, Ferranti Mk I 589, Ferranti Perseus 589, Honeywell H800 593 - 594, IBM 1401 590, IBM 360/50 590, IBM 7074/1401 591, IBM 7090/1401 591, IBM RAMAC 592 - 593, ICL 1900 series 592 - 593, ILLIAC 589, INTERGRAPHIC 594 - 596, MADM 589, PDP8/338 590, SILLIAC 549, 556 - 557, 589, 590, 592, SNOCOM 592i, TREAC 590, 592 - 593, UTECOM 590, 592 - 593, WREDAC 591, 920 computers and computing 584 - 597, first computers 588 - 592, instruments and calculators 584 - 587, large-scale systems, 1958 to 1963 592 - 596, micro electronics 594 - 596, software 594 - 596, technical staff 594 - 597, transition to the computer 586 - 589 Concrete Constructions (NSW) Pty Ltd 324 Concrete Institute of Australia 327 concrete pipes 843 - 846, 846 - 849 concrete technology 326 - 330, 424 - 425 Conference on Automatic Computing Machines 588 Conference on Computing and Data Processing, Salisbury, 1957 591 Connaught Laboratories 627 conservation tillage 650 - 652 Consolidated Zinc Pty Ltd 246 - 247, 741 container terminals 341 - 342, 518 'continuous lamination' 657 - 658 Control Data 592 - 593, 593 - 594 Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd (C.R.A.) 741, 744 Cooper Basin oil fields 343 copper 708 - 711, Burra, S.A. 708, Cornish influence 708 - 709, ISA process 875 - 877, ISAMELT submerged combustion unit 716, Kapunda, S.A. 700, 708, Mt. Isa technology 709, 875 - 877, Mt. Lyell technology 708 - 709, other technology 710 - 711, Panguna, P.N.G. 741 - 743, pyritic smelting 708 - 709, SECOR (Secim Continuous Rod) plant 877 - 878, Townsville 709, wire and cables 877 - 880 copper chrome arsenate (CCA) (timber preservative) 231 - 233 copper mining xv Copper Refineries Pty Ltd 875 - 878 copper smelters, early 830 - 831 cordite 610, 610 - 611, 611, 643, 900 - 902, Cordite Factory 901, 904 - 905 Corning Glass Works of the U.S. 570 Cornish, A. E. 587 Cort's puddling process 848 - 849 Cosworth Group, U.K. 874 cotton 11 - 13, an export 264 - 265, 266, 276 - 277, brought by first Fleet 264, 276 - 277, during 20th century 279 - 281, during nineteenth century 276 - 277, early use of 267, SIRATAC 65 - 66 counter-current extraction process 695 - 697 Crankless Engines (Australia) Pty Ltd 481, 481i, 513 Creed reperforators and printers 535 - 536 CRO (cathode ray oscillator) 563 - 564 Crompton, Samuel 269 Crooks Michel Peacock Stewart Pty Ltd 408, 408i crossbar equipment 545 - 546, 546 - 547, 547 - 548, 552 - 553, development of multi frequency code 554, Geelong crossbar exchange 566i, MFC version installed in Toowoomba 554 - 555 C.S.I.R.O. (C.S.I.R.) establishment of 30, 30 - 32, 115, 905 - 906, airport lighting 392 - 393, AMCRO 870 - 871, and packaging of foods 142 - 143, areas of rural research 30 - 32, atomic absorption spectroscope 648, Australian Computer Research Board 580, Badgery's Creek dairy breeding 50, breeding of Merinos 52 - 57, computerised management systems for agriculture 65 - 66, concrete research 326 - 327, dairy research 101 - 103, 136 - 137, Division of Food Research 115, Divisions working on mineral research 744, dyeing of wool 294 - 295, field drier for peanuts 128 - 129, first patent application 283, food canning 84 - 85, housing construction 333 - 336, improved wool sampling 291, 292, 292i, measured pressure diecasting 880, meat freezing 91 - 92, 92 - 93, member of Electrical Research Board 754 - 755, mineral processing techniques 709, 716, 744, mycotoxins 128 - 129, National Cattle Breeding Centre 49 - 50, National measurement standards 892, on stream analysis 719 - 720, pine kraft in fibre reinforced cement products 257, Post Second World War 121 - 122, produces sheep branding fluid 286, pulping of eucalypts 249, pulping of radiata pine 251, rail profile measuring device 720 - 721, report on industry requirements 907, representation on Radio Research Board 540 - 541, requirements for Computing 592 - 594, research in veterinary diseases 622, research on coal 754 - 757, Section of Food Preservation 116, 117, service to tropical countries 47, Sirofloc process 175 - 176, Sirotherm process 176 - 178, solar energy research 782, 783 - 785, 786 - 787, solar heat patents 778 - 779, the C.S.I.R.O. Atlas machine 298i, the C.S.I.R.O./Savio Twinsplicer 296d, VLSI programme 890 - 892, wool spinning requirement for two-fold yarn 295 - 297, work on fish processing 124 - 126, work on storage of fruit 92 - 93, 117 C.S.I.R.O. Aeronautical Research Laboratories 502 - 503, 587, 919 C.S.I.R.O. Central Experimental Workshops 755, 778 C.S.I.R.O. Dairy Research Section 101, 118, 126, 129, 137 - 140 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Aeronautics 907, 912 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Animal Health and Nutrition 283 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Applied Chemistry 217 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Building Research 206, 240 - 241, 241, 244 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Chemical and Wood Technology 206 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Chemical Engineering 140 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Electrotechnology (D.E.) 586 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Electrotechnology. Section of Mathematical Instruments 587, 592 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Entomology 221 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Food Preservation and Transport 118 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Food Research absorbs Section of Dairy Research 118 - 119, contribution 118 - 119, established 117, previous name 116, 117 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Forest Products established 206, 229 - 237, 240, 240 - 241, 242, 247 - 249, 317 - 318, 912 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Forest Research 206, 210, 212, 217 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Fossil Fuels 755 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Industrial Chemistry 283, Biochemistry Unit 284 - 285, 285, 287 - 288, Wool Processing Section 284 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Mathematical Statistics (D.M.S.) 587 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Mechanical Engineering 755, 778, 778 - 779 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Mineral Physics 218 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Pharmaceuticals 656 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Plant Industry 626 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Protein Chemistry 285, 293 - 294, 295 - 296 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Radio Physics 510, 586 - 587, 907, 914 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Textile Industry 285, 287 - 288, 288 - 289, 290, 292, 293 - 294, 295, 295 - 296 C.S.I.R.O. Division of Textile Physics 285, 291 C.S.I.R.O. Food Research Quarterly 121 C.S.I.R.O. Institute of Energy and Earth Resources 744 C.S.I.R.O. MeMaster Laboratories 642 C.S.I.R.O. Meat Research Laboratory 92, 124 C.S.I.R.O. Pulp and Paper Section 246 - 247 C.S.I.R.O. Section of Computing Research 592 - 593, 593 Cuming Smith and Co. 237, 602, 603 - 604, 603i, 618 - 619, 640 Curie, Marie 791 cyclone areas, housing standards for 334 - 338
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