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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
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Search Help Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bright Sparcs Index Australian Science at Work Index Abbreviations d - diagram g - graph i - illustration m - map t - table N.S.W. - New South Wales N.T. - Northern Territory Qld - Queensland S.A. - South Australia S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area Tas. - Tasmania Vic. - Victoria W.A. - Western Australia Contact us ![]() |
Index R R. Landau's Scientific Design 672 R.A.A.F. Aircraft Research and Development Unit 927, 932 - 933, 948 R.A.A.F. Experimental Aircraft Station, Randwick 498, 498 R.A.A.F. Special Duties Performance Flight 932 - 933 rabbits 44 - 46, canned 81 - 82 radar 543, 914i, 914, 942, 954, 954 - 955 radio 535 - 536, first message from England 536, high powered stations established 536, Marconi School of Wireless 544 - 545, outback pedal radio 540 - 541, Royal Commission 540 - 541 Radio Australia 543, Shepparton Array 543i, 543i, 551 - 552 Radio Research Board 541, 550, 580t, 580 radio telegraph service 536 radio telephone, service to England 536 radio telephony research 550 - 551 rails 866 - 868, Head Hardened 866 - 867, insulation pad 867, 867i, steel sleepers 866 - 867i, 867i, Wilclip fastener 867, 867i railway bridges 325i, 326, 348 - 349, 350 - 353, 351d, 359i, 360 - 361, 361i, 379 - 380i railway gauges 448 - 451, bogie exchange 450 - 451 railway location 451 - 452, 474 - 477 railway locomotives, named Fairlie steam locomotive 455, Garratt steam locomotive 460, Mallet steam locomotive 460, Meyer steam locomotive 460, Beyer - Garratt locomotive 460i, British engineering practice 454 - 455, Clyde-GM diesel electric locomotive 473i, GMI-class diesel electric locomotive 473i, motor railcars 460 - 464, railway locomotive and rolling stock 454 - 456i, 458 - 460, steam locomotive practice 460 - 462, the Garratt 460 railway network, early 374 - 376, 376 - 380 railway signalling and telecommunications 455 - 458, 458 - 460, 464 - 465, 469 - 470, 471 - 472 railway sleepers 231 - 233, 374 - 378, 451 - 454, 475, 'double sleeper' 374 - 376, 383 railway tracks 376 - 378, 451 - 454, 458 - 460, 475 - 477 railways 374 - 384, 448 - 477, 1900-1988 457 - 460, a major employer 835 - 837, adoption of systems engineering approach 475, Centralised Train Control 380, 464, concept of 373 - 374, development of heavy 381 - 382, 475 - 477i, expenditure on 482 - 483, first 374 - 376, 448 - 449, introduction of second generation diesel electric locomotives 380, 471 - 475, national system of 374 - 376, standard gauge 379 - 380, 449 - 450, Victorian narrow gauge 374, XPT 449 - 450, 449i railways, named Central Australian Railway 378, Central London Railway 459, Central Railway of Peru 451, Great Indian Peninsula Railway 451, Great Zig Zag railway, Lithgow, N.S.W. 360, 378i, 451, Melbourne Underground Rail Loop 374 - 378, 383d, Flinders Street, Melbourne-Sandridge railway 374, Kalamunda near Perth, zig zag railway 451 - 452, Port Augusta - Hergott Springs railway 378, Port Augusta-Quorn railway 378, Queensland coalfields railways 382, Tarcoola-Alice Springs railway 379, Trans Australia Railway 378, 448 - 449 rain forests, management of 208 - 209, restrictions on logging 240 - 241, woods 239 - 240 Ranger Uranium Mines Pty Ltd 793 Rapier 934 Raws, Sir Lennon 635, 639 - 640, 906 rayon spinning industry 679 - 680 reconstituted wood products 239 - 245 refrigeration advances in 70 - 72, 110 - 111, 143 - 144, development of 18 - 20, 142 - 143, first shipment of meat to England 89 - 90, 513, household 92 - 93, invention of 749 - 751, James Harrison's techniques 89, mechanical 73 - 74, Nicolle's techniques 89, of meat 74 - 75, problems in meat 90 - 91, 92 - 93, use of for milk products 99 - 101 regulation of foods 70 - 72, 123 - 126, 128 - 129, 130 - 132, 134, 142 - 143 Reichhold (U.S.A.) 639, 683, 689, 694 reinforced concrete building panels 326 remote sensing in land assessment 37 - 38, of the environment 942 Repco Corporation Ltd 244, 290, 483, 646, 882 - 883 Repco-Brabham engine 882 - 883 research and development dependent industries 600 - 601 Research Institute for Marine Pharmacology 630 Retic boring machine 365i reticulation systems 173 - 174 Rheem Australia Ltd 779, 870 - 871 Rheem Manufacturing Company of U.S.A. 870 - 871 rhizobial bacteria, introduction of 47 - 49 'Rhizobium Newsletter' 48 - 49 Rhyssa (wasp) 221 Ridley Stripper 835 rinderpest 46 ring barking 749 Risdon, S.A. zinc production 714, 715 Ritchie, Samuel Sextus 80 - 82, 112, 129 river ports, named Albury, N.S.W. 438 - 439, Bourke, N.S.W. 438 - 439, Echuca, Vic. 438 - 439, 439 - 440, Swan Hill, Vic. 438 - 439, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W. 438 - 439, Walgett, N.S.W 438 - 439 river transport paddle steamers 438 - 439, 439 - 440, 439i, ports 438 - 439 Rivett, Sir David 32, 640, 905 roadmaking 348 - 350, 481 - 482, 482 - 483, first use of macadam 348 - 349, 348d, spray and chip seal method 348 - 349 Robe River Mining 718 Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd 885 Robert Corbett Pty Ltd 625, 680 Robinson Bros. 530 Robinson, Dr (later Prof.) T. J. 55 - 56 Robinson, W. S. xiii, xiii, xiv, 906 Robison Bros., Melbourne 81, 103 Rocke Thompsitt, Melbourne 619 rocla roller suspension vibrospin process 326 Roelen, O. 680 Rofe, Brian 922 Rogers, J. S. 910 Rohm & Hass Corporation 689 roll-on roll-off vessels 514 - 515 roller milling, introduced 72 - 73, 76 - 77, 94, 110 - 111, originally an Hungarian invention 143 - 144, to Australia 94 - 95 Rose, G. A. 586i, 587, 592 - 593, 595 Rosemorrin Smelting Works, Lane Cove 831 Roseworthy Agricultural College, S.A. 21, 21, 106, 106, 603, 603 Rothamstead Experimental Station (previously Laboratory) 603 ROUND UP (glyphosphate) 651 - 652 Royal Air Force (R.A.F) 506 Royal Australian Air Force (R.A.A.F.) 391, 392, 498, 498, 499 - 500, 500 - 501, 503 Royal Australian Chemical Institute 746 Royal Australian Naval Research Laboratories (R.A.N.R.L.) 942, 951, 955 Royal Australian Navy 921 - 922, 932 Royal Australian Survey Corps 928 Royal Flying Corps (R.F.C.) 505, 506, 507 Royal Flying Doctor Service 496, 499, 502, 507, 509i, 522 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 218, 550 Royal Navy, use of canned foods 77, 78, 78, 79, use of Ikara 922 Royal New Zealand Air Force (R.N.Z.A.F.) 503 Royal Society of New South Wales 830, 902 Royal Thai Air Force 503 RP 39 G 776 Ruakura Research Centre, N.Z. 58 rural automatic exchanges (RAX) 540, 547 - 548 Rural Industry Research Funds 26 - 27, 26 - 27, 34, 34, 34, 34 Rylands Bros., (Aust.) Ltd 852, 869 - 870, 869i
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