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Technology in Australia 1788-1988![]() ![]() |
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Search Help Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bright Sparcs Index Australian Science at Work Index Abbreviations d - diagram g - graph i - illustration m - map t - table N.S.W. - New South Wales N.T. - Northern Territory Qld - Queensland S.A. - South Australia S.W.P.A. - South West Pacific Area Tas. - Tasmania Vic. - Victoria W.A. - Western Australia Contact us ![]() |
Index E E. H. Carothers (du Pont, U.S.A.) 687 E.M.I. (Electrical Musical Industries) 586 early buildings 312, 313 - 314, 314i, in Hobart 312, in Sydney 316 - 317, roofing materials 313 early roads, named Blue Mts., first road across 314 - 315, Emu Plains - Bathurst Road, N.S.W. 347, Great North Road, Windsor to Hunter Valley, N.S.W. 348, Great Western Highway, N.S.W. 347, Hume Highway, N.S.W. 347, Parramatta-Liverpool Road, N.S.W. 347, Parramatta-Windsor Road, N.S.W 346 - 347, Peat's Crossing, Hawkesbury River, N.S.W. 348, Sydney-Brisbane route 348 - 349, Sydney-Newcastle Road, N.S.W. 348, Sydney-Parramatta Road, N.S.W. 346 - 347 East India Company 435 Eastman Kodak Company 842 Edgell, R. G. 87, 143 - 144 EDIM-4WD Load Haul Dump Vehicle 875 - 877 Edison - Sprague system (electric trams) 467 Edison, Thomas Alva 751 Edwards, Maj. Gen. Sir J. Bevan 900 Edwin Wood, N.Z. 880 Ehrlich, P. 616 electric power 749 - 753, 751d, 798 - 817, Stobie ferro concrete pole 804, 810, Australian manufactured plant 803 - 805, generating capacity 800 - 802, 800g, in A.C.T. 813 - 814, in N.S.W. 805 - 806, in N.T. 811 - 812, in Qld 804 - 806, in S.A. 809 - 810, in Tasmania 809 - 810, in Victoria 807 - 809, in W.A. 811 - 812, pumped storage 800 - 802, 800g, 811 - 812, Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) 804, system load control 803 - 804, transmission and distribution 800 - 802, transmission system 754 - 755, types of generating stations 798 - 802 electric railways 468 - 473, Brisbane 471 - 472i, in Queensland 472 - 473, Melbourne 468, safety systems 468 - 470, Sydney 467 - 469 electric tramways 466 - 467i, 466i, Melbourne cable tram 466, 466i Electricity Commission of New South Wales 423, 754, 804, 806, 813, 859 electricity production, the Snowy Mts Scheme 422 - 423 Electricity Supply Association of Australia 754 Electricity Trust of South Australia 810, 810 Electrolytic Refining and Smelting Co. of Australia 878 Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australia 793, 809 electrolytic zinc extraction 715 - 716, 744 Electrolytic Zinc Pty Ltd (EZ) 499, 519, 635 electromagnetic induction 749 - 751 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) 571 Electronics Research Laboratory 942 Elliott Bros. 602i, 618, 618 - 619 Elliott, Sizar 75, 77 - 78, 79 Elliotts' Chemical Works, Iron Cove, Balmain 602, 602i ELSA (Extended Local Services/Area) 564 - 565, 565 - 566 Empire Telecommunications Conference, 1945 553 energy Australian consumption 751 - 755, bagasse, firewood and other biomass 751d, 795 - 800, coal 751d, 758 - 770, early sources 749 - 751, electric power generation and distribution 749 - 753, 751d, 754 - 755, 798 - 817, industrial process heat 821 - 825, manufactured gas 815 - 822, nuclear 790 - 796, oil and natural gas 751d, 769 - 777, present economy 749 - 753, research and development 754 - 757, solar 751 - 753, 776 - 791 Energy Authority of New South Wales 779 energy production, N.W. Shelf 430 Energy Resources of Australia Ltd (E.R.A.) 793 Engineering Association of New South Wales 830 Engineering Development Establishment 945, 946 engineering practice, Australian 112 engineering works 830 - 831, 832 - 833 Engineers and Collieries Supplies 855 engineers, role during settlement 313, first 313 - 314 England-Australia Air Race 1919 505, 507 environment adapting to the 45 - 51, improving the 38 - 46 epoxy resin in concrete buildings 425 Erith system (timber drying) 228 - 229 Eskbank Ironworks Co. 849 - 850, 853 Esso/BHP 772, 773 - 774, 775, high angle oil wells 417 - 419 ethanol 625 - 626, 666, 679 - 680 ethylene oxide and derivatives 672 - 675 eucalypt plantations 214 - 215 eucalypt timbers 225, 226 - 227, 228 - 229, drying methods for sawn 229 - 230 eucalypts biological attack on 219 - 221, pulping of 245 - 251, 252, 253 eucalypts, plantation grown, overseas 214 European Launcher Development Organisation (E.L.D.O.) 922, 924, 934 Europeans character of 9 - 11, first settlers 2 - 7, 9 Evans Deakin and Company Pty Ltd, Brisbane 515, 515, 517 Evans Deakin Industries Ltd 323, 876 evaporative coolers 789 Evinrude outboard motors 882 Experimental Farm, Melbourne 1857 11 explosives 607 - 615, 643, ammonium nitrate revolution 612 - 615, 634, developments in explosives research and production 608, 612, ICI Australia 639 - 640, in gold mining 608, Krebs 609 - 612, military 610 - 611, 636, Nobel 608 - 609, 608i, 610, 610 - 611 explosives, brand Akremite 612, Hydromex 614, Iregel 614, Molanal 614, 614, Nitramon 612, Powergel 2510 615, Powergels 614, Tovex E 614 export qualities of foods 110 - 111, 124 - 126 exports abalone 124 - 126, aluminium 404 - 406, apples 92 - 93, bauxite 404 - 406, canned meat 74 - 75, 80 - 81, 82 - 83, copper 404 - 406, dairy products 99 - 100, frozen meat 89 - 90, 90t, iron ore 404 - 406, nickel 404 - 406, paper 256 - 257, salt meat 74 - 75, sugar 404 - 406, timber 203 - 204, 225, wheat 94 - 95, 404 - 406, wood chips 258 - 259, wool 52 - 53, zinc 404 - 406
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