Lectures and Tutorials- Lectures are held on Wednesdays, 1-2pm, in Old Arts Theatre B.
- Tutorials/labs are held on Wednesdays, 3.15-5.15pm.
- Tutorials and labs will be held in Old Arts Room 204, Level 2, Old Arts Building;
- Sign up for tutorials on the subject notice board in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science.
Contact Details- Email is our preferred method of communication with students. All email contact with any staff must be through the email address tfac@austehc.unimelb.edu.au. The email subject heading must begin with TFAC and should have a meaningful title. You should use your student email account to communicate with us. Emails that do not statisfy these criteria are in danger of being deleted, unread, as spam. All emails with attachments will be deleted, unread. Replies to emails will be made on Wednesdays and Thursdays only.
- Course Co-ordinator: Gavan McCarthy, Senior Research Fellow, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, and Director, Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre (Austehc). This course will be taught by Gavan McCarthy.
- Office: Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, Old Arts Building.
Private Appointments- Teaching staff will be available for consultation by appointment only on Wednesday 9-10 am.
- Appointments must be made by sending an email to 'tfac'. Email: tfac@austehc.unimelb.edu.au. The subject line must read: TFAC - Appointment Request. The email should be addressed to the individual staff with whom you need to make an appointment.
Electronic Journals
- Ariadne, UKOLN, 1996, http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/.
- Arms, William Y. (ed.), D-lib Magazine, Corporation for National Research Initiatives, 1995, http://www.dlib.org/.
- Rinne, Teri Andrews (ed.), Current Cites, Digital Library SunSite, 1990, http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/CurrentCites/.
- Valauskas, Edward J. (ed.), First Monday, University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1996, http://www.firstmonday.org.
- The World Wide Web Consortium, W3C, 1994, http://www.w3.org/.
- Information Technology Services, WebRAFT, The University of Melbourne, 1999, http://webraft.its.unimelb.edu.au/.
- Information Technology Services, Computing Assistance for Students, The University of Melbourne, 2000, http://www.its.unimelb.edu.au/students.html.