Home Fact, Fiction and Fraud in the Digital Age
Essential Skills for the Information Age Worker, Semester 2 2004

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Week 01: Introduction to the course

Lecturer: Gavan McCarthy
Image of Week 01: Introduction to the course
Online Sources
Date: 28 July 2004 1pm
Location: Old Arts Theatre B
Outline of administrative and housekeeping requirements and an overview of the aim of the course and expectations of staff and students. What is the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and why are we teaching this course? Who are the lecturers and tutors? What is the Web and why is it an issue?

Tutorial Exercises

  • There are no tutorials in the first week. Your task is to locate the "Fact, Fiction and Fraud" notice board outside the HPS office and sign-up for the joint tutorial - computer laboratory sessions.
    • Tutorial - Computer Lab Session 1: Wednesdays, 3.15-5.15pm.
    • Tutorial - Computer Lab Session 2: Thursdays, 10am-12pm.

  • Tutorials will be held in Criminology Seminar Room 5, Level 4, 234 Queensbury Street, Carlton.

Lab Exercise

  • There is no lab session this week. If you have not already located it - the laboratory sessions (which follow immediately after the tutorials) are held in the Criminology Computer Lab, Level 4, 234 Queensbury Street, Carlton. The laboratory is open 24 hours per day. Please ensure that your student email is activated so that you can access WebRaft - see http://rubens.its.unimelb.edu.au/ars/accgen.html

Review Questions

  • Some of these questions can be answered from the reading http://www.newmediastudies.com/webbook1.htm - Web Studies: A User's Guide. Others may require a bit of Web searching to discover the answer. For those that require searching, note the methods you used to locate the answer.

    1. Finish this sentence - The internet is ........
    2. According to this author when can it be traced back to? Does this accord with other available Internet histories?
    3. What does TCP/IP mean? What is it? What is its importance?
    4. Who is Tim Berners-Lee?
    5. What is Mosaic? Does it still exist?
    6. Name four web browsers and the terms and conditions under which they are available? What standards do they claim compliance with?
    7. What is the WWW Constortium (W3C)? What do they do?
    8. Distinguish between the internet and the Web
    9. What is HTML? What is HTTP? What is FTP? What is XML?
    10. Was this article written before or after the dot com crash?
    11. According to the author what are some possible strategies for making money on the Web? Has Amazon turned a profit yet?
    12. Is Encyclopedia Brittanica still freely available?
    13. What does 'open source' software mean?
Online Sources

Electronic Journals

Resource Sections

  • Gauntlett, David, 'Web Studies: A User's Guide', in Web.Studies Rewiring Media Studies for the Digital Age, Arnold (London) and Oxford University Press (New York), 2000, http://www.newmediastudies.com/webbook1.htm.
Prepared by: Gavan McCarthy
Created: 5 June 2000
Modified: 22 July 2004

Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, 2000 - 2004
Comments, questions, corrections and additions: tfac@austehc.unimelb.edu.au
Updated: 22 July 2004

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