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Early Scientific Journals in Victoria



Dates of Publication






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Acknowledgement is extended to the Royal Society of Victoria, the National Museum of Victoria and the State Library of Victoria for access to unpublished minutes (RSV), to original copies of Transactions (RSV and NMV) and to newspapers and journals (SLV). Dr Garran was particularly helpful at the library of the Royal Society and Mr T. Darragh, National Museum, located several obscure references and provided his own copy of item B for perusal.


CM1 Minutes of Council Meetings of the Philosophical Society of Victoria (Unpublished. Held by the Royal Society of Victoria).
CM2 Minutes of Council Meetings of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria (Unpublished. Held by the Royal Society of Victoria).
PM Trans. Vict. Inst. Proceedings.
PM1 Trans. Philos. Soc. Vict. Volume 1. Proceedings.
PM2 Trans. Philos. Inst. Vict. Volume 1. Proceedings.
PM3 Trans. Philos. Inst. Vict. Volume 2. Proceedings.
PM4 Trans. Philos. Inst. Vict. Volume 3. Proceedings.
PM5 Trans. Philos. Inst. Vict. Volume 4. Proceedings.
PM6 Trans. Roy. Soc. Vict. Volume 5. Proceedings.
S1 Trans. Linn. Soc. London 21:326 (1855).

Manuscript received 4 May 1982.

Organisations in Australian Science at Work - Philosophical Institute of Victoria; Philosophical Society of Victoria

People in Bright Sparcs - Garran, Richard Randolph

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Aston, Helen 1984, 'Publication Dates of Early Scientific Journals in Victoria', Muelleria, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 281-288.

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