Provenance - Creators and Custodians

001 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
National Headquarters of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
Date Range: 1917 - 1995?

On 26 July 1916 a meeting of leading chemists was held in Sydney to discuss the need for a chemical institute - the results of discussions at the Australian Chemical Association conference in Lithgow, NSW earlier that year. By August of the same year, an executive committee was elected. The Australian Chemical Institute began in 1917 with a central council and state branches in NSW, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia. Western Australia's branch formed later that year, Tasmania was part of the NSW branch until it separated 20 years later and Canberra did not form a branch until 1980.

The Australian Chemistry Institute (ACI) was formed to advance the theory and practice of Chemistry in Australia, and to represent the interests of chemists. David Orme Masson, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Melbourne, and the first President of the ACI, was the driving force in the formation of the ACI. There initially was resistance to the idea of an "Australian Institute of Chemistry". Some felt that as the British Institute of Chemistry was already in existence, an Australian section of that Institute could be formed instead. According to some, this would have given the Australian chemists a higher standard of recognition than an Australian Institute. A compromise was reached with the formation of the Australian Chemical Association in 1916, which reverted to the Australian Chemical Institute one year later after state provisional committees were formed and a draft constitution put forward. The constitution affirmed certain aims and objectives of the ACI: to improve the status of chemistry and advance the interests of the profession; to better the facilities for education and examination of those wanting to achieve qualifications in the profession; and to obtain power to legally grant certificates of competency.

The Royal Charter (first sealed in 1932, supplemental Royal Charter sealed in 1953 to enable prefix "Royal" to be added to the name of the Institution) enabled the ACI to legally enforce its regulations. It also allowed for the use of the term "Chartered Chemist" by corporate members.

The RACI held National meetings, conferences, symposia, exhibitions, all of which promoted chemistry in Australia and enabled discussion and exchange of ideas amongst a variety of professions within chemistry fields and industries.


National Headquarters/National Secretariat, co-ordinates the state branches, divisions and committees of the RACI. There is a central council consisting of..... and an executive committee which is responsible for......The Institute structure/office bearers is/are as follows:

Branches, Divisions and Committees

RACI consists of State and Regional Branches based on geographic locations, Divisions based on subject areas of chemistry and Committees formed by members to achieve certain goals or to administer certain affairs such as awards, publications, finances, visitors and symposia, etc. The State Branches are as follows:
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia

Regional Branches:
Nth Queensland
Broken Hill
Latrobe Valley

Organic Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Cereal Chemistry
Chemistry Education
Co-ordination and Metal Organic Chemistry
Solid State Chemistry
Industrial and Engineering
Physical Chemistry
Agriculture and Medicinal Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry

Journals and Publications

RACI published its journal of proceedings aptly titled "Journal and Proceedings" from 1934-1950. From 1951 - 1977 the RACI Journal was just called "Proceedings", and in July 1977, a new format was produced titled "Chemistry in Australia", which is still in production.

Related Organisations (National and International)

Federation of Asian Chemical Societies
British Chemical Society (?)


FACS Federation of Asian Chemical Societies
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
RACI Royal Australian Chemical Institute
ACI Australian Chemical Institute
ANZAAS Australian and New Zealand
CSIRO Commonwealth Science, Industry and Research Organisation
RIC Royal Institute of Chemistry
AAERCE Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment
FINEC Financial and Economic Services
AWRC Australian Water Resources Council
NZIC New Zealand Institute of Chemistry
NATA National Association of Testing
PAC-CHEM Pacific Basin Chemical Societies
APCC Australian Professional Consultants Council
NERDDC National Energy Research Development and Demonstration Council
CAS Conference of Allied Societies
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
COMO Co-ordination and Metal Organic Chemistry Division of RACI
QIT Queensland Institute of Technology
ACTFE Australian Committee on Technical and Further Education
CAE College of Adult Education
WRF Water Research Foundation
AWWA Australian Water and Wastewater Association
IAWPR International Association of Water Pollution Research
ASTIC Australian Scientific and Technical Information Centre
TAFEC Technical and Further Education Commission

002 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Victorian Branch
Date Range: 1917 - 1995?

The State and Regional Branches of the RACI are determined by geographic location as opposed to the Divisions which are based on subject.
The aim of the State Branch is to co-ordinate activities of members within that state. The objective of the State Branch are to promote the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold symposia, meetings and other functions to discuss relevant issues.
The State Branch is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Sate Branch are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

003 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date Range: 1917 - 1995?

The State and Regional Branches of the RACI are determined by geographic location as opposed to the Divisions which are based on subject.
The aim of the State Branch is to co-ordinate activities of members within that state. The objective of the State Branch are to promote the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold symposia, meetings and other functions to discuss relevant issues.
The State Branch is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Sate Branch are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

004 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Analytical Chemistry Division
Date Range: 1969 - 1995?

The Analytical Chemistry Division is made up of Analytical Chemistry Groups that exist in the various states. The aim of the Division is to co-ordinate activities of members with an interest in a particular area such as Analytical Chemistry. The Divisions and Groups are subject based as opposed to the State and Regional Branches which are based on geographic location. The objectives of the Division are to promote, advance and safeguard the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold national symposia and local meetings to discuss relevant issues.
The Division is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Division are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The division also has a Standing Committee consisting of 8 members.

005 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Organic Chemistry Division
Date Range: 1970 - 1995?

The Organic Chemistry Division is made up of Organic Chemistry Groups that exist in the various states. The aim of the Division is to co-ordinate activities of members with an interest in a particular area such as Organic Chemistry. The Divisions and Groups are subject based as opposed to the State and Regional Branches which are based on geographic location. The objectives of the Division are to promote, advance and safeguard the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold national symposia and local meetings to discuss relevant issues.
The Division is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Division are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The division also has a Standing Committee consisting of 8 members.

006 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Industrial and Engineering Division
Date Range: 1969 - 1995?

The Industrial and Engineering Division is made up of Industrial and Engineering Groups that exist in the various states. The aim of the Division is to co-ordinate activities of members with an interest in a particular area such as Industry or Engineering. The Divisions and Groups are subject based as opposed to the State and Regional Branches which are based on geographic location. The objectives of the Division are to promote, advance and safeguard the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold national symposia and local meetings to discuss relevant issues.
The Division is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Division are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The division also has a Standing Committee consisting of 8 members.

007 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Co-ordination and Metal Organic Division
Date Range: 1966 - 1995?

The Co-ordination and Metal Organic (COMO) Division is made up of COMO Groups that exist in the various states. The aim of the Division is to co-ordinate activities of members with an interest in a particular area such as Metal Organic Chemistry. The Divisions and Groups are subject based as opposed to the State and Regional Branches which are based on geographic location. The objectives of the Division are to promote, advance and safeguard the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold national symposia and local meetings to discuss relevant issues.

The Division is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Division are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The division also has a Standing Committee consisting of 8 members.

008 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Polymer Chemistry Division
Date Range: 1964 - 1995?

The Polymer Chemistry Division is made up of Polymer Chemistry Groups that exist in the various states. The aim of the Division is to co-ordinate activities of members with an interest in a particular area such as Polymer Chemistry. The Divisions and Groups are subject based as opposed to the State and Regional Branches which are based on geographic location. The objectives of the Division are to promote, advance and safeguard the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold national symposia and local meetings to discuss relevant issues.
The Division is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Division are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The division also has a Standing Committee consisting of 8 members.

009 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Cereal Chemistry Division
Date Range: 1966 - 1995?

The Cereal Chemistry Division is made up of Cereal Chemistry Groups that exist in the various states. The aim of the Division is to co-ordinate activities of members with an interest in a particular area such as Cereal Chemistry. The Divisions and Groups are subject based as opposed to the State and Regional Branches which are based on geographic location. The objectives of the Division are to promote, advance and safeguard the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold national symposia and local meetings to discuss relevant issues.
The Division is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Division are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The division also has a Standing Committee consisting of 8 members.

010 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Solid State Division
Date Range: 1968? - 1995?

The Solid State Division (Solid State Chemistry Division) is made up of Solid State Chemistry Groups that exist in the various states. The aim of the Division is to co-ordinate activities of members with an interest in a particular area such as Solid State Chemistry. The Divisions and Groups are subject based as opposed to the State and Regional Branches which are based on geographic location. The objectives of the Division are to promote, advance and safeguard the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold national symposia and local meetings to discuss relevant issues.

The Division is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Division are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The division also has a Standing Committee consisting of 8 members.

011 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Electrochemistry Division
Date Range: 1965 - 1995?

The Electrochemistry Division is made up of Electrochemistry Groups that exist in the various states. The aim of the Division is to co-ordinate activities of members with an interest in a particular area such as Electrochemistry. The Divisions and Groups are subject based as opposed to the State and Regional Branches which are based on geographic location. The objectives of the Division are to promote, advance and safeguard the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold national symposia and local meetings to discuss relevant issues.
The Division is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Division are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The division also has a Standing Committee consisting of 8 members.

012 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Chemical Education Division
Date Range: 1966 - 1995?

The Chemistry Education Division is made up of Chemistry Education Groups that exist in the various states. The aim of the Division is to co-ordinate activities of members with an interest in a particular area such as Chemistry Education. The Divisions and Groups are subject based as opposed to the State and Regional Branches which are based on geographic location. The objectives of the Division are to promote, advance and safeguard the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold national symposia and local meetings to discuss relevant issues.
The Division is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the Division are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The division also has a Standing Committee consisting of 8 members.

013 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Understanding Science and Your Environment (USE)
An Initiative of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute

Understanding Science and Your Environment - Chairman: Professor David James; National Co-ordinator: Kay Thorne.
USE is a non profit public educational program initiated by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. The program targets adult audiences with little or no formal science education. It is intended to be value free and to assist people to come to their own conclusions on environmental issues of concern to them.
USE was set up to operate separately from RACI. It operates under a Chairman and an Advisory Council drawn from many organisations. USE is funded by RACI and other professional institutes as well as by grants from government, industry bodies and companies. It has the capacity to charge for use of its services (including licensing or franchising of educational institutions for use of its materials).

014 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - South Australian Branch
Date Range: 1917? - 1997

The State and Regional Branches of the RACI are determined by geographic location as opposed to the Divisions which are based on subject.
The aim of the State Branch is to co-ordinate activities of members within that state. The objective of the State Branch are to promote the scientific and professional interests of its members; also to hold symposia, meetings and other functions to discuss relevant issues.
The State Branch is subject to the provisions of the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Royal Chemical Institute. Office bearers in the State Branch are a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
RACI SA Branch Committee 1997 members include: Dr John Andersen (President, Ph. 8271 1473); Dr Mark Buntine (Treasurer, Ph. 8303 5580); Mr Albert Pryce (History & Archives, Ph. 8396 2561); Mr Graham Teague (Past President, Ph. 8363 4399); and Dr Edward Tiekink (Vice President, Ph. 8303 5943).
Mr Pryce advised that the Executive Committee of office bearers meets in alternative months.

015 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch
Date Range: 1953 - 1988
016 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Western Australia Branch
017 The 30th International Chemistry Olympiad 1998
Date Range: 1996 - 1998

Formed as part of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Victorian Branch.
Also known as 30th IChO, 30IChO, 30 IChO, January 1998

018 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - History and Archives Committee
Date Range: 1986 -

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, March 2004
Listed by Gavan McCarthy, John Spink, Helen Morgan and Bill King
HTML edition Gavan McCarthy
Updated 2 April 2008

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