Series 23 - Staff Suggestions, Social Club, Bonus Schemes, Credit Union, Miscellaneous

Date Range1970 - 1990
Quantity33 cm, 31 files
ProvenancePersonnel - PMA Ltd

Series 23 contains various papers and information related primarily to plant staff, and to social club activities at Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited.

Includes staff files and resignation/termination forms; social club meeting minutes; flyers, papers and ephemera for actual or proposed social club outings and events; information on credit unions (particularly Joint Provident Fund and Circle Credit Co-operative); staff bonus schemes; papers on the staff suggestion scheme; etc.

Most of files registered in this series are thought to have been assembled by the Personnel department of the Pigments Plant at Laverton, and subsequently the Personnel department of Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited. The provenance of Pigments Plant at Laverton or Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited have been assigned to those items in this series where it was not possible to determine a finer provenance attribution.

This series contains records of a personal nature. Restrictions apply. Please consult the custodian about access.

AccessPartially closed

Inventory Listing

23-1 Resignations (I)

Staff files, many finishing with an application for resignation by the staff member and including applications for annual leave and sick leave (including some medical certificates), injury reports, interview forms, notices of dismissal or discharge, receipts for return of equipment on leaving the plant, etc.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1962 - 1976    Quantity 4.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Loose Notes and Forms
Access Closed until 1 May 2066
Inventory Identifier PMA0056 Box Number 120 Series 23
23-2 Resignations (II)

Staff files, many finishing with an application for resignation by the staff member and including applications for annual leave and sick leave (including some medical certificates), injury reports, interview forms, notices of dismissal or discharge, receipts for return of equipment on leaving the plant, etc.

Creator Personnel - Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1962 - 1969    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes and Forms
Access Closed until 1 May 2066
Inventory Identifier PMA0057 Box Number 120 Series 23
23-3 Social Club Minutes

Consists of agendas and minutes for Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited Social Club committee meetings.

Look to have been distributed to Anna Lee Cribb, Personnel Manager.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1990    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier PMA0810 Box Number 44 Series 23
23-4 Social Club Outings and Entertainments

Assorted correspondence, flyers, posters and advertisements for theatre, travel, entertainment venues, etc. Also includes some quotes and social club meeting minutes.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1985 - 1988    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Ephemera, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier PMA0809 Box Number 44 Series 23
23-5 Notes on Social Club Events

Handwritten notes on social club events, including a table showing expenses, amounts received and subsidies for various events.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1970 - c. 1972    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA0062 Box Number 44 Series 23
23-6 Notes Regarding Managers' Salaries, and Other Papers

Includes blank Budget Plan forms from the Circle Credit Co-operative Limited, a copy of a letter from the Circle Credit Co-operative regarding managers' salaries, a letter from the Credit Union Managers' Association of Victoria, and the Victorian Credit Co-operative Association Limited.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1974    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier PMA0065 Box Number 44 Series 23
23-7 The Crossroads Plan for Credit Unions
Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1975 - c. 1976    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 booklet
Formats Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA0066 Box Number 44 Series 23
23-8 Joint Provident Fund and Circle Credit Co-operative Minutes and Newsletters, and Other Papers

Many of the papers feature the name G. W. Batten as a signatory.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1973    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Newsletters
Inventory Identifier PMA0069 Box Number 44 Series 23
23-9 Victorian Credit Co-operative Association Limited Minutes, and Other Papers

Includes minutes and agendas, documents entitled "Rules", membership records, etc. Also includes some papers from the Circle Credit Co-operative Limited.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1973 - 1974    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Ephemera, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA0071 Box Number 44 Series 23
23-10 Getting Together to Provide Credit - The Circle Credit Co-operative
Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1973 - c. 1974    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 brochure
Formats Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA0067 Box Number 44 Series 23
23-11 ICI Australia Limited and Associated Companies - Joint Provident Fund - Minutes of the Committee Meeting

In envelope addressed to "Mr D F Thompson".

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1975    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier PMA0064 Box Number 44 Series 23
23-12 ICI Australia Limited - Joint Provident Fund - Housing Loan Applications
Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1972    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier PMA0063 Box Number 44 Series 23
23-13 ICI Australia Limited And Associated Companies Joint Provident Fund

Includes minutes with a note attached: "To Mr D F Thompson - PMA Laverton - From J A Wilson".

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1973 - 1975    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA0070 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-14 Labour Costs
Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1973    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA1046 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-15 Labour Process Profit Plans, and Other Papers

Also includes lists of Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited standards, "Monastral Standard Hours for Production", and "Azo Standard Hours for Production".

The memo is from W. A. Kellow, Personnel Superintendent. Kellow's initials are also on the top right corner of one paper in the file, and his handwritten notes appear to be on several documents.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1971 - 1981    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Lists and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA1047 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-16 Imperial Chemical Industires of Australia and New Zealand Limited - Pigments Plant - Laverton - Bonus Scheme - Azo Plant - Work Specification

Looks to have been distributed to the Works Manager, Pigments Plant, Laverton.

The provenance of Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited has been assigned to this item as it was not possible to determine a finer provenance attribution due to the way the records were handled at the time the organisation was closed down.

Creator Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1964    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Specifications
Inventory Identifier PMA0806 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-17 Imperial Chemical Industires of Australia and New Zealand Limited - Pigments Plant - Laverton - Bonus Scheme - Monastral Plant - Work Specification

The provenance of Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited has been assigned to this item as it was not possible to determine a finer provenance attribution due to the way the records were handled at the time the organisation was closed down.

Creator Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1964    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Specifications
Inventory Identifier PMA0807 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-18 Staff Suggestion Scheme - John Licht's Contributions

Includes memos and correspondence regarding the adoption or rejection of improvement suggestions by John Licht, an operator in the Azo plant.

Also includes notifications of rewards for his ideas, and clippings from what appears to be an ICI published newsletter or newspaper regarding his rewards.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1963 - 1975    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda and News Clippings
Inventory Identifier PMA0808 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-19 Suggestions Register - Productivity

The suggestions on the register date from 1962 to 1983. File also includes "ICIANZ Suggestion Scheme - Manual for Administration".

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1969 - 1983    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Lists and Manuals
Inventory Identifier PMA1041 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-20 Suggestions - Progress Sheet
Image >>

Includes progress sheets, an outline of the Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited suggestion scheme, and details of the Imperial Chemical Industries of Australia and New Zealand Limited suggestion scheme.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 196? - 1983    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Forms and Manuals
Inventory Identifier PMA1039 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-21 Suggestion Committee - Meetings, Forms and Plans
Image >>

Many papers in this file are inscribed "Mr. W. A. Kellow" or similar.

Some papers are inscribed "Mr. J. H. Ferguson", and a small number are inscribed "Mr. H. A. Grayson".

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1962 - 1982    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA1040 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-22 Training Courses - Chlorine Emergency

The 1974 course schedule titled "ICI Australia Limited - Yarraville Factory - Chlorine/Ammonia Training Course" is inscribed "Mr Jack Barnes" in the top right corner.

A 1964 paper titled "Simulated Chlorine Emergency - Yarraville - November 12th, 1968" is inscribed "Mr. W. A. Kellow" with a note from him which appears directed to a colleague "Arthur[?]". Also handwritten on this page is "J Duffy for info and filing".

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1968 - 1974    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Loose Notes and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA1048 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-23 PMA Library - Category File
Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1970? - 1981    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Lists
Inventory Identifier PMA1042 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-24 Old Telekey System - Records of Key Usage
Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1972    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Loose Notes, Lists and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA1044 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-25 ICI Dyestuffs Division - Book Index

Contains pages of photocopied catologue cards for various papers, reports, etc. - primarily I.C.I. Dyestuffs Division technical reports, memos, and manufacturing processes.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1970    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA1043 Box Number 122 Series 23
23-26 Photographs - Fire Drill, Safety, Plant Inspection, Staff and Social Club

Black and white and colour photographs and negatives in an envelope inscribed "Personal - Mr. W. Kellow - PMA Ltd - Laverton Vic".

Includes assorted photographs of when the ICIANZ Board of Directors visited the plant; photos of Pigments Plant staff and social club activities. There is an envelope addressed to the Personnel Officer - Pigments Plant - Laverton; a photo labelled "C Court Injury 10.00PM 30/7/68", and other similarly labelled photographs.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1962 - 1970?    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Photographic Film Negatives and Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier PMA1045 Box Number 45 Series 23
23-27 Working Files

This appears to be a working file assembled by John Owens. It contains a mixture of technical documents, equipment quotes, loose handwritten notes, and papers regarding the "Supervisor Productivity Achievement Programme". It includes documents inscribed "Mr. A. R. Barlee - File" in the top right corner, "ARB", and "DWR".

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1960 - 1980    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Loose Notes and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA1049 Box Number 46 Series 23
23-28 Invoice for Table Decorations for Wind-up Function
Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 11 December 1990    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier PMA0805 Box Number 46 Series 23
23-29 Cricket Score Book

ICI Pigments club score book.

Creator Personnel - Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1964 - 1967    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Ephemera
Inventory Identifier PMA0811 Box Number 46 Series 23
23-30 Requisitions

This notebook includes the following handwritten inscription on the cover: "M. N Gailbraith - Return to - "Requisitions"" in red pen; and in blue pen "Mr L. Rae".

Creator Personnel - Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1963 - 1964    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Notebooks and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA0068 Box Number 46 Series 23
23-31 Social Club Cash Book

This notebook includes the following handwritten inscription on the cover: "Social Club Cash Book - 3 - April 85 to ".

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1985 - 1990    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Notebooks
Inventory Identifier PMA0321 Box Number 46 Series 23

Published by the The University of Melbourne, eScholarship Research Centre on AustehcWeb, December 2008
Listed by Barbara Cytowicz, Ann McCarthy, Gavan McCarthy, Michael Jones, Rachel Tropea
HTML edition
Updated 30 March 2009

The template for this finding aid is part of the Heritage Documentation Management System

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