Date Range | 1962 - 1990 |
Quantity | 61 cm, 27 files |
Provenance | Development - PMA Ltd |
Description | This comprehensive series contains monthly reports which provide an overview of plant operation. Monthly reports up to and including December 1969 are headed "Imperial Chemical Industries of Australia and New Zealand Limited" (ICIANZ), with subsequent reports headed "Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited" (PMA Ltd). The majority of the reports start with a summary of each area of the plant, followed by either sectional reports, or supporting information including graphs, charts, and tables of data. Each report contains information under some or all of the following headings: product development, process development, supply, work study, services, maintenance, laboratory, Azo, Monastral, personnel, stores, safety, etc. From 1967, some reports also include some or all of the following graphs and tables: monthly control, labour utilisation, call-ins per week, back-log, productivity data, departmental performance, costs, overtime, accident frequency rates, etc. The primary focus of the reports appears to change over time. For example, reports from 1970 to 1979 open with balance sheets, profit and loss statements and other financials. From 1980, while the reports still included similar financial information, it had been moved back into the body of the report. The majority of reports in the series are inscribed "Mr. W. Braun", "Mr. A. Barlee" or "Mr. D. R. Harris", all of whom were Development Superintendents (or equivalent) in the periods where their names appear. It is therefore believed these monthly reports were distributed to or retained by the Development department, beginning with ICIANZ, and continuing throughout the operation of PMA Ltd. The provenance of Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited has been assigned to one item in this series where it was not possible to determine a finer provenance attribution. Numerous monthly reports from 1977-1990 are also available in Series 4 - "Alan Barlee's Files". |
Arranged | Chronological |
Inventory Listing
Monthly Reports 1962
Some of the reports in this item are inscribed "Mr. W. Braun".
Creator Development - Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1962
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Memoranda
Inventory Identifier PMA0799
Box Number 37
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1963
Most papers are inscribed "Mr. W. Braun".
Creator Development - Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1963
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0800
Box Number 37
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1964
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All papers are inscribed "Mr. W. Braun".
Creator Development - Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1964 - 1965
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0801
Box Number 37
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1965
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Many of the reports are inscribed "Mr. W. Braun".
Creator Development - Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1965 - 1966
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0802
Box Number 37
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1966
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Most are titled "Monthly Summary Report". Also included are papers titled "Operations Report". All the reports in this item are inscribed "Mr. A. Barlee".
Creator Development - Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1966 - 1967
Quantity 4.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0803
Box Number 37
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1967
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The reports in this item are titled "Operations Report" and inscribed "Mr. A. Barlee".
Creator Development - Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1967 - 1968
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0804
Box Number 37
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1968
The reports in this item are titled "Operations Report" and inscribed "Mr. A. Barlee".
Creator Development - Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1968 - 1969
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0984
Box Number 38
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1969
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Reports from January-March 1969 are titled "Operations Report". Those from April-December 1969 are titled "Laverton Works Report". All reports in this item are inscribed "Mr. A. R. Barlee".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1969 - 1970
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0985
Box Number 38
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1970
All reports in this item are inscribed "Mr. A. R. Barlee".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1970 - 1971
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0986
Box Number 38
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1971
All reports in this item are inscribed "Mr. A. R. Barlee". The report for December 1971 is in the item "Monthly Reports 1973" in this series.
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1971 - 1972
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0987
Box Number 38
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1972
All reports in this item are inscribed "Mr. A. R. Barlee".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1972 - 1973
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0988
Box Number 38
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1973
Includes the monthly report for December 1971.
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1971 - 1974
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0989
Box Number 38
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1974
Reports from February and March 1974 are inscribed "Mr. A. R. Barlee", with all subsequent reports inscribed "Mr. D. R. Harris".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1974 - 1975
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0960
Box Number 38
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1975
All reports in this item are inscribed "Mr. D. R. Harris".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1975 - 1976
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0961
Box Number 39
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1976
All reports in this item are inscribed "Mr. D. R. Harris".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1976 - 1977
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0962
Box Number 39
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1977
The opening report in this item is titled "Manufacturing Cost Report - December Qtr 1977". Also included is a loose photocopied graph showing raw material stocks from the fourth quarter of 1972 to the first quarter of 1977. The remaining papers are monthly reports inscribed "Mr. D. R. Harris".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1977 - 1978
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Graphs, Reports and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA0963
Box Number 39
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1978
All reports in this item are inscribed "Mr. D. R. Harris".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1978 - 1979
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0964
Box Number 39
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1979
All reports in this item are inscribed "Mr H A Grayson", and with the code E16 from the General Manager's filing system. For more information, see Series 4. The final report in this item is from November 1979, featuring a handwritten note: "December kept in main file".
Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1979
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0965
Box Number 39
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1980
All the monthly reports are inscribed "Mr D R Harris". Also included in this item is a report titled "Manufacturing Cost Report - September Quarter 1980" inscribed with handwritten initials which appear to read "RDH".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1980 - 1981
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0966
Box Number 39
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1981
Also includes a monthly report from April 1982, financial statements from January 1981, and a memo from the General Manager D. K. Grant to department heads providing notice of a meeting to discuss the proposed 1981 Profit Plan. The majority of papers are inscribed "Mr D R Harris".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1981 - 1982
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Memoranda
Inventory Identifier PMA0967
Box Number 39
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1983 and 1984
Consists mostly of monthly reports from 1983. Also includes reports from June, September and October 1984. All reports are inscribed "Mr D R Harris".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1983 - 1984, Mainly 1983.
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA0968
Box Number 40
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1984
The monthly reports are inscribed "Mr D R Harris". This item also includes two sets of minutes from engineering projects meetings (19 September and 6 December 1984), both of which have "D R Harris" highlighted on the list of those present and which feature handwritten notes, assumed to be those of D. R. Harris.
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1984 - 1985
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA1115
Box Number 40
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1985
All reports in this item are inscribed "Mr D R Harris".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1985 - 1986
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA1114
Box Number 40
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1986
The first paper in this item is titled "Manufacturing Cost Report - December Quarter 1986". The subsequent papers are all monthly reports inscribed "Mr D R Harris".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1986 - 1987
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA1113
Box Number 40
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1987
All monthly reports are inscribed "Mr D R Harris". Also includes "Manufacturing Cost Report - June Quarter 1987".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1987 - 1988
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA1112
Box Number 40
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1988
All monthly reports are inscribed "Mr D R Harris". The report from June 1988 is fronted by two memos from John Owens, the first regarding a management committee meeting with handwritten notes on the back, and the second requesting work be done on position descriptions.
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1988 - 1989
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA1111
Box Number 40
Series 18
Monthly Reports 1990
Consists of monthly reports for October and November 1990, both inscribed "Mr D R Harris".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1990
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA1110
Box Number 40
Series 18