Series 12 - University Lecture Notes

Date Range1960s - 1970s
Quantity1 Box
ProvenanceRonald Gordon Giovanelli

Lecture notes, course outlines, draft manuscripts, notes, overhead projection sheets

Inventory Listing

12-1 Wollongong University notes

Set of lecture notes for Wollongong University College course on astrophysics, 1968. Units include: 1.Stellar structure, 2.Radiative transfer, 3.The sun's continuous spectrum, 4.The formation of absorption lines in coherent scattering, 5.Thermodynamic equilibrium, local thermodynamic equilibrium and profiles. 6.Chemical analysis of the solar atmosphere. 7.Non-coherent scattering. 8.Spectral line profiles with non-coherent scattering. 9.Excitation in the absence of local thermodynamic equilibrium. 10.Solutions for excitation in non-L.T.E. 11.The formation of strong lines in non-L.T.E.

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1968    Quantity 0.7 cm,
Inventory Identifier 12-1 Box Number 21 Series 12
12-2 Wollongong University notes

Set of lecture notes for Wollongong University College course on astrophysics. Units include: 1.The formation of spectral lines. 2.The formation of absorption lines in coherent scattering. 3.Thermodynamic equilibrium, local thermodynamic equilibrium and line profiles. 4.Chemical analysis of the solar atmosphere. 5.Non- coherent scattering. 6.Spectral line profiles with non-coherent scattering. 7.Excitation in the absence of local thermodynamic equilibrium. 8.Excitation in non-L.T.E.-collision dominated cases. 9.Autoionization and dielectronic recombination. 10.The net radiative bracket. 11.(a)Solution of excitation equations. (b)Emission and scattering parameters. 12.Miscellaneous

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1960s    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 12-2 Box Number 21 Series 12
12-3 Wollongong University notes

Set of lecture notes for Wollongong University College course on plasma physics, 1969. Units include: 1.Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field. 2.Motion and conduction in a plasma. 3.Waves in a plasma. 4.Equilibrium and stability. 5.Annihilation of magnetic flux. 6.Application to solar phenomena. And others

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1969    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 12-3 Box Number 21 Series 12
12-4 Wollongong University notes

Set of lecture notes for Wollongong University College course on solar astronomy, 1969. Units include: 1.The photosphere, granulation, and supergranulation. 2.Photospheric oscillations. 3.The chromosphere. 4.The corona. Other units include: "The general magnetic field and theory of the sunspot cycle", "Nuclear astrophysics"

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1969    Quantity 0.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 12-4 Box Number 21 Series 12
12-5 Wollongong University notes

Lecture notes for Wollongong University College courses, and draft typescript of paper. Lecture notes include: "The physics of measurement. 1.The instrument profile. 2.Transfer functions"; "Notes on least squares fitting of linear regression models"; "Experimental design for physics of measurement - Statistical background"; "Dynamics of the solar atmosphere"; Draft typescript of paper "Velocities in the photosphere and chromosphere - A brief review" and critical notes on paper

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1968    Quantity 0.7 cm,
Inventory Identifier 12-5 Box Number 21 Series 12
12-6 La Trobe University. Lecture notes

Working notes and lecture notes for lectures in the Division of Theoretical and Space Travel, La Trobe University. Includes lectures notes: "Lecture 1. Motions and magnetic fields on the sun"; "Lecture 2. Supergranulation motions and magnetic fields"; Working notes "Notes on waves"

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range July 1980    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 12-6 Box Number 21 Series 12
12-7 Lecture notes

Lecture notes for lectures at La Trobe University School of Physics, University of Melbourne, and Monash University. Lecture notes include: "Gas flow in solar magnetic tubes"; "Gas dynamics in the sun's magnetic and non-magnetic atmospheres"; "Waves in the sun's outer layers"; "Downflow in magnetic points"; "On the heating of the chromosphere"; "The theory of the 5-minute oscillations"; "Waves in magnetic tubes"; 4 overhead projection sheets

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1966 - 1967    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 12-7 Box Number 21 Series 12
12-8 Notes on the history of physics

Brief notes on the history of physics, n.d.

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Quantity 1 cm, Inventory Identifier 12-8 Box Number 21 Series 12
12-9 Overhead projection sheets

Set of 19 overhead projection sheets on various topics in solar physics

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1970s    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 12-9 Box Number 21 Series 12
12-10 German words and technical terms

Vocabulary of German basic words and technical terms, n.d.

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Quantity 5 cm, Inventory Identifier 12-10 Box Number 21 Series 12

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, April 2004
With support from Ian Potter Foundation and The University of Melbourne
Listed by Doug McCann and Gavan McCarthy
HTML edition Ailie Smith
Updated 8 November 2007

The template for this finding aid is part of the Heritage Documentation Management System

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