Series 9 - Audio Recording

Date Range1987
ProvenanceJoan Duffield

Audio cassette tapes and running indices.

Inventory Listing

9-1 Taped interview with Miss Joan D. Duffield the daughter of Walter Geoffrey Duffield.

2 cassette tapes (TDK AD-X60) recorded 9 September 1987 at Miss Duffield's home in Malvern, Victoria. With the cassettes is a running index but no transcript. Major topics covered include her parents and grandparents lives in Adelaide, South Australia, during the late 19th Century, life in Reading, England, 1910-1923, and life at Canberra and Mt Stromlo, 1924-1929. A number of stories make reference to events in her life that happened after the death of her father in 1929.

Creator Joan Duffield
Date range 9 September 1987    Quantity 1 file
Inventory Identifier 9-1 Box Number 9 Series 9
9-2 Taped interview with Miss Joan D. Duffield the daughter of Walter Geoffrey Duffield.

2 cassette tapes (TDK AD-X60) recorded 9 September 1987 at Miss Duffield's home in Malvern, Victoria. With the cassettes is a running index but no transcript. Major topics covered include her parents and grandparents lives in Adelaide, South Australia, during the late 19th Century, life in Reading, England, 1910-1923, and life at Canberra and Mt Stromlo, 1924-1929. A number of stories make reference to events in her life that happened after the death of her father in 1929.

Creator Joan Duffield
Date range 9 September 1987    Quantity 1 file
Inventory Identifier 9-2 Box Number 9 Series 9

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, April 2004
With support from Ian Potter Foundation, Bank of Tokyo (Australia) Ltd and The University of Melbourne
Listed by Gavan McCarthy and Howard Sankey
HTML edition Ailie Smith
Updated 8 November 2007

The template for this finding aid is part of the Heritage Documentation Management System

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