- Sabin (?)
- 2-26 12-2 15-48 18-3 18-4
- Sabin, A. B.
- 15-48
- Sabin, Albert
- 2-26
- Sabin, Paul
- 12-2
- Sagan, Carl
- 7-36
- Sahara
- 10-26
- Salination
- 18-15
- Salk Institute
- 2-26
- Salk, J. E.
- 15-48 18-3
- Salmonella
- 18-7
- Salzburg (?)
- 2-79
- Samfund, Danmark Naturviden-skabolige
- 12-2
- San Diego
- 2-26
- San Francisco
- 2-23 2-29 2-39 6-8 18-8 18-9
- Saudi Medical Journal
- 7-43
- Scarlet fever
- 2-60
- Schlesinger, Martin
- 7-49 18-6
- Schmidt, Professor (?)
- 12-2 14-28
- Schofield, F. D.
- 10-9
- Scholes, A.
- 7-22
- School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London
- 6-82
- Schrader, J. W.
- 9-32
- Schwarz (?)
- 18-12
- Science in Australia Symposium
- 2-15
- Science Teachers' Association of Victoria
- 6-35
- Sciences Club, The
- 6-49 12-4
- The Sciences
- 4-34 5-44 6-49 12-4
- Scientific American
- 5-35 6-115 19-1
- Scientific Theology
- 5-54 5-57 6-63 6-69 6-70
- Scope; evolution trial of 1925
- 1-92 1-102 12-3 14-33 14-38 18-6 18-15 18-26
- Scotland
- 1-98 13-4 18-1
- Scott, McNair?
- 14-36
- Scragg, R. F. R.
- 10-4 10-6 10-9 10-13 10-17 10-18 10-38 19-3
- Scrapie (?)
- 10-6 10-12
- Scrub typhus rickettsia
- 18-8 18-9 18-10 18-23
- Second International Conference on Live Poliovirus Vaccines
- 12-2
- Sela/Selg?, M. (Weizmann Institute)
- 7-49 12-4
- Self and Not Self
- 18-11
- Self Recognition
- 6-87 6-88
- Sen, Dr (?)
- 2-18
- Senile dementia
- 7-7 9-20
- Serbelloni (?)
- 1-102 2-29 2-79 6-24 15-30 15-31 15-36
- Serle, A. G.
- 6-21
- Sernskopf (?)
- 12-2
- Sexton, Christopher G.
- 1-101 7-31 18-25
- Sharp, Merck
- 14-62
- Shaw, George Bernard
- 18-1
- Sheep disease
- 18-7
- Sherwood, Dr (?)
- 1-15
- Sherwood, M. (New Scientist, science policy editor)
- 3-10
- Shier, Spencer
- 14-18
- Siims (?)
- 15-17
- Silber (?)
- 7-49 12-2
- Silberberg, A.
- 7-49
- Silenus Co.
- 16-17 16-18
- Silenus Laboratories
- 16-18
- Simonsen (?)
- 4-12 4-14 18-12 19-1
- Simonsen phenomenon
- 4-12 18-12 19-1
- Simpson, George
- 1-105 14-4 14-5 14-7 14-10 14-14 18-19
- Simpson, Helen
- 14-14
- Simpson, Lee
- 15-1
- Singapore
- 1-15 2-80 3-2
- Sir John Morris Memorial Lecture
- 4-10 6-6
- Slim, W. J.
- 12-2
- Sloper, F. L.
- 12-2
- Slor, H.
- 12-4
- Smadel, J. E.
- 10-6 10-18 10-25
- Smallpox
- 3-12 15-48
- Smart, Marjorie
- 18-13
- Smith (?)
- 12-2 12-3 18-6 18-10
- Smith, A.
- 12-4
- Smith, C. E.
- 18-9
- Smith, Julian
- 14-20 14-21
- Smith, R. M.
- 6-137
- Smith, Wilson
- 12-2 18-6 18-10
- Societe Française D'Allergie
- 1-44
- Society for General Microbiology (London)
- 1-44
- Society of Apothecaries of London
- 1-45 12-2
- Sociobiology
- 5-45 7-8 9-29
- Socrates
- 18-22
- Sofronov, B.
- 12-3
- Solar energy
- 6-56 7-17 7-35
- Solvoseri (?)
- 12-2
- Soman (?)
- 12-2
- Somatic cells
- 6-107
- Somatic mutation
- 2-26 4-19 5-33 6-80 6-97 6-105 6-107 6-114 6-119 7-56 11-8 11-10 15-49 15-51 18-16 18-19 19-1
- Sommer Memorial Lectureship Committee
- 12-3
- Sorkin, E.
- 9-5 12-2 12-3
- South Africa
- 1-102 2-24 2-25 7-44 16-8 18-14
- South East Asia
- 3-2 6-68 6-137 12-3
- Southampton
- 1-103 2-39 4-30 6-8
- South-East Asian Regional Pugwash Conference
- 12-3
- Spence, R. A.
- 14-4
- Spence, Sir James
- 1-103 4-30 6-57 12-3 16-12 18-18 18-20 18-21
- Splatt, B.
- 8-2 8-12
- Spleen research
- 2-62 18-5
- Srivastava, J. B.
- 14-29
- St Bartholomew's Hospital (London)
- 1-44
- Stackpole, Stephen H.
- 1-101
- Stanford University
- 14-33 18-9 18-16 19-1
- Stanford University; Herzstein Lectureship, 1960
- 12-2
- Stanton, D. G.
- 5-21
- Stawell Oration
- 4-22
- Stawell, Sir Richard
- 4-22
- Stebbings, J. H.
- 9-6
- Stem cells
- 18-7 18-16 18-17 18-19
- Stephenson and Turner (Architects)
- 8-6 8-30
- Sterling, Lorna
- 1-13
- Stern, M.
- 3-13
- Sterzl, J.
- 7-44 12-3
- Stetson, C. A.
- 8-26
- Stevenson, G. T.
- 7-45
- Stockholm
- 2-21 2-37 3-3 3-5 3-5 6-22 12-2
- Stokes (Australasia) Ltd
- 7-29
- Stokes, J. (?)
- 12-2 14-36
- Stonehenge
- 13-6 18-1 18-20
- Street, A. A.
- 7-34
- Summons, W.
- 12-3
- The Sun
- 6-31 6-104
- Swanton, May
- 1-23
- Swedish Broadcasting Corporation
- 1-12
- Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences
- 1-46 12-2
- Swift, D.
- 8-21
- Swine influenza
- 18-6 18-10
- Swineherds disease
- 18-5
- Switzerland
- 1-104 2-9 2-36 2-37 2-80 6-52 13-4 13-5 14-5 14-8 14-9 15-1 15-12 15-16 15-34 15-35
- Sydney Rubbo Memorial Lecture
- 4-24 6-29
- Sydney University Chemical Engineering Association
- 6-32
- Syme, Colin
- 8-10 8-27 8-28 8-32 8-33 8-41 15-41 18-13 18-18 18-22 18-25
- Syme, R. H. Y.
- 1-36
- Synthetic drugs
- 18-9
- Syphilis
- 18-8
- Systemic lupus erythematosis
- 11-4
- Szenberg, A.
- 4-14
- Szilard, Leo
- 12-1