Date Range | 1971 - 1996 |
Quantity | 3 cm, 2 files |
Provenance | Ward, Harry |
Description | Contains Harry A. Ward's satchel from the first annual meeting of the Australian Society for Immunology, Melbourne, 1971, and audio casettes of Council members' teleconferences from 1991 and 1992. |
Inventory Listing
Satchel from the Australian Society for Immunology First Annual Meeting - Melbourne, 1971
Creator Ward, Harry
Date range 1971
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 object
Formats Ephemera
Inventory Identifier ASIE0069
Box Number 28
Series 13
Audio Recordings of Council Members Teleconferences
Contains two audio casettes, inscribed: "Conference: ASI Secretariat - Conveynor: Prof Shellam", dated 12 September 1991; and "Prof Jeff [sic] Shellam - Australasian Society for Immunology Sec. - 27/07/1992 - 11:00am"; and a cover letter dated 14 February 1996 from Professor Geoffrey R. Shellam to Dr. Harry Ward, Honorary Archivist, stating the tapes contain recordings of two separate teleconferences of ASI Council members.
Creator Honorary Secretary
Date range 1991 - 1996
Quantity 3 cm, 2 audio casettes
Formats General Correspondence and Audio Recordings
Inventory Identifier ASIE0070
Box Number 27
Series 13