Series 9 - Papers of State Branches

Date Range1992? - 1997
Quantity4 cm, 3 file
ProvenanceAustralasian Society for Immunology Incorporated

Series 9 contains papers from State branches of the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated, including papers from the Queensland Branch, the Victorian branch (known as the Immunology Group of Victoria, or IgV), and the New South Wales Group.

Inventory Listing

9-1 Papers from the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated (ASI Inc.) - Queensland Branch

Material provided by Associate Professor Ian Frazer to Honorary Archivist Harry Ward, following his letter requesting papers from ASI Inc. branches.

Includes correspondence, meeting details, newsletters, an agenda, and other papers from the Queensland branch.

Creator Frazer, Ian
Date range 1992? - 1993, Mostly 1993    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Minutes and Agendas, Newsletters and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier ASID0021 Box Number 23 Series 9
9-2 Immunology Group of Victoria Meeting Programmes, and Other Papers

The paper for the March 1997 meeting Fifth Annual Conference of the Immunology Group of Victoria (IgV) states that IgV is a state branch of the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated (ASI Inc.).

Includes meeting programmes, surveys, a circular, and registration forms.

Creator Ward, Harry
Date range 1993 - 1997    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas and Forms
Inventory Identifier ASIE0049 Box Number 23 Series 9
9-3 Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated - Councillors' News
New South Wales Group
Creator Ward, Harry
Date range 1993    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Newsletters
Inventory Identifier ASIE0050 Box Number 23 Series 9

Published by the The University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre on AustehcWeb, September 2009
ISBN 978-0-7340-4119-7
Listed by Gavan McCarthy, Harry Ward, Lisa Cianci, Helen Morgan, Michael Jones and Ann McCarthy
HTML edition
Updated 6 April 2011

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