On 3 May 1999 the Council of the University of Melbourne declared the formation of the
Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre (Austehc) in the Faculty of Arts.
Austehc will continue the academic, research and heritage activities of the
Australian Science Archives Project (ASAP) which was established
by Professor R.W. Home in 1985. The Centre will encompass ASAP's original objectives and
continue to develop new programs that foster the preservation, promotion and development of
the heritage of Australian science, technology and medicine. ASAP's popular online
information resources, notably Bright Sparcs, will form
the key focus of the Centre's activities.
ASAP's 14 years experience at the local, national and international levels provides a solid
foundation for the Centre's success. The important network of associations with academic,
government and private organisations and individuals will be maintained and developed
to further enhance the Centre's crucial role. Austehc will:
- Establish the infrastructure, through research, development and implementation,
to undertake collaborative projects and activities relating to the history and heritage
of science, technology and medicine, within the University of Melbourne and with external
organisations and individuals;
- Create and provide access to authoritative information resources dealing with the
history and heritage of science, technology and medicine, primarily with an Australian
focus, to support academic scholarship, secondary and primary education, and general
community awareness;
- Advance the pursuit of knowledge in the history, archival, museum, heritage studies and
information management disciplines through teaching, research and development.
The significant corporate archival and records management projects undertaken by ASAP over
the past few years has led to the formation of a separate company, ASAP Information Services Pty Ltd.
The separation of this commercial work from the academic, research and heritage activities
will enable the Centre to maintain a strong focus on its fundamental goals.
Along with ASAP's Director and founding staff member, Gavan McCarthy, Austehc has retained
an essential core of ASAP's staff with distinctive expertise and knowledge as archivists,
researchers, teachers, historians, and WWW-developers. Austehc will continue the self-funded
tradition established by ASAP and work to enhance its position within the University of
Melbourne and augment its strong links with the
Department of History and Philosophy of Science.