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Science and the making of Victoria![]() ![]() |
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Royal Society of Victoria 1854-1959 Introduction Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science Philosophical Society of Victoria Philosophical Institute of Victoria Royal Society of Victoria Acknowledgements Index Search Help Contact us ![]() |
Royal Society of Victoria (continued) It was a very happy coincidence that the date of the centenary of the Royal Society of Victoria (November 1959) coincided exactly with the centenary of the publication of Charles Darwin's immortal work The Origin of Species. It was therefore very fitting that any celebrations that were to be planned should combine both centenaries. In addition to a centenary soiree that was held at the Royal Society's hall on 12 November 1959, at which historical documents and specimens were exhibited and a short historical paper read, a centenary symposium was held from 7-11 December 1959, the overall subject being 'The Evolution of Living Organisms'. For this symposium, the guest lecturer was Professor Ernst Mayr, Agassiz Professor of Zoology at Harvard University, U.S.A. On 7 December, at the University of Melbourne, Professor Mayr delivered the first 'O. W. Tiegs Oration', established in memory of a former councillor and chairman of the library committee, on the subject 'Accident or Design? The Great Paradox of Evolution'. In the discussions which were held during the following week, contributions were made by eminent evolutionists from all countries of the world, the papers being later issued in the form of a special publication by the Melbourne University Press. This symposium was a most fitting conclusion to the first hundred years of service to science of a society founded by men of vision in a young colony seething with the excitement of a major discovery of gold. May the second hundred years of the Royal Society of Victoria be just as rich, not only in scientific achievement but also in service generally, to a rapidly growing nation with the potential for major contributions of world importance. Let Baron von Mueller's aim, so aptly stated in 1859, at the first meeting of the first hundred years of the Royal Society'Concord and Progress'be the motto for the Society from 1959 to 2059.
Acknowledgements ![]() ![]()
People in Bright Sparcs - Darwin, Charles; Mueller, Dr Ferdinand
© Copyright of Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and The Royal Society of Victoria 2001 Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher |