Date Range | 1890? - 1945? |
Quantity | 21 cm, 6 files and bags |
Provenance | James Hamlyn Willis |
Description | Black and white and coloured glass slides, and some negatives, of scenery, flowers and plants, and various friends and collegues. Topics include the Barry Mountains; Mt. St. Bernard; scenery; Professor Tom Cherry; Mt. Cobbler Peak; orchids; acacia; flowers of Australia, South East Asia, North and South America, South Africa, Mediterranean and Western Europe. |
Arranged | According to subject. |
Inventory Listing
Barry Mountains
Thirteen black and white and coloured glass slides featuring Barry Mountains. Mt. St. Bernard; map of the area; scenery; friends and colleagues (including Professor Tom Cherry); Mt. Cobbler Peak. 18 cm x 8 cm, many have annotations on the outside. Photographs taken by James H. Willis and others.
Creator James Hamlyn Willis
Date range Date unknown
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats Photographic Glass Negatives
Inventory Identifier WILL00503
Box Number 1
Series 27
Seven black and white and coloured glass slides featuring orchids, taken by Fred Lewis, 8 cm x 8 cm, with annotations on the outside.
Creator James Hamlyn Willis
Date range Date unknown
Quantity 3 cm, 1 bag
Formats Photographic Film Negatives and Photographic Glass Negatives
Inventory Identifier WILL00504
Box Number 1
Series 27
Species of Acacia
Ten black and white and coloured glass slides featuring various species of acacia, taken by Fred Lewis, 8 cm x 8 cm, annotations are on the outside.
Creator James Hamlyn Willis
Date range 1890? - 1945?, Date unknown.
Quantity 3 cm, 1 bag
Formats Photographic Film Negatives and Photographic Glass Negatives
Inventory Identifier WILL00505
Box Number 1
Series 27
Various Flora by E.E. Pescott
Twelve black and white and coloured glass slides featuring various flora, taken by E.E. Pescott, 8 x 8 cm, annotations are on the outside.
Creator James Hamlyn Willis
Date range 1890? - 1945?, Date unknown.
Quantity 3 cm, 1 bag
Formats Photographic Glass Negatives
Inventory Identifier WILL00506
Box Number 1
Series 27
Various Flora by E.E. Pescott
Twenty two black and white and coloured glass slides featuring various flowers of Australia, South East Asia, North and South America, South Africa, Mediterranean and Western Europe. Taken by E.E. Pescott, 8 x 8 cm, annotations are on the outside.
Creator James Hamlyn Willis
Date range Date unknown
Quantity 5 cm, 1 bag
Formats Photographic Glass Negatives
Inventory Identifier WILL00507
Box Number 1
Series 27
Various Flora by Fred Lewis
Eleven black and white and coloured glass slides featuring various flowers, taken by Fred Lewis and others, 8 cm x 8 cm, annotations are on the outside.
Creator James Hamlyn Willis
Date range 1890? - 1945?, Date unknown
Quantity 3 cm, 1 bag
Formats Photographic Glass Negatives
Inventory Identifier WILL00508
Box Number 1
Series 27