- Nagataki, S., K. Shizume and K. Nakao (Papers)
- 21-18
- National Committee for Biochemistry (AAS)
- 5-10 7-9 8-9
- National Committee for Pure and Applied Chemistry (AAS)
- 7-8 8-10 12-29
- National Committee of Chemistry
- 2-9 5-19 6-77
- National Health and Medical Research Council
- 2-94 5-90 6-95 7-67
- Natural Sciences, Department of, UNESCO
- 7-75 24-7 24-8
- Nature
- 14-2 17-15 17-105 19-12
- Neville, M.E.
- 4-15
- New England Centre Hospital
- 23-36
- New York Academy of Sciences
- 2-78 7-70 9-81
- Newton, Sir Alan
- 16-58 19-1 19-6 19-10 19-11 19-13 19-15 19-16 19-17 19-18
- Nicholas Aust. Ltd.
- 10-31
- Nicholas Institute
- 6-82 7-71 8-72 9-83
- Nicholas, Morris
- 19-10
- Nicholls, Dr. Frank G.
- 10-31
- Nicholson, R.I.
- 19-17
- Nitrogen, Total
- 16-34
- Nitrotyrosine
- 16-34
- Nobel Prize
- 6-83 9-84 10-31
- Notebooks (on Chemistry)
- 16-38 16-48 17-61 25-56
- Nucleotides, polynucleotides
- 17-66 34-83 34-84
- Nuffield Foundation
- 5-94 6-97 7-88 9-84 23-14
- Nutrition
- 1-4 1-18 2-33 2-79 2-80 2-81 5-74 6-51 6-80 8-70 9-80 23-6 23-16 32-1 34-85
- Nutrition Society
- 23-16
- Nutrition; Committee
- 6-80 8-70 9-80