Six progress reports by Arthur Raymond Sloman: 1. "Development of technique for bomb-cooking experiments", work conducted by A R Sloman and L R Odlum, 1943-1944 (2 copies); 2. "Development of technique for the determination of cuprammonium viscosity", work conducted by A R Sloman and R G Booth, January to June 1945 (2 copies); 3. "The use of the permanganate number determination for control of cooking", 1944-1945 (2 copies); 4. "Eucalyptus gigantea: relation between pulping variables and yield, perm. Number and viscosity of unbleached pulp", 1943-1946, each copy followed by graphs by A R Sloman; 5. "Mill-scale cooks on Eucalyptus gigantea and Eucalyptus obliqua", January 1946 (2 copies); 6. "Eucalyptus gigantea: relation between pulping variables and removal of extractive lignin and carbohydrate from wood during cooking", 1943-1948 (2 copies).
Creator Sloman, Arthur Raymond
Date range 1945 - 1950
Quantity 4 cm, 1 folder
Formats Graphs, Reports, Photocopied Documents and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier SLOM00003
Box Number 7
Series 2