Date Range | September 1982 - June 2006 |
Quantity | 36 files |
Provenance | Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch |
Description | Records from the New South Wales Branch of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) were transferred to the RACI headquarters in Melbourne in 2006. The records were registered and listed in order as found, then sorted into series based on the operational functions and patterns of recordkeeping identified. Due to time and budgetary constraints, within each series the records maintain the order in which they were listed, rather than chronological or any other logical order. |
Related Series |
Part of | RACI003 Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch |
Inventory Listing
Council Operations, 1993-2002
Correspondence, news clippings, accounts, notes, list of university chemistry departments, operations manuals.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range June 1993 - April 2002
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, News Clippings, Loose Notes, Lists and Manuals
Inventory Identifier A2723
Box Number 08
Series 095
Council Meetings, 1994-2004
Proposal, minutes, correspondence, reports, accounts.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range November 1994 - May 2004
Quantity 6 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Minutes and Agendas and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A2731
Box Number 08
Series 095
Correspondence February-May 2000
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range February 2000 - May 2000
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A2732
Box Number 08
Series 095
Correspondence, 2001-2002
Correspondence, newsletter.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range December 2001 - December 2002
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Newsletters
Inventory Identifier A2733
Box Number 08
Series 095
Correspondence December 2002-April 2004
Correspondence, newsletters, "Powerline" magazine.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range December 2002 - April 2004
Quantity 5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence and Newsletters
Inventory Identifier A2734
Box Number 09
Series 095
Correspondence February - December 2004
Correspondence, newsletters, forms.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range February 2004 - December 2004
Quantity 5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Newsletters and Forms
Inventory Identifier A2735
Box Number 09
Series 095
Correspondence February - September 2005
Newsletters, Journal and Proceedings of The Royal Society of New South Wales, correspondence, information flyers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range February 2005 - September 2005
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Newsletters and Journals
Inventory Identifier A2736
Box Number 09
Series 095
General Correspondence with The Royal Society of New South Wales and University of Technology Sydney
Correspondence, newsletters, The Royal Society of New South Wales flyers, University of Technology Sydney information booklets.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range May 2005 - June 2006
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Ephemera and Newsletters
Inventory Identifier A2737
Box Number 09
Series 095
Job Applications - Royal Australian Chemical Institute New South Wales Branch Secretary
Correspondence, forms, news clippings (position advertisement), list of general staff salaries.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range March 1984 - April 2003
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, News Clippings, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A2738
Box Number 09
Series 095
Contract with University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Correspondence, schedule, arrangement between UNSW and RACI, budgets.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range October 1983 - January 2005
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence and Schedules and/or Timetables
Inventory Identifier A2739
Box Number 09
Series 095
Groups and Sections Phone/Address Directories
Committee members lists, committee nomination forms, correspondence.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range 1996 - November 2001
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A2740
Box Number 10
Series 095
"Quiz A Chemist" Website
Correspondence, website printouts.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range January 2001 - February 2002
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A2741
Box Number 10
Series 095
State Branch Coordinators Meetings May 2002
List of branch attendees, meeting notes, certificate, workshop booklet, correspondence, newsletter.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range 1997 - May 2004
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Newsletters, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A2742
Box Number 10
Series 095
APSA - Association of Professional Scientists in Australia
Correspondence, membership form, constitution.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range September 1982
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Forms
Inventory Identifier A2743
Box Number 10
Series 095
ACIC - Australian Chemical Industry Council
Correspondence, survey report.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range November 1989 - May 1991
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Reports
Inventory Identifier A2744
Box Number 10
Series 095
Correspondence General 1999
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range December 1998 - March 1999
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A2946
Box Number 10
Series 095
May Correspondence, 1999
Correspondence, The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (WA Branch) Newsletter (May, June July 1999), minutes, Royal Society of New South Wales Bulletin (May, June 1999), Mienex 2000 International Mining and Engineering Expo information package, University of Wollongong Campus News June 1999.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range April 1999 - July 1999
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Newsletters
Inventory Identifier A2948
Box Number 10
Series 095
Correspondence and Newsletters, 1999
Correspondence, Child Safety handbook, Powerline Magazine Winter 1999, Royal Society of New South Wales Bulletin September 1999, The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (WA Branch) Newsletter August 1999.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range 1999 - September 1999
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence and Newsletters
Inventory Identifier A2949
Box Number 10
Series 095
General Correspondence 1998
Correspondence, Science Stage 6 Syllabus Writing Brief Draft, Chaos Magazine December 1997.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range December 1997 - December 1998
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence and Drafts
Inventory Identifier A2950
Box Number 10
Series 095
General Correspondence and Newsletters 1996-1998
Correspondence, chemicals list, Draft Measure & Impact Statement for the National Pollutant Inventory Submission, Laboratory Safety brochure, news clippings, SciTalk newsletter march 1997, National Maritime Museum information package.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range November 1996 - January 1998
Formats General Correspondence, Newsletters and Lists
Inventory Identifier A2951
Box Number 11
Series 095
Correspondence 1998
Order form, correspondence, Continuing Professional Education 10th International Conference Program.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range November 1997 - July 1998
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Forms
Inventory Identifier A2952
Box Number 11
Series 095
General Correspondence and Newsletters, 1999-2000
Correspondence, newsletters.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range August 1999 - January 2000
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Newsletters
Inventory Identifier A2967
Box Number 11
Series 095
General Correspondence, 1995-1997
Information sheets, correspondence, photocopies, news clippings, Young Scientist 1996 Competition booklet, Member lists, newsletters.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range April 1995 - November 1997
Quantity 6 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Memoranda, News Clippings, Newsletters, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A2969
Box Number 11
Series 095
Correspondence 1995
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range December 1994 - August 1995
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda and Facsimile Transmissions
Inventory Identifier A2970
Box Number 11
Series 095
Correspondence August-December 1995
Correspondence, news clippings, newsletters, display information booklets, reports, memos, faxes.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range June 1995 - December 1995
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, News Clippings, Newsletters and Facsimile Transmissions
Inventory Identifier A2971
Box Number 12
Series 095
Correspondence 1994
Information booklets, correspondence, memos, faxes, newsletter.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range January 1994 - December 1994
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Newsletters and Facsimile Transmissions
Inventory Identifier A2973
Box Number 12
Series 095
NATA/Standards Debate
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range June 1994
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A2974
Box Number 12
Series 095
RACI NSW (Branch) Response to Media Group
News clippings, correspondence
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range August 1994
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and News Clippings
Inventory Identifier A2975
Box Number 12
Series 095
Correspondence 1993
Correspondence, news clippings
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range November 1992 - December 1993
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and News Clippings
Inventory Identifier A2976
Box Number 12
Series 095
General Correspondence 1992
Correspondence, invitations, newsletters, funding application
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range January 1992 - November 1992
Inventory Identifier A2977
Box Number 12
Series 095
Correspondence 1991
Correspondence, reply forms, progress report, memos, faxes, news clippings newsletters.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range October 1990 - December 1991
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, News Clippings, Newsletters, Facsimile Transmissions and Forms
Inventory Identifier A2978
Box Number 13
Series 095
General Correspondence 1990
Correspondence, photocopies, entry forms, news, clippings, faxes, memos.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range January 1989 - December 1990
Quantity 21 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, News Clippings, Photocopied Documents, Facsimile Transmissions and Forms
Inventory Identifier A2979
Box Number 13
Series 095
Correspondence, 2002
Correspondence with Firstmail, Australia Post mail price tables.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range November 2002
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier A3017
Box Number 13
Series 095
General Correspondence (Incoming) May-November 2000
Correspondence, faxes, memos about the website, obituaries, GST, Occupational Health and Safety Approvals, Intel Young Science Awards, Careers Expo, Prizes, seminars, accounts, audits, National Chemistry Quiz, chemical standards, Titration competition; Review of responses to discussion paper "Hazardous Household Waste - Shared Responsibility"; GST questionnaire; Intel Young Science Awards information booklet; Scitalk newsletter May 2000; member list; The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (WA Branch) Newsletter, May 2000, July 2000, October 2000, August 2000, September 2000, November 2000; Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Annual Report 1998-99; careers expo registration form; Royal Society of New South Wales Bulletin June 2000; Powerline Magazine Winter 2000; Backflow Prevention Program information booklet; news clippings.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range April 2000 - November 2000
Quantity 6 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, News Clippings, Newsletters, Facsimile Transmissions, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A3167
Box Number 13
Series 095
General Correspondence December 2000 - May 2001
Member Lists; The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (WA Branch) newsletter December 2000; Royal Society of New South Wales Bulletin December 2000; Science Centre and Planetarium News; Correspondence, faxes and memos about scholarships, Occupational Health and Safety, accounts, committees, prizes and awards, air pollutions, memberships, RACI Brochures, Careers Day; Science in the City Souvenir Program; Science Challenge Demonstrations Handbook; Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales Volume 133 Parts 3 and 4 2000; RACI ACT Branch Newsletter, Royal Australian Chemical Institute (WA Branch) March, April 2001, May 2001, January 2001; First Committee Draft Recommendation of FTIR Spectrometer Systems for Measurement of Air Pollutants; Powerline Magazine Autumn 2001
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range December 2000 - May 2001
Quantity 5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Drafts, Memoranda, Newsletters, Journals, Facsimile Transmissions, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A3169
Box Number 13
Series 095
General Correspondence June 2001 - December 2001
Correspondence, memos and faxes about the annual report, special projects, prizes, branch meetings; member details, marketing, funding, Australian National Chemistry Quiz, sponsors, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences 1999-2000 Annual Report; Don't give a job to an illegal worker - a guide on work rights 2001 Edition; Reporter Chemistry Around Victoria (RACI newsletter) June 2001; RACI ACT Branch Newsletter July, December 2001; The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (WA Branch) Newsletter June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2001; Royal Society of New South Wales Bulletin July, August, September, October, November 2001; Paw print Tiger Chemical Company Newsletter May 2001; PACE (Process and Control Engineering) newsletter August 2001; list of plaque winners; Science Centre and Planetarium News; news clippings; Underpinning Australia's Industrial Growth Report to Government March 2001
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch
Date range March 2001 - December 2001
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, News Clippings, Newsletters, Published Reports and Lists
Inventory Identifier A3170
Box Number 14
Series 095