Series 042 - RACI Finances and Related Records

Date Range1915 - 1989?
Quantity188.4 cm, 140 files
ProvenanceRoyal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat

Contains accounts - general, procedures, executive and council meetings, papers and general administration records, insurance records. Also includes FACS/RACI conferences - Darwin.

ArrangedArranged alphabetically by file subject title.
Related Series
Part of

RACI001  Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat

Inventory Listing

042-001 Procedures - Branch Treasurers

Includes: memos, correspondence, reports, financial regulations and procedures for branch treasurers.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1946 - 1975    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A1360 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-002 Procedures - Headquarters

Contains memos, correspondence, budgets and administrative procedures re division treasurers; RACI Financial Regulations and Procedures, (1961).

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1985, Mostly 1977-1985    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Numeric Data, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1361 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-003 Income Taxation Correspondence - 1

Contains correspondence and memos re stamp duty and financial institutions duty; correspondence between RACI and the Taxation Office re income tax assessments; notices of amended income tax assessment, (1930s and 1940s).

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1941 - 1983    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1362 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-004 Royal Charter

Includes: memos and correspondence re the granting of the title "Royal" along with the Supplemental Charter, (1953); "The Royal Charter and Supplemental Charter incorporating RACI", (1953); RACI "Draft Supplemental Charter"; Petition for Supplemental Royal Charter.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1941 - 1983    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Memoranda and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A1363 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-005 Income Taxation Correspondence - 2

Includes: report from the Charter and By-laws Committee to the Council re taking action to obtain Royal Charter, (1947); correspondence re membership of the Charter and By-laws Committee, proportional representation on branch committees; draft of proposed RACI Charter, (1947).

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1941 - 1983    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts, Reports, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A1364 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-006 Formation of the Institute, Early Documents and Later Notes

Includes: memo from the Institute of Chemistry in South Australia re meeting minutes; list of chemists invited to attend meeting at Adelaide University, (October, 1915); notes and correspondence re early development of the Institute.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1915 - 1973    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1365 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-007 Charter

Includes: correspondence and memos re the granting of Royal Charter, (1949); "Statement setting out the History, Objects, Activities and Achievements of the Australian Chemical Institute; Draft of Proposed New Charter, (1947); correspondence of the Charter and By-laws Committee.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1936 - 1953    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Loose Notes, Legal Documents and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1366 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-008 RACI 7th National Convention, Canberra - 22-27 August 1982

Contains list of convention participants; registration summaries from RACI Divisions.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982    Quantity 0.7 cm, 1 file
Formats Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1367 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-009 RACI 8th National Convention, Sydney 1986

Contains correspondence and memos re Divisions participating in 8th National Convention; audited accounts for the Divisions, (1983); reports and financial results from the 7th Convention; pamphlets and brochures from earlier conventions .

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1986    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A1368 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-010 Investments, General Funds

Includes: papers, proposals and correspondence re HQ Funds Committee, financing of overseas visiting chemists, requests for supplementary funding, national chemistry week budgets; RACI Swiss bank accounts; RACI investments.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1983    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Numeric Data, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A1369 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-011 Funds, Scientific and Education

Includes: correspondence, memos and trust deeds re the estate of Eric Booth; correspondence re the use of New South Wales Scientific Educational Trust Fund; Chemical Exposition Profits - draft trust deeds.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1946 - 1983    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Loose Notes and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A1370 Box Number 197 Series 042
042-012 Funds, Olle Bequest Fund

Includes: correspondence, notes and conditions re the Archibald D. Olle Prize; legal opinion on the will of Anna Katherine Olle; summons to NSW Branch of RACI re the will of A.K. Olle.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1954 - 1963    Quantity 0.6 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Loose Notes and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A1371 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-013 1950 Chemical IndustriesExposition, Sydney

Contains Income and Expenditure Account for Chemical Industries Exposition; Attendance Summary; correspondence re statement.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1950 - 1951    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier A1372 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-014 Funds Sundry

Includes: notes, correspondence re Wolskel Fund; Summary of Receipts and Disimbursments by the Public Trustee Office for the Estate of A. Wolskel; correspondence and notes re Corbould Bequest.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1947 - 1983    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Talks and/or Speeches
Inventory Identifier A1373 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-015 Solicitor

Includes: correspondence, duty statement, applications, resumes re the position of RACI Registrar; amendments of RACI Draft Financial Regulations and Procedures, (1959); ACI Agenda for Council in Person, (1945); correspondence between RACI and their solicitors Middletons, Oswald Burt & Co.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1945 - 1984    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and CV
Inventory Identifier A1374 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-016 Funds, Masson Memorial, Inauguration of Fund

Contains correspondence, notes, memos and legal documents re the setting up Masson Memorial Fund.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1938 - 1946    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A1375 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-017 Balance Sheets, Auditors Reports

Contains Auditors Reports and balance sheets for the Institute.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1966 - 1987    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A1376 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-018 Federal President - Visit to Branches, Election of President

Contains notes and correspondence re the activities of the Institute President, election of the President.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1943 - 1963    Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1377 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-019 RACI By-laws, 1941
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1941    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A1378 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-020 RACI General Meetings - Annual and Special

Includes: notice of Annual and Special General Meetings of RACI; correspondence re meetings; RACI Consolidated Balance Sheet (June 1961); proxy forms.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1968    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1379 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-021 RACI Annual General Meetings

Includes: notice of Annual General Meeting with Proxy Form, (1977); accounts for 1983; Proxy Forms, (1979) (1983); postal ballot forms (1983); attendance lists for Annual General Meetings;

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1975 - 1983    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Loose Notes, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1380 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-022 Federal Council Meetings

Includes: correspondence re Federal Council Meetings; Queensland Branch Committee Comments on Voting at Council Meetings; report on Voting on Council; Standing Orders and Procedures for Council Meetings.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1960 - 1968    Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1381 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-023 Accommodation - Headquarters and Victorian Branch

Includes: correspondence re Institute Accommodation at Kelvin Hall; report of Honorary General Secretary on visit to NSW Branch, (1945); inventory of articles received from General Secretary, ACI, Kelvin Hall, (1934).

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1933 - 1951    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1382 Box Number 198 Series 042
042-024 Institute Seal

Contains two copies of the Institute Seal, (1934); correspondence re new design of the seal; mock ups of seal; correspondence re authentication of Institute's Corporate Seal.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1934 - 1960    Quantity 0.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Artefacts or Objects/Realia, General Correspondence, Diagrams, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1383 Box Number 199 Series 042
042-025 Headquarters Equipment

Includes: correspondence, accounts and advertising material re RACI telephone systems; correspondence, quotes and accounts re office machines, including typewriters.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1939 - 1985    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Lists, Forms and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A1384 Box Number 199 Series 042
042-026 Headquarters Accommodation

Includes: correspondence and papers re RACI representation in Canberra; correspondence, quotes and accounts re accommodation at Kelvin Hall, alterations and refurbishment to Kelvin Hall office space, RACI Building Appeal.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1945 - 1974    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Drawings and/or Plans, Legal Documents, Lists, Proposals and/or Submissions and Specifications
Inventory Identifier A1385 Box Number 199 Series 042
042-027 Photographs for Chemistry Displays
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1975? - 1985?    Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats Mounted Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier A1386 Box Number 199 Series 042
042-028 Photographs of Historical Value Early 1920s-1980s

Various photographs of RACI office bearers, members and overseas chemists.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1920? - 1980?    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Photographic Prints and Mounted Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier A1387 Box Number 199 Series 042
042-029 Status of Women - Correspondence

Contains correspondence re UN Commission on the Status of Women; Social Science Research Centre project on the "Role of Women in Public and Professional Life".

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1959    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A1388 Box Number 199 Series 042
042-030 General Administration

Includes: Report of the Trustees of the Ramsay Fellowship Trust; general correspondence re RACI Administration; report on Headquarters Staff, (1962); list of early students of the Institute; W.E Purnell, Overseas Mission, (1969); Memorandum of Association of the Allied Societies Trust Limited.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1983    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Loose Notes, Published Reports and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1389 Box Number 199 Series 042
042-031 Funds - Educational Funds

Includes: correspondence re RACI Educational Fund, company donations to fund; list of donor companies, (1960); list of companies who failed to donate to fund, (1960).

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1958 - 1971    Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1390 Box Number 199 Series 042
042-032 Subscription Payments

Contains Consolidated Statement of Income and Expenditure for Year Ended 30 June 1975; Balance Sheet; Statement of Income for Publications; circular to members re subscriptions.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1952 - 1975    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and Memoranda
Inventory Identifier A1391 Box Number 199 Series 042
042-033 Budgets

Includes: RACI NSW Branch Budgets, (1978), (1985/86); RACI Consolidated Statement of Revenue and Income for Year ending June 1984; Audited Financial Statement for National Chemistry Week, (1983); RACI SA Branch Budget, (1984/85); Tasmanian Branch Budget, (1982/82).

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1978 - 1985    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Graphs and Memoranda
Inventory Identifier A1392 Box Number 199 Series 042
042-034 Subscription Rates

Includes: Minutes of the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting, (1973); correspondence re subscriptions; membership statistics, (1959).

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1959 - 1973    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Numeric Data, Minutes and Agendas, News Clippings and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1393 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-035 Funds - General Purpose

Correspondence re the General Purposes Fund.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1970    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A1394 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-036 Funds - Institute Research

Correspondence re the functioning of the Institute Research Fund.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1953 - 1961    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1395 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-037 Branch Secretaries Manual

Includes: memo to Branch Secretaries re Standard Procedures for Resignations, (1984); Procedure Manual for Branch Secretaries, (1958); copies of form letters sent to Associates and Students on receipt of advice that they were to be admitted to the Institute.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1943 - 1984    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1396 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-038 Royal Charter and By-laws

Includes: Petition to His Majesty in Council by the Australian Chemical Institute, (1928); Royal Charter, (1949); Rules and Code of Ethics, (1973); The Charter of the ACI, (1932); By-laws, (1967).

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1928 - 1983    Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A1397 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-039 Royal Charter and Correspondence

Includes: correspondence between RACI and Royal Institute of Chemistry re use of term "Chartered Chemist"; papers, correspondence, meeting notices re petition to amend Supplemental Royal Charter; Draft Supplemental Royal Charter.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1974 - 1983    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts, Minutes and Agendas and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A1398 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-040 Administration - Divisions

Contains notes, correspondence, memos re activities, finances and administration of the divisions; copies of the Draft Constitution for the Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Division; notes on the background to the divisions.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1973 - 1983    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Drafts, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1399 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-041 Administration - EDP Development

Contains notes, correspondence, proposals and tenders re RACI HQ computer system.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982 - 1984    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Newsletters, Loose Notes and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A1400 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-042 Committees

Includes: list of applicants for RACI Associateships, (April, 1984); various committee reports to RACI Council; Executive Meeting Action Sheets, (1984); meeting minutes of Council, Publications Committee, Queensland Branch, WA Branch, SA Branch, Qualifications Committee, Editorial Committee; draft regulations for Divisions, (1984).

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1401 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-043 Administration - Inward Mail Register
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1984 - 1985    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Inventory Identifier A1402 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-044 Corporate Plan
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1985    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Inventory Identifier A1403 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-045 Administration - ACS Tapes
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1981    Quantity 3.3 cm, 1 file
Inventory Identifier A1404 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-046 Print-Outs, Formatting, Coding
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1985    Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Inventory Identifier A1405 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-047 Chris McCormick - Computer System Notes
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1985? - 1989?    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1406 Box Number 200 Series 042
042-048 Council Meeting Papers

Includes: agendas, reports, attachments and papers of the RACI Full Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range November 1984    Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports, Minutes and Agendas, News Clippings, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1407 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-049 Council Meeting Papers

Includes: agendas, reports, attachments, memos, correspondence and papers re the RACI Full Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range April 1985    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1408 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-050 Council Meeting Papers

Includes: agendas, reports, attachments, memos, correspondence and papers re the RACI Full Council Meeting; By-laws of the RACI; proposed Second Supplemental Charter.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range May 1985    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Legal Documents, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1409 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-051 Council Meeting Papers

Includes: agendas, reports, attachments, memos, correspondence and papers re the RACI Full Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range October 1985    Quantity 1.4 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1410 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-052 Full Meeting Papers

Contains Summary Record of RACI Executive Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range November 1985    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1411 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-053 Council Meeting Papers

Includes correspondence, notes, papers, minutes, reports and supporting documents for RACI Full Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range November 1985    Quantity 1.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1412 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-054 Executive Meeting

Includes: notes, papers, reports, correspondence and Summary Record of the RACI Executive Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range December 1985    Quantity 0.6 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A1413 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-055 Executive Meeting Paper

Includes: papers, agendas, correspondence and notes re RACI Executive Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 4 February 1986    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1414 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-056 Executive Council Papers

Includes: papers, agendas, reports, correspondence and notes re RACI Executive Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 25 February 1986    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1415 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-057 Informal Executive Meeting

Includes: papers, agendas, reports, correspondence, notes and Summary Record re RACI Informal Executive Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 13 March 1986    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1416 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-058 Executive Council Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 8 April 1986    Quantity 0.7 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1417 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-059 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 6 May 1986    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1418 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-060 Full Council Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 7 May 1986    Quantity 1.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1419 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-061 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 10 June 1986    Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1420 Box Number 201 Series 042
042-062 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 15 July 1986    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1421 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-063 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 16 September 1986    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1422 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-064 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 7 October 1986    Quantity 1.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Numeric Data, Minutes and Agendas, Newsletters and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1423 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-065 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 24 November 1986    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Reports, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1424 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-066 Full Council Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 25 November 1986    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Newsletters and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1425 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-067 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 23 February 1987 - 24 February 1987    Quantity 1.4 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1426 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-068 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 7 April 1987    Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1427 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-069 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 5 May 1987    Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1428 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-070 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 10 June 1987    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1429 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-071 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 14 July 1987    Quantity 1.4 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Reports, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Lists and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A1430 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-072 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 27 August 1987    Quantity 0.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1431 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-073 Executive Meeting Papers

Includes: meeting minutes, memos, agendas and supporting papers for Executive Council Meeting.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range October 1987    Quantity 1.4 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1432 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-074 Chemistry in Australia - Subscriptions
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982 - 1984    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A1433 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-075 Journal of Chemical Education, Scientific American - Subscriptions
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A1434 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-076 Journal - Subscriptions

Contains correspondence and accounts re journal subscriptions for Chemistry in Australia and Scientific American.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1435 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-077 List of Journal Subscribers - Organisations

Contains list of Australian and overseas subscribers to Chemistry in Australia.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983    Quantity 0.6 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1436 Box Number 202 Series 042
042-078 Chemistry in Australia - Advertising

Contains monthly lists of trade advertisers in Chemistry in Australia.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1978 - 1983    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1437 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-079 Chemistry in Australia - Accounts
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range March 1983    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1438 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-080 Chemistry in Australia - Invoices and Vouchers

Contains accounts, invoices and vouchers from creditors involved in the production of Chemistry in Australia.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Published Papers or Articles and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1439 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-081 Membership Lists - Statistics

Contains hand drawn tables showing membership statistics on a state by state basis.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1969? - 1976?    Quantity 0.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1440 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-082 Membership - Suspended Members

Contains correspondence between RACI HQ and members re the suspension of membership.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1977 - 1983    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A1441 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-083 Membership

Contains correspondence and application forms re RACI membership; supplementary agenda items with lists of RACI membership applicants.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1984    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1442 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-084 Membership - Applications

Contains supplementary agenda items with lists of applicants for RACI membership; correspondence re the book Thermodynamics Conference.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1443 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-085 Membership - Suspensions (Associates)

Contains invoices for membership subscriptions; hand written subscription lists on state by state basis.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Numeric Data, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1444 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-086 Membership - Graduates and Students

Contains hand written Ledger Balances for Graduates and Students on a state by state basis.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982    Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Numeric Data and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1445 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-087 Membership - Associates, Graduates

Contains hand written Ledger Balances for Graduates and Students on a state by state basis.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Numeric Data, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1446 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-088 Membership - Subscriptions

Contains assorted forms, invoices and correspondence re membership.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1984    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1447 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-089 Membership - Upgrades, Correspondence

Contains membership correspondence; computer printouts of student and graduate members.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1984 - 1986    Quantity 0.8 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A1448 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-090 Membership - Miscellaneous

Contains assorted forms, correspondence and notes re membership.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1985?    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Loose Notes and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1449 Box Number 203 Series 042
042-091 Bank Accounts - Cheque Books

Contains one Commonwealth Savings Bank booklet of cheque book stubs from between 16/12/83 - 11/5/84.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 1.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1451 Box Number 204 Series 042
042-092 Bank Accounts - Cheque Book

Contains one Commonwealth Savings Bank booklet of cheque book stubs from between 27/9/83 - 16/12/83.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983    Quantity 1.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1452 Box Number 204 Series 042
042-093 Bank Accounts - Cheque Books

Contains three Commonwealth Savings Bank booklets of cheque book stubs from between 24/6/83 - 27/9/83, 17/3/83 - 15/6/83, 27/11/82 - 17/3/83.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982 - 1983    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1453 Box Number 204 Series 042
042-094 Bank Accounts - Statements

Contains booklet of Statement of Account with the Commonwealth Savings Bank from 30-6-80 - 30-6-82.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1980 - 1982    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1454 Box Number 204 Series 042
042-095 Bank Accounts - Statements

Contains booklet of Statement of Account with the Commonwealth Savings Bank from 1/7/82 - 30/6/84.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982 - 1984    Quantity 2.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1455 Box Number 204 Series 042
042-096 Finance - Private Ledger

Contains completed sheets and defunct accounts removed from ledger; accounts classified by nature.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1966 - 1984    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1456 Box Number 204 Series 042
042-097 Finance - Cash Receipt Summary

Contains loose leaf cash receipt summary

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1981 - 1985    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1457 Box Number 204 Series 042
042-098 Debtors Ledger - Advertising

Contains loose leaf debtors ledger sheets showing payments made to RACI Headquarters (Victoria) for sales and advertising.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1981 - 1983    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1458 Box Number 204 Series 042
042-099 Finance - Finance and Adminstration Committee

Contains minutes of meetings of the Finance and Administration Committee; subscription rates; financial reports; draft budgets; statements of annual investments; correspondence regarding administration and financial matters.

Includes: Minutes of meetings of the RACI Finance and Administration Committee; tables of figures detailing expenditure and subscription rates for the RACI journal Chemistry in Australia; financial statements for RACI HQ and the Publications Committee; yearly budgets; statements of RACI investments; incoming correspondence regarding various financial and administrative issues; organisation charts; RACI administration position descriptions.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982 - 1983    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1459 Box Number 204 Series 042
042-100 Finance - Advertsing Account Balance

Contains loose leaf balance sheets recording payments for advertising placed with the RACI.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1460 Box Number 204 Series 042
042-101 Finance - HQ - General Journal

Contains cash book style journal showing RACI HQ general revenue.

Includes monthly entries for showing donations, travel and miscellaneous expenses, sales income, interest and dividends.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1985    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1461 Box Number 205 Series 042
042-102 Finance - Quantel General Ledger

Contains accounts, correspondence, memos and loose notes regarding the income and expenditure of the RACI branches, divisions and groups.

Includes statements of income and expenditure for RACI branches, divisions and groups.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1985 - 1986    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1462 Box Number 205 Series 042
042-103 Finance - Journals

Contains loose-leaf balance sheets.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1985    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1463 Box Number 205 Series 042
042-104 Finance - Journals

Contains loose-leaf accounts sheets.

Includes balance sheets accompanied by photocopies of correspondence, financial statements, and statements of income and expenditure from RACI branches, groups and divisions.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1986    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier A1464 Box Number 205 Series 042
042-105 Finance - Journals

Contains loose-leaf accounts sheets.

Includes balance sheets accompanied by photocopies of correspondence, financial statements, and statements of income and expenditure from RACI branches, groups and divisions.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1987    Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Inventory Identifier A1465 Box Number 205 Series 042
042-106 Cash Payments Book - HQ Canberra

Ledger showing cash and cheque payments made by the RACI Canberra Branch.

Includes ledger entries for bank, meetings, prizes, clerical, printers and stationary, post and telephone, newsletter, miscellaneous and sundries.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1979 - 1984    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1466 Box Number 206 Series 042
042-107 Cash Payments Book - HQ New South Wales

Ledger showing cash and cheque payments made by the RACI New South Wales Branch.

Includes ledger entries for banking, meetings, salary, petty cash, occupancy, prizes, clerical, printers and stationary, post and telephone, newsletter, miscellaneous and sundries.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1971 - 1985    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1467 Box Number 206 Series 042
042-108 Cash Payments Book - HQ Queensland

Ledger showing cash and cheque payments made by the RACI Queensland Branch.

Includes ledger entries for banking, meetings, salary, petty cash, occupancy, prizes, printers and stationary, post and telephone, newsletter, chemical education division, miscellaneous and sundries. Also contains Cash Book Summaries and Bank Reconciliation Statements.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1955 - 1985    Quantity 1.7 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1468 Box Number 206 Series 042
042-109 Cash Payments Book - HQ South Australia

Ledger showing cash and cheque payments made by the RACI South Australia Branch.

Includes ledger entries for bank, meetings, clerical, petty cash, occupancy, prizes, printers and stationary, post and telephone, donations, education committee, miscellaneous.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1970 - 1985    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1469 Box Number 206 Series 042
042-110 Cash Payments Book - HQ Tasmania

Ledger showing cash and cheque payments made by the RACI Tasmania Branch.

Includes ledger entries for bank, meetings, clerical, petty cash, prizes, printers and stationary, post and telephone, and miscellaneous. Also contains cash and bank summaries, and bank reconciliation statements.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1956 - 1985    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1470 Box Number 206 Series 042
042-111 Cash Payments Book - HQ Western Australia

Ledger showing cash and cheque payments made by the RACI Western Australia Branch.

Includes ledger entries for bank, meetings, clerical, petty cash, prizes, printers and stationary, post and telephone, and miscellaneous. Also contains cash and bank summaries, and bank reconciliation statements.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1956 - 1984    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1471 Box Number 206 Series 042
042-112 RACI HQ - Standing Journal

Ledger showing accounts entries for each of the state branches and RACI HQ.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1979 - 1985    Quantity 1.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1472 Box Number 207 Series 042
042-113 RACI HQ - Cash Receipts

Ledger detailing monies held/received by RACI HQ and branches.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1981 - 1985    Quantity 1.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1473 Box Number 207 Series 042
042-114 RACI HQ - Payments

Ledger detailing RACI HQ cash payments.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1981 - 1984    Quantity 1.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1474 Box Number 207 Series 042
042-115 RACI HQ - Cash Payments

Ledger detailing RACI HQ cash payments.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1984    Quantity 1.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier A1475 Box Number 207 Series 042
042-116 RACI HQ - Accounts Book

Accounts book/ledger detailing RACI income, expenses, capital, assets, liabilities, funds.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1979 - 1985    Quantity 4 cm, 1 book
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1476 Box Number 207 Series 042
042-117 RACI Payroll Journal

One bound volume of computer printouts containing payroll information for RACI employees for the period 5 April 1984 to 27 November 1985.


Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1984 - 1985    Quantity 3 cm,
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1477 Series 042
042-118 Victorian and Queensland Groups and Section Accounts

Contains financial statements for the Victorian and Queensland RACI Groups and Sections.

Includes details regarding assets and funds, receipts, payments, and income and expenditure of the Victorian and Queensland RACI Groups and Sections.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1980 - 1981    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1478 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-119 Memberhip Subscriptions - Branches

Contains handwritten list and tables documenting subscription payments and income for each of the state branches of the RACI.

The item includes: lists showing the names and subscription fees paid by each branch member; breakdowns of subscription income for each of the state branches; correspondence regarding financial matters of the Inorganic Division of the RACI.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Loose Notes, Lists and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier A1479 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-120 Branch, Section and Group Accounts

Contains accounts and financial statements of the Canberra, Western Australia, Victoria, NSW, Queensland and Northern Territory branches of the RACI.

Includes details regarding the assets, income and expenditure, and receipts and expenses of the Canberra, Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and Northern Territory branches of the RACI.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1480 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-121 Division Accounts

Contains financial statements and correspondence regarding the accounts of the various divisions of the RACI.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A1481 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-122 RACI HQ - Journal Vouchers

Contains loose notes showing details of life member subscription allocations and interest earned by each of the RACI Division Funds.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1482 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-123 RACI HQ - Standing Journal Vouchers

Contains assorted accounts written by hand on loose sheets of paper.

Includes details of creditors accrued expenses, debtors and prepayments, sundry receipts, publications advertising, branch charges and payments, and interest due on branch funds.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1483 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-124 RACI HQ - Journal File

Contains loose leaf accounts.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1983    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1484 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-125 Journal Vouchers

Contains loose leaf, handwritten accounts.

Includes record showing: interest earned on branch funds; subscription receipt summary; provision for subscriptions unlikely to be paid; publications stocktake; publication sales accounts outstanding.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982 - 1983    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1485 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-126 Victorian Sections - Accounts

Contains year ended (30 June 1983) accounts for the Victorian sections of the RACI.

Includes a statements of income and expenditure, and receipts and payments for the Geelong, Gippsland and Bendigo/Ballarat Sections.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982 - 1983    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1486 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-127 Membership Subscriptions

Contains loose leaf subscription control sheets and accounts for the Canberra, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia Branches of the RACI.

Includes lists of subscribers to each of the branches, and credit and allowances registers showing subscription type and details.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982 - 1983    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1487 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-128 Division Accounts

Contains accounts, correspondence and loose notes regarding the finances of each of the RACI Divisions.

Includes: summary of Division accounts for the year ended 30 June 1983; financial statements/statements of income and expenditure; incoming and outgoing correspondence regarding the finances of the RACI Divisions.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982 - 1983    Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1488 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-129 Sections and Groups Accounts

Contains annual accounts (year ended June 30 1983) for RACI HQ, State Branches, Sections and Groups.

Includes: balance sheets; statements of income and expenditure; financial statements; statements of funds; subscription receipt summaries; standing journal vouchers.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1982 - 1983    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1489 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-130 Membership Subscriptions, Debtors Control

Contains debtors control accounts, subscription balance sheets and credit and allowances registers for each of the RACI State Branches.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1981 - 1982    Quantity 1.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1490 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-131 Journal Vouchers

Contains RACI journal vouchers and standing journal vouchers for the year ended 30 June 1982.

Vouchers include details of: interest due to RACI Branches; RACI HQ creditors; payments made by RACI HQ on account of Branches; interest earned by RACI Funds.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1981 - 1982    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A1491 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-132 Divsion Accounts

Contains RACI Division accounts for the year ending 30 June 1982.

Includes ; balance sheets showing payments and receipts for each of the RACI Divisions; financial statements; treasurers reports; auditors report including consolidated balance sheet, and statements of funds, income and expenditure.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1981 - 1982    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A1492 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-133 State Sections and Groups Accounts

Contains annual accounts (year ending 30 June 1982) for RACI Divisions, Sections and Groups.

Includes; subscription receipt summaries for each of the State Branches; Division balance sheets; and financial statements for the Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria Sections and Groups.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1981 - 1982    Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A1493 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-134 Insurance

Contains incoming and outgoing correspondence, draft manuscripts and ephemera regarding the establishment and administration of the RACI Employees' Superannuation Fund.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1966 - 1978    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts and Ephemera
Inventory Identifier A1494 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-135 Group Insurance

Contains correspondence, forms and ephemera regarding the purchase of professional indemnity insurance for all RACI members.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1977 - 1985    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Ephemera, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Photocopied Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1495 Box Number 208 Series 042
042-136 Section and Group Accounts

Contains annual accounts (year ending 30 June 1981) for RACI Branches, Divisions, Sections and Groups.

Includes: financial statements for the New South Wales Sections and Groups; journal vouchers for each of the RACI Divisions; trial balances for each of the State Branches; working sheets; standing journal vouchers.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1980 - 1981    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A1496 Box Number 209 Series 042
042-137 FACS / RACI Conference - Darwin (1)

Contains cost schedules and correspondence regarding financial and general arrangements for the RACI/FACS (Federation of Asian Chemical Societies) Conference held in Darwin on the 7-11 July 1986.

Includes: cost schedules for the RACI/FACS Conference; details of conference participants; notices of intent to attend the conference; conference paper abstracts.

The joint RACI/FACS Conference was entitled "Chemistry in Occupational Hygiene and the Environment" and was organised by the Northern Territory Section of the RACI.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1986    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1497 Box Number 209 Series 042
042-138 FACS / RACI Conference - Darwin (2)

Contains correspondence regarding financial and general arrangements for the RACI/FACS (Federation of Asian Chemical Societies) Conference held in Darwin on the 7-11 July 1986.

Includes correspondence regarding: conference details and arrangements; application procedures; conference participants; notices of intent to attend the conference; conference paper abstracts; requests for financial support form conference participants and the Conference Organising Committee. The joint RACI/FACS Conference was entitled "Chemistry in Occupational Hygiene and the Environment" and was organised by the Northern Territory Section of the RACI.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1986    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Photocopied Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1498 Box Number 209 Series 042
042-139 FACS / RACI Conference - Darwin (3)

Contains correspondence regarding financial and general arrangements for the RACI/FACS (Federation of Asian Chemical Societies) Conference held in Darwin on the 7-11 July 1986.

Includes correspondence regarding: conference details; application procedures; notices of intent to attend the conference; requests for financial support from conference participants and the Conference Organising Committee.

The joint RACI/FACS Conference was entitled "Chemistry in Occupational Hygiene and the Environment" and was organised by the Northern Territory Section of the RACI.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1986    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1499 Box Number 209 Series 042
042-140 FACS / RACI Conference - Darwin (4)

Contains correspondence regarding financial and general arrangements for the RACI/FACS (Federation of Asian Chemical Societies) Conference held in Darwin on the 7-11 July 1986.

Includes; proposed budget for the RACI/FACS Conference; draft conference program; correspondence regarding financial arrangements for program printing, conference venue/accommodation, choice of preferred interstate and international carriers (airlines), and funding of delegates.

Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1986    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, News Clippings, Loose Notes, Drawings and/or Plans, Photocopied Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier A1500 Box Number 209 Series 042

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, March 2004
Listed by Gavan McCarthy, John Spink, Helen Morgan and Bill King
HTML edition Gavan McCarthy
Updated 2 April 2008

The template for this finding aid is part of the Heritage Documentation Management System

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