American Chemical Society, Chemistry
Contains correspondence and memos re subscriptions to Chemistry.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1974
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Accounts, General Correspondence and Memoranda
Inventory Identifier A0548
Box Number 076
Series 018
American Chemical Society, Journal of Chemical Education
Includes: correspondence re subscriptions; lists of Australian Subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1967 - 1974
Quantity 0.8 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0549
Box Number 076
Series 018
Australian Journal of Applied Science
Contains correspondence re the discontinuation of the Australian Journal of Applied Science.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1965
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0550
Box Number 076
Series 018
Australian Journal of Chemistry
Contains correspondence re subscriptions, changes of address and availability of the journal; correspondence between RACI and CSIRO Board of Standards re Advisory Committee of Australian Journal of Science.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1949 - 1966
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0551
Box Number 076
Series 018
Australian Journal of Chemistry
Contains correspondence re subscriptions and lists of subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1966 - 1974
Quantity 1.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0552
Box Number 076
Series 018
Australian Journal of Science
Contains correspondence re subscriptions and lists of subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1959 - 1965
Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0553
Box Number 076
Series 018
Australasian Manufacturer
Contains correspondence between RACI and "The Australasian Manufacturer" re providing articles for the journal; draft manuscript by Price, J.R. "The Challenge to the Chemical Industry.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1964
Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Drafts
Inventory Identifier A0554
Box Number 076
Series 018
Australian Mining
Contains correspondence re journal subscriptions; lists of subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1973
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0555
Box Number 076
Series 018
Chemistry in Australia - General
Includes: correspondence between Chemistry in Australia and subscribers re accounts, missing issues, back issues and postage.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1974 - 1977
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Loose Notes, Forms and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0556
Box Number 076
Series 018
Chemistry in Australia - General
Includes: correspondence between Chemistry in Australia and subscribers re accounts, missing issues, back issues, advertising, changes of address, reviews of publications and postage.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1978 - 1980
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Accounts, General Correspondence, Loose Notes and Schedules and/or Timetables
Inventory Identifier A0557
Box Number 076
Series 018
Chemistry in Canada
Contains correspondence re journal subscriptions.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1974
Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0558
Box Number 076
Series 018
Publications Committee
Contains reports of the RACI Publications Committee; correspondence re notice of committee meetings and membership of committee.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1960 - 1976
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence and Reports
Inventory Identifier A0559
Box Number 076
Series 018
Publications Committee
Contains minutes, accounts and reports of RACI Publications Committee; correspondence re advertising and costs of publication.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1967 - 1977
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Minutes and Agendas, Photocopied Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0560
Box Number 077
Series 018
Publications Committee
Includes: correspondence re membership of the RACI Publications Committee, printing costs and the possibility of printing RACI publications overseas; committee financial records; "The Role of Government in the Encouragement of Research by Industry".
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1970 - 1974
Quantity 1.8 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Drafts, Minutes and Agendas, News Clippings, Lists and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0561
Box Number 077
Series 018
Country Members
Contains correspondence re journal subscriptions in country areas; lists of country subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1960 - 1970
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0562
Box Number 077
Series 018
Editor Position
Contains correspondence and applications for the editor position of Proceedings of the Royal Chemical Institute.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1973
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Ephemera, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0563
Box Number 077
Series 018
Industrial Management, formerly Factory and Plant
Contains correspondence re subscriptions for Industrial Management, formerly Factory and Plant; lists of journal subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1960 - 1970
Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0564
Box Number 077
Series 018
Publications - General
Includes: correspondence re journal subscriptions, questionnaire by the Australian Scientific Societies and Professional Organisations, composition of the Advisory Committee of the Australian Journal of Chemistry; lists of RACI Office Bearers for Who's Who in Australia, (1970).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1958 - 1974
Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Loose Notes, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0565
Box Number 077
Series 018
Publications - General
Includes: correspondence, invoices and accounts re journal subscriptions and other publications; draft manuscript, "Chemistry and Industry an aid to Teachers and Students of Chemistry in Australian Schools, Universities and Technical Colleges"; minutes of RACI Annual General Meeting, (1979.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1980
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Drafts, Reports, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Lists and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0566
Box Number 077
Series 018
Publications - General
Includes: correspondence and accounts re subscriptions for RACI journals and other publications; correspondence re RACI joining the Australian Association of Business Publications; Constitution of the AABP; RACI remuneration Survey, (1972); notes on the aims and objectives of RACI.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1962 - 1976
Quantity 3.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Accounts, News Clippings, Loose Notes, Legal Documents and Charts
Inventory Identifier A0567
Box Number 077
Series 018
Publications - General
Includes: correspondence re. book reviews, proposals to discontinue Reviews of Pure and Applied Chemistry; RACI Publications Committee - Financial Report; "Careers in Science and Technology for the last Quarter of this Century"; list of RACI - Council, Branch Committees and Officers - (1968/69)
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1967 - 1974
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Drafts, Memoranda, Newsletters, Published Papers or Articles, Lists, Forms and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0568
Box Number 077
Series 018
Publications - Miscellaneous RACI
Includes: "Choosing a Career - Chemistry", (1967); Australian Chemical Institute - Conditions Governing the Admission of Students Associates and Fellows, (1937); Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Australian Chemical Institute, (1923); RACI - are You a Student Member; photos from 1957 RACI Convention.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1923 - 1973
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Loose Photographic Prints and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0569
Box Number 078
Series 018
Publications: New Forms of Publishing in Chemistry and their Significance
Contains papers, publications and newsletters on developments in chemistry publishing including: "Information for Industry - Proceedings of a One day Seminar", (1971); "New Forms of Publishing in Chemistry"; ANSTEL Occasional Papers, (1975-1976); "SDI Users Manual, CSIRO", "Engineering Serials in Microform".
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1972 - 1976
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Newsletters, Published Papers or Articles and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier A0570
Box Number 078
Series 018
News Clippings
Includes: newsclippings re chemical research, water fluoridation, Trade Practices Bill, letters to the editor; science education, general science
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1964 - 1970
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, News Clippings and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier A0571
Box Number 078
Series 018
Peter Strasser's Files
Includes: correspondence between Strasser, P.H., (editor) and contributors, reviewers and others re contributions to Proceedings of RACI; notes on "Style for Sub-editors and intending Authors"; report for PRACI on Full Council Meeting; draft manuscript of "History of the Department of Medical History", Albert, A.; minutes of Meeting of Editors and Sub-editors of PRACI, (1973).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1973 - 1974
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0572
Box Number 078
Series 018
Peter Strasser's Files
Includes: correspondence between Strasser, P.H., (editor) and contributors, reviewers and others re contributions to Proceedings of RACI.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1974 - 1975
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts, Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas and News Clippings
Inventory Identifier A0573
Box Number 078
Series 018
Publications - Policy
Includes: RACI Publications Committee financial reports; correspondence re contributions, reviews and letters to PRACI; "The Freedom of Soviet Science - Review of the Book, The Medvedev Papers", Chambers, J.F.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1964 - 1973
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Graphs, Drafts, Reports, Memoranda and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0574
Box Number 078
Series 018
Posts Precis
Contains RACI Posts Précis (situations vacant) No 60, 61, 63 and 65; mailing list for Post Précis.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1972 - 1973
Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0575
Box Number 078
Series 018
Proceedings, Advertising
Includes: Correspondence re advertising and advertising rates in Proceedings; Annual General Meeting of the Circulations Audit Board, (1961), (1963); CAB List of Members; CAB Summary of Publications Half-Year Ended 30/6/63, 31/12/61; CAB Publishers Statement, (1962) (1961); CAB Rules and Regulations.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1960 - 1963
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Accounts, General Correspondence, Ephemera, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, News Clippings, Lists, Forms and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0576
Box Number 078
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, Advertising (General)
Includes: Correspondence re advertising and advertising rates in Proceedings; Annual General Meeting of the Circulations Audit Board ; Allchem Australia - List of Creditors; CAB Summary of Publications Half-Year Ended 30/3/71, 31/09/69; Audit Bureau of Circulations Publisher's Statements, (1972), (1973) (1961); CAB Rules and Regulations; loose notes and tables on PRACI circulation; RACI Statement of Funds, (1969).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1973
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, News Clippings, Loose Notes, Legal Documents, Lists, Forms and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier A0577
Box Number 079
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, Advertising
Includes: correspondence and accounts re advertising and advertising rates in Proceedings; Annual General Meeting of the Circulations Audit Board; CAB Summary of Publications Half-Year Ended, reports ; CAB Publisher's Statements.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1964 - 1966
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Forms and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier A0578
Box Number 079
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, Book Reviews
Contains correspondence between RACI and publishers re book reviews in PRACI.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1962 - 1974
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence and Memoranda
Inventory Identifier A0579
Box Number 079
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, J.C. Earle Article
Contains draft manuscripts of "An Essay on Thermochemistry", Earle, J.C.; draft manuscript of "Heats of Formation and Bond Energies", Earl, J.C.; correspondence re the publishing of article in PRACI.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1972 - 1974
Quantity 0.7 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts, Memoranda, Published Papers or Articles and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier A0580
Box Number 079
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, Editorial Board, Policy
Includes: correspondence re editorial board, subscriptions, advertising, editorial policy, printing of journals; accounts of the RACI Publications Committee; lists of subscribers to Proceedings and Reviews; minutes of the Full Council of RACI.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1955 - 1966
Quantity 4.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0581
Box Number 079
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, Free Mailing List
Contains correspondence between RACI and organisations on the free mailing list for Proceedings.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1974
Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0582
Box Number 079
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, General
Contains correspondence re postal charges for Proceedings, advertising; papers on professionals and taxation; quotes for printing Proceedings.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1934 - 1974
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Drafts, Memoranda, Published Papers or Articles, Photocopied Documents, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0583
Box Number 079
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, General
Contains correspondence re subscriptions, positions vacant, advertising in Proceedings.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1956 - 1971
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0584
Box Number 080
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, General
Contains correspondence re subscriptions, items in, advertising in, missing issues of Proceedings; press release on the award of the Nuffield Fellowship, (1963).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1962 - 1966
Quantity 2.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0585
Box Number 080
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, Items for Publication
Includes: correspondence, memos and notes re items for publication in Proceedings; obituary for Barraclough, E, and Nyholm, R.S.; notes re publication rates, concessional subscriptions
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1972
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0586
Box Number 080
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, Myles
Includes: report from RACI Publications Committee, (1969); draft manuscripts of papers for Proceedings; review notes for Proceedings; calendar of international meetings, (1966); memo re name change of Proceedings; mock ups of Proceedings; correspondence re reviews.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1962 - 1969
Quantity 2.6 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts, Reports, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Journals, Lists and Schedules and/or Timetables
Inventory Identifier A0587
Box Number 080
Series 018
Publications - Proceedings, Staff
Includes: correspondence re employment and salaries; advertisements for editors position.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1951 - 1973
Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts, Reports, Loose Notes and CV
Inventory Identifier A0588
Box Number 080
Series 018
Proceedings - Supplements
Includes: general publications, forms and promotional material re conferences and symposia; index to Reviews, (1961-1968); List of telephone numbers, CSIRO; RACI Index of Chemistry Movies; Scientific Innovation and Industrial Prosperity, (1963); Proceedings of the Third National Convention.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1958 - 1970
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Ephemera, Journals, Lists, Forms and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0589
Box Number 080
Series 018
Publications - Reviews, Butterworths
Contains correspondence between RACI and Butterworths Publishers re numbers of journal copies required for publication by Butterworths.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1966
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0590
Box Number 080
Series 018
Publications - Reviews, Butterworths
Contains correspondence between RACI and Butterworths Publishers re numbers of journal copies required for publication by Butterworths; correspondence re Butterworths ceasing the publication of Reviews.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1973
Quantity 1.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0591
Box Number 080
Series 018
Publications - Reviews, Exchange
Contains correspondence between RACI and academic institutions and professional bodies re the exchange of journals; list of duplicate periodicals held by E.Z. Company, (1960).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1974
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0592
Box Number 080
Series 018
Publications - Reviews, General
Includes: correspondence re subscriptions, requests for back issues and requests to use information from Reviews; accounts; lists of authors contributing to Reviews,; Title Index for Reviews, (1961-1968).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1955 - 1971
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0593
Box Number 081
Series 018
Publications - Reviews, General
Includes: correspondence re subscriptions, requests for back issues and requests to use information from Reviews; accounts; Catalogue of Periodicals from Buch - und Zeitschriften - Union mbH, (1958-1959)
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1956 - 1966
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0594
Box Number 081
Series 018
Publications - Reviews, General
Includes: correspondence re subscriptions, requests for back issues and requests to use information from Reviews; accounts; agreement between RACI and Butterworth Publishers re publication of Reviews; Memorandum of Agreement between RACI and Butterworth Publishing.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1977
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Loose Notes and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0595
Box Number 081
Series 018
Publications - Reviews, General
Includes: correspondence re availability of and requests for back issues; correspondence re stopping the publication of Reviews; minutes of meeting of the RACI Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Division.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1972 - 1974
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas, Published Papers or Articles and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0596
Box Number 081
Series 018
Publications - Reviews, Reprints
Contains correspondence re the requests for reprints of articles from Reviews.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1959 - 1965
Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0597
Box Number 081
Series 018
Publications - Royal Institute of Chemistry, General
Contains correspondence and accounts re requests and orders for RIC publications.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1973
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0598
Box Number 081
Series 018
Royal Institute of Chemistry, Lecture Series
Contains correspondence between RACI and RIC re orders for copies of RIC publications, including RIC Lectures.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1962 - 1968
Quantity 0.6 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0599
Box Number 081
Series 018
Royal Institute of Chemistry, Monographs
Contains correspondence re orders for copies of RIC monographs, including RIC's Monographs for Teachers; Science Teachers Association of Victoria - Service Catalogue.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1973
Quantity 1.6 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Accounts, General Correspondence and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier A0600
Box Number 081
Series 018
Royal Institute of Chemistry, Professional Bulletin
Contains correspondence between RACI and RIC re availability of RIC bulletins, visiting chemists, RACI congratulations to RIC for its centenary; various copies of RIC Professional Bulletin, (1972-1979).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1972 - 1980
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Newsletters, Published Reports and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier A0601
Box Number 082
Series 018
Royal Institute of Chemistry, Reviews
Contains correspondence between RACI and RIC re subscriptions for RIC Reviews.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1968 - 1972
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Forms and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0602
Box Number 082
Series 018
Science Journal
Contains correspondence re subscriptions and availability of Science Journal which incorporated Discovery.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1966 - 1970
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0603
Box Number 082
Series 018
Publications - Scientific American
Contains correspondence between RACI members and the Registrar of RACI, RACI and Scientific American re subscriptions and availability of Scientific American; lists of subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1963 - 1966
Quantity 3.6 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0604
Box Number 082
Series 018
Publications - Scientific American
Contains correspondence between RACI members and the Registrar of RACI, RACI and Scientific American re subscriptions and availability of Scientific American; lists of subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1969 - 1974
Quantity 3.6 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0605
Box Number 082
Series 018
Publications - Scientific American
Contains correspondence between RACI members and the Registrar of RACI, RACI and Scientific American re subscriptions and availability of Scientific American; lists of subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1974 - 1979
Quantity 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0606
Box Number 082
Series 018
Scientific Australian
Contains correspondence between RACI and Research Publications re subscriptions for Scientific Australian later Science and Technology; lists of subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1965 - 1974
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0607
Box Number 082
Series 018
Publications - Staff
Contains correspondence between RACI Publications Committee and Myles, Don and Grace re salaries; proceedings of the Commonwealth Arbitration Commission on journalists awards.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1954 - 1980
Quantity 1.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Loose Notes and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0608
Box Number 082
Series 018
Publications - Walkabout
Contains correspondence between RACI and Walkabout magazine re subscriptions; correspondence between RACI and The Australian News and Information Bureau re availability of publications for chemists overseas.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1967 - 1974
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0609
Box Number 082
Series 018
World of Learning
Contains application forms and correspondence between RACI and The World of Learning re RACI entry in the annual publication.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1962 - 1971
Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0610
Box Number 082
Series 018
The Commonwealth Professional
6 non-sequential copies of the journal of the Professional Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service, sent to W.E. Purnell, Executive Officer, RACI.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1971 - 1973
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Inventory Identifier A2035
Box Number 082
Series 018