Administration - Charter
Includes transfer of Charter to Melbourne, enquiries, index to Charter, appointment of Sub-committee and omission of "The" from seal and letterhead.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IA1/3/1-9
Date range 1936 - 1946
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Indexes and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0239
Box Number 042
Series 015
Administration - Library
Includes CSIR library and services, Branch libraries, unification of abstracts and sundry publications.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IA1/5/1-20
Date range 1937 - 1953
Quantity 6 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0240
Box Number 042
Series 015
Chemists - Alien
Includes enrolment of refugee and interned chemists, employment and proposal to expedite appeals for interned chemists
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/1/1-3
Date range 1939 - 1947
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Lists and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0241
Box Number 042
Series 015
Alcohol Testing - Draft Report of Department of Shipping and Transport
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1957
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Published Reports
Inventory Identifier A0242
Box Number 042
Series 015
Blood Alcohol Analysis and Tests, Australian Road Safety Council
Includes correspondence between RACI and ARSC; minutes and business papers of meetings.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1956 - 1957
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Notebooks
Inventory Identifier A0243
Box Number 042
Series 015
Allied Societies Trust
Includes prospectus and correspondence re Trust concerned with mortgage of Kelvin Hall.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1925 - 1934
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0244
Box Number 042
Series 015
Allied Societies
Includes correspondence of Allied Societies Trust and Allied Societies Joint Rooms Committee.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control 101/2
Date range 1933 - 1941
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0245
Box Number 042
Series 015
Analysis - Methods of
Includes Department of Commerce and Agriculture Standard Methods for the Analysis of Foodstuffs, (3 editions).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GA1/1/1
Date range 1943 - 1952
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0246
Box Number 042
Series 015
Analysis - Methods of, Correspondence
Includes CO2, malt, ascorbic acid, bauxite and pyrethrum analysis.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GA1/2/1-10
Date range 1937 - 1947
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0247
Box Number 042
Series 015
Standard Methods of Analysis - Foodstuffs
Includes correspondence re "Standard Methods", Prescribed Methods Committee material on water content of glucose syrup, and crude fibre in cocoa and chocolate.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1936 - 1965
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0248
Box Number 043
Series 015
Standard Methods of Analysis - Foodstuffs
Includes correspondence; Committee material on ash and fibre content of cocoa; NHMRC Standards; ice cream and related products; international standards; meat products.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1957 - 1963
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0249
Box Number 043
Series 015
Appointments - Chemical (Official)
Includes "Official Chemical Appointments" by British Institute; proposal to list public appointments; advice of Institute in appointments.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GA2/1/1-4
Date range 1937 - 1945
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0250
Box Number 043
Series 015
Prizes - General
Includes NSW Branch Student Prize, Walter Burfitt Prize, David Syme Prize, Institute Prize, Meldola Prize, Research competitions, USA Sugar Research Foundation Award, Corday Morgan Medal, Wolskel Bequest, procedure for presentations, museum specimens of medals, British Commonwealth Scholarships.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IP2/2/1-12
Date range 1934 - 1952
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0251
Box Number 043
Series 015
Prizes - Grosvenor Laboratories
Includes correspondence re offer of prize, conditions of award and awards for 1946-1948.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IP2/2/1-5
Date range 1944 - 1949
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0252
Box Number 043
Series 015
Awards - Masson Memorial Scholarship (Prior to 1945)
Includes entries and Council correspondence; correspondence re dye for medal; presentation of plaque to Lady Masson; awards 1941-1944: Money, B.J.M., Rodda, H.J., Pausacker, K.H. and Willis, J.B.; photograph of Money, Beth.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IP2/3/1-6
Date range 1939 - 1953
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier A0253
Box Number 043
Series 015
Awards - Masson Memorial Scholarship 1945
Includes entries and correspondence; awards 1945-1955: Human, J.P.E., Greenwood, N.N., Allen, J.A., Brown, R.D., Spotswood, T.M., Underdown, R.E., Hall, J.R., Buckingham, A.D., Hammond B.R., Wluka, D.J., Bolto, B.A.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IP2/3/7-18
Date range 1945 - 1957
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0254
Box Number 043
Series 015
Masson Memorial Scholarship File
Includes views of Council members on the scholarship with motion for changing conditions governing the award.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IP2/3/10
Date range 1947 - 1950
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas and Notebooks
Inventory Identifier A0255
Box Number 044
Series 015
Awards - Rennie Memorial Medal (1927-1929)
Includes obituary of Rennie, E.H. and founding of the medal. File not labelled.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1927 - 1929
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Ephemera and News Clippings
Inventory Identifier A0256
Box Number 044
Series 015
Prizes - Rennie Medal
Includes conditions of award, summary of receipts and payments 1929-1943, awards 1941-1957: Lennox, F.G., Rawlinson, W.A., Sutherland, K.L., Gillespie, D.T.C., Rees, L.G.A., Stokes. R.H., Mills, J.A., Mulchay, M.F.R., Willis, B.J., Weiss, D.E., Brown, R.D., Buchanan, A.S., Morrison, J.D., Hodge, A.J., Stranks, D.R., Jeffries, P.R. and Bradbury, J.H.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IP2/4/1-17
Date range 1941 - 1958
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Accounts and Ephemera
Inventory Identifier A0257
Box Number 044
Series 015
Smith Medal to 1939
Includes article on the career of Smith, H.G., founding of the medal, conditions of award, awards 1929-1936: Rivett, A.C.D., Jones, T.G.H., Prescott, J.A., Simpson, E.S., Wark, I.W., Penfold, A.R., Earl, J.C., Andrews, R.S.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1924 - 1939
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Ephemera and Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier A0258
Box Number 044
Series 015
Prizes - Smith Medal
Includes awards 1940-1953: Cohen, W.E., Behne, E.R., Heymann, E., Dwyer, F.P.J., Anderson , J.S. and Lugg, J.W.H., Trikojus, V.M, Piper, C.S., Bolliger, A., Lemberg, M.R., Mellor, D.P., Badger, G.M. and Bayliss, N.S., Rees, A.L.G. and Bosworth, R.C.L., LeFevre, R.J.W., Nyholm. R.S. Contains correspondence on conditions for award of Smith medal.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IP2/5/1-4
Date range 1938 - 1960
Quantity 4.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Ephemera
Inventory Identifier A0259
Box Number 044
Series 015
Minutes - New South Wales
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM4/2/3
Date range 1954
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0260
Box Number 044
Series 015
Minutes - Queensland
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM4/2/4
Date range 1954
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0261
Box Number 044
Series 015
Minutes - South Australia
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM4/2/5
Date range 1954
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0262
Box Number 044
Series 015
Minutes - Tasmania
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM4/2/7
Date range 1954 - 1955
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0263
Box Number 044
Series 015
Minutes - Victoria
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM4/2/2
Date range 1954 - 1955
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0264
Box Number 044
Series 015
Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Branch Minutes - Victoria - Folder 1
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1960 - 1961
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Inventory Identifier A2585
Box Number 045
Series 015
Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Branch Minutes - Victoria - Folder 2, from June 1961
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961 - 1962
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0265
Box Number 045
Series 015
Victorian Branch Minutes 1960s
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1962 - 1963
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0266
Box Number 045
Series 015
Minutes - Western Australia
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1954 - 1955
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0267
Box Number 045
Series 015
By-laws and Conditions of Admission - Reprints
Reprints of by-laws (1932 and 1941) versions and "Conditions Governing Admission" (1935 and 1940) versions.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1935 - 1941
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0268
Box Number 045
Series 015
Includes draft petition for Royal Charter; correspondence between Leighton, A.E. and Cooksey, T.; correspondence with Houston, R., solicitor; "Observations" of British Institute.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1924 - 1931
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Journals and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0269
Box Number 045
Series 015
Australian Chemical Institute - Charter
Includes application forms for IGGBI; "Observations" of ICGBI and "Answer" of ACI.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1929 - 1930
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Journals and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0270
Box Number 045
Series 015
Charter and Bylaws - 1947
Includes draft of revised Bylaws; draft of supplemental Charter; statements of history, objects, activities and achievements of the ACI.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1947 - 1949
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Drafts and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0271
Box Number 045
Series 015
Charter, Draft and Answers to Observations of ICGBI - 1929
Printed material. Copy of Draft Charter has been filed elsewhere because of its size.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GS2/1 and 7/
Date range 1929
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0272
Box Number 045
Series 015
Chemex Exhibition - 1956
Includes promotional material; invitation booklet; lists of participants; press clippings; "Chemical Engineering" June 1956; Insurance.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1956
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats News Clippings, Journals, Lists and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0273
Box Number 046
Series 015
Chemical Products and Industries - Enquiries
Includes enquiries on technical industries in Australia; thermite; publication in USA of information on Australian chemical industry; acrylic resins; by-products and waste; bauxite ; salt; explosives; ferrous industries in Germany; wooden tanks; uranium acetate; sorbitiol.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC3/1/1-14
Date range 1941 - 1952
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0274
Box Number 046
Series 015
Chemistry - Profession of, Enquiries
Includes enquiries from secondary students and replies concerning chemistry as a profession and appropriate courses for study.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC2/4/1
Date range 1942 - 1950
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0275
Box Number 046
Series 015
Chemistry - Profession of, Code of Ethics
Includes Code of Ethics, adopted May 1938; revision of Code, 1946; Draft Code of Ethics of Professional Officers Association.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC2/1/1-3
Date range 1937 - 1956
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0276
Box Number 046
Series 015
Chemistry - Profession of, Ethics, Cases (1)
Includes the following cases: Attwood, W., use of letters "AACI" in advertisement for patent medicine; enquiry by Peterson, C. concerning advertising by consultants; acceptance of a premium from a junior in a chemical laboratory; Archer, H. and King, N. use of letters "AACI" after having resigned from Institute; Siddons, A., misleading advertising; Boden, A., use of letters "AACI" in book while a student member; Bodycomb, A. and Rischbieth, J., Public Service Promotion Appeal.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC2/3/1-3 and GC2/3/12
Date range 1936 - 1951
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0277
Box Number 046
Series 015
Chemistry - Profession of, Ethics, Cases (2)
Includes suggested code of ethics for advertising; chain stores enquiry; advertisement for face powder by Boden, A.; advertisement for firebricks by Lapsley, R., and Brisbane and Wunderlich Company; advertisement for Aspro; advertisement for TST Brandy; abuse of technical reports, "Dicseal" case; Lang, N. oversized advertisements; breach of employment agreement by student member.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC 2/3/4-14
Date range 1931 - 1954
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0278
Box Number 046
Series 015
Chemistry - Profession of, Legislation Affecting
Includes patents legislation; notes of case Commonwealth Fertilizers v Knox; extracts from "Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering" Dec 1938; poisons legislation; analysis, manufacture of chemicals; pharmaceutical chemists; registration of chemistry profession; uniform food and drug regulations; preparation of first aid materials.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC2/5/1-9
Date range 1936 - 1953
Quantity 1 file
Formats General Publications, Loose Notes, Published Papers or Articles and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0279
Box Number 046
Series 015
Chemists - Employment of, General
Includes policy on unjust dismissal; employment bureau; employment agreements; lists of firms employing chemists; graduate employment.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/2/1-7
Date range 1940 - 1954
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0280
Box Number 047
Series 015
Chemists - Employment of, General
Includes Higher Appointments Office of Commonwealth Employment Service; Biochemists in hospitals; Civil Service appointments; research into occupational interests; Higher appointments Office, New South Wales.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/2/8-12
Date range 1945 - 1954
Quantity 5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Reports
Inventory Identifier A0281
Box Number 047
Series 015
Chemists - Profession of, Brochure
Includes planning for brochure "Chemistry as a Profession", publication; supply to educational and vocational organisations; enquiries; US Employment Service publications; photographs of library, lab and plant.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC2/1/1
Date range 1941 - 1946
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Drafts, Loose Photographic Prints and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0282
Box Number 047
Series 015
Chemists - Employment of, Sundry Persons
Includes enquiries from Australian and overseas chemists concerning employment opportunities.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/2/2
Date range 1933 - 1953
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0283
Box Number 047
Series 015
Chemists - Salaries for
Includes tables of salaries, nature of employer, functional classification and age by state; interim report on Salary Survey, 1940; correspondence concerning salaries.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/4/-
Date range 1930 - 1942
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Reports and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier A0284
Box Number 047
Series 015
Chemists - Salaries for
Includes minutes and correspondence of the Status and Emoluments Committee and draft report of the Committee on salaries and chemists.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/4/20
Date range 1953 - 1954
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0285
Box Number 047
Series 015
Chemists - Salaries for
Includes salaries for laboratory assistants; NSW Sub-committee Report on Salaries (1943); American Chemical Society Report on Salaries; NSW Sub-committee report as prepared for publication (July, 1943); correspondence and comments re report; Western Australian Branch Committee meeting on salaries of Lake Campion chemists; news cuttings of salaries advertised; enquiries relating to salaries of chemists offered by various organisations.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/4/1-8
Date range 1942 - 1953
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports and News Clippings
Inventory Identifier A0286
Box Number 048
Series 015
Chemists - Salaries for
Enquiries - sundry persons.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/4/9
Date range 1945 - 1952
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0287
Box Number 048
Series 015
Chemists - Salaries for
Second interim report of NSW Committee (Jan, 1945).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/4/10
Date range 1944 - 1947
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier A0288
Box Number 048
Series 015
Chemists - Salaries for
Salaries in the Public Service, including CSIR.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/4/11
Date range 1936 - 1951
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Schedules and/or Timetables
Inventory Identifier A0289
Box Number 048
Series 015
Chemists - Salaries for
Includes complaints; Western Australian Government salaries scale; payment for time-off to attend classes.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/4/12-14
Date range 1948 - 1953
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Schedules and/or Timetables
Inventory Identifier A0290
Box Number 048
Series 015
Chemists - Salaries for
Salaries Committee Report (1948).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/4/15
Date range 1948 - 1951
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier A0291
Box Number 048
Series 015
Chemists - Salaries for
Includes remuneration statistics; reports on salary trends from branches; salaries of female chemists.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/4/16-18
Date range 1948 - 1953
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data and Reports
Inventory Identifier A0292
Box Number 048
Series 015
Chemists - Salaries for
Reports of Status and Emoluments Committee on salaries (1951 and 1954); enquiries re Institute recommendation; awards for chemists.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/4/19-22
Date range 1951 - 1954
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Reports
Inventory Identifier A0293
Box Number 048
Series 015
Chemists - Training of
Includes training of junior laboratory assistants; apprenticeship in chemical trades; technical education; university quotas; reservation of junior chemical personnel; "The Report of the Sub-committee on the Education and Training" (1945); Australian/US student exchange; post-graduate reading courses; Chemical Engineering Department, University of Sydney; assistance to research workers; training of industrial chemists; post-graduate courses at Sydney Technical College; chemical engineering training; fundamental research in Australian universities.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/5/1-14
Date range 1943 - 1949
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Reports and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0294
Box Number 048
Series 015
Coal Industry - Technical Problems of
Correspondence re proposed joint meeting of Institutions, Coal Commission and CSIR.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC3/1/1
Date range 1944 - 1945
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0295
Box Number 048
Series 015
Commonwealth Government - Research
Legislation affecting CSIR.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC6/1/1-4
Date range 1948
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0296
Box Number 048
Series 015
Committees - Sundry
Includes nomination of proxies; Public Relations Officer and Public Affairs Committee; Publications Committee; composition of committees.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IC1/10/15, IC1/5/1-3
Date range 1937 - 1963
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports, Notebooks and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0297
Box Number 048
Series 015
Conferences, Congresses and Exhibitions
Includes Council resolution on chemical exhibitions 1939; Chemical Exhibition, Melbourne, 1938; Chemical Industries Exposition, Sydney, 1938 and 1946 (press clippings for 1946); Congress of Friendship with Russia, 1943; Planning of Science Conference, Melbourne, 1944; Joint Meeting on Facilities for Teaching and Research in Science, 1946; Standard Methods of Testing Plastics Conference, 1946; Chemical Congresses; profits from exhibitions 1938-1948.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC4/1/1-10
Date range 1938 - 1948
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Minutes and Agendas, News Clippings and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0298
Box Number 049
Series 015
Conferences, Congresses and Exhibitions
Includes Chemex 1949, Adelaide; Scientific and technical conferences - timetables; First International Congress of Biochemistry, Cambridge, 1949; Australian Ceramic Society Exhibition, 1948; Second International Conference on Crop Protection, 1949; Pacific Science Congresses; Royal Society Conference on Scientific Information, 1948; Third World Petroleum Congress, 1951; First International Microchemical Congress, 1950; executive secretaries, NY; Fifth Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress, 1953; American Electroplaters Society - RACI Federal Convention , 1953; Technical Schools Association of Victoria, Annual Conference; International Convention of Analytical Chemistry, 1952; Australian Conference in Soil Science, 1953; Photographs from Chemex, 1949.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC4/1/11-26
Date range 1948 - 1953
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Published Reports, Loose Photographic Prints, Public Relations Material and Schedules and/or Timetables
Inventory Identifier A0299
Box Number 049
Series 015
Consulting Chemists - Australian Association
Includes activities of organization and extract from "The Australian Manufacturer", 1941.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC5/1/1-2
Date range 1940 - 1941
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier A0300
Box Number 049
Series 015
Consulting Chemists - Panels of
Includes regulations; formation of panel within Victorian Branch; consulting chemists in Melbourne.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC5/2/1-3
Date range 1921 - 1954
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0301
Box Number 049
Series 015
Consulting Chemists and Public Analysis
Includes enquiries for lists of consulting chemists; consulting chemists in each state; fees for analysts; shortages of chemicals; inspection of hazardous cargoes.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC5/3/1-10
Date range 1941 - 1949
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Lists and Schedules and/or Timetables
Inventory Identifier A0302
Box Number 049
Series 015
Correspondence - Current
Includes miscellaneous correspondence; photograph of window display from Plastics Week.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1953 - 1958
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier A0303
Box Number 049
Series 015
Correspondence - Registrar
Index missing.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GS2/13/1-8
Date range 1935 - 1956
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0304
Box Number 049
Series 015
Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Council - Folder 1 - 1960
Includes minutes, reports and correspondence.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control File not labelled
Date range 1959 - 1960
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0305
Box Number 049
Series 015
Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Council - Folder 2
Includes minutes and reports.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1960 - 1962
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0306
Box Number 050
Series 015
Minutes - Correspondence
Includes mailing list, amendments, correspondence arising from minutes and distribution of council minutes.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM4/1/1-6
Date range 1939 - 1950
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0307
Box Number 050
Series 015
Defence Department - Co-operation with
Request for a list of chemists and biochemists.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GD1/1/1
Date range 1948
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0308
Box Number 050
Series 015
Degrees and Diplomas - Approved
Includes correspondence concerning approved courses and 1956 revised list of approved courses.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GD2/8/12
Date range 1955 - 1956
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0309
Box Number 050
Series 015
Degrees and Diplomas - General
Includes length of courses; diploma at Bucharest Polytechnic; Canning College, Lucknow University; Diploma of Chemical Engineering; Warsaw Polytechnic; Dutch Degrees and Diplomas; Munich Technische Hochschule; Aachen Technische Hochschule; University of Lithuania; foreign degrees.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GD2/8/1-9
Date range 1947 - 1954
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0310
Box Number 050
Series 015
Degrees and Diplomas - New South Wales
Includes Sydney Technical College Diploma (maths and physics); STC Diploma - general; University of Sydney - general; STC Degree in Technology; University of Sydney - BSc Agr., 1942; 1923 Diploma of STC; STC Diploma in Food Technology; New South Wales University of Technology degrees.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GD2/2/1-8
Date range 1938 - 1953
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0311
Box Number 050
Series 015
Degrees and Diplomas - Queensland
Includes University of Queensland - General; Department of Public Instruction - Diploma of Industrial Chemistry; University of Queensland - BSc. App.; Brisbane Technical College - Diploma of Sugar Chemistry; Department of Public Instruction - Endorsed Diploma of Industrial Chemistry; Central Technical College - Physics and Engineering Maths Stage III.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GD2/3/1-6
Date range 1938 - 1955
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0312
Box Number 050
Series 015
Degrees and Diplomas - Review
Includes correspondence and lists of subjects offered in various courses.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1956
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0313
Box Number 050
Series 015
Degrees and Diplomas - South Australia
Includes School of Mines and Industries - Associateship Diploma in Mines and Metallurgy; alterations in above courses; University of Adelaide - general.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GD2/4/1-3
Date range 1938 - 1950
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0314
Box Number 050
Series 015
Degrees and Diplomas - Tasmania
Includes University of Tasmania - general; Branch suggestions re alterations in approved degrees and diplomas; Education Department, Technical Branch alterations in Diploma of Applied Chemistry course and Physics I Diploma; Department of Public Instruction - Endorsed Diploma in Industrial Chemistry.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GD2/6/1-5
Date range 1942 - 1948
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0315
Box Number 050
Series 015
Degrees and Diplomas - United Kingdom
Comparison with Australia.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1946? - 1953?
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0316
Box Number 050
Series 015
Degrees and Diplomas - Victoria
Includes University of Melbourne - Diploma of Analytical Chemistry; University of Melbourne - Biochemistry Courses; Education Department - Endorsed Diploma; Swinburne Technical College - chemistry course; Gordon Institute of Technology - Diploma Industrial Chemistry; Bendigo School of Mines - general; alterations to approved courses 1943; Gordon - textile course; Institute of Technology, Victoria; Melbourne Technical College - internal exams, fellowship Diploma course; University of Melbourne BSc for teachers; Melbourne Technical College - Associateship Diploma of Applied Science; Bsc with Metallurgy major; Melbourne Technical College - Associateship Diploma Applied Chemistry, Associateship Diploma Chemical Technology; Ballarat School of Mines and Industries; Swinburne Technical College - Associateship Certificate of Applied Chemistry; Footscray Technical College; Swinburne - Diploma of Chemical Engineering.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GD2/1/1-19
Date range 1938 - 1952
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0317
Box Number 050
Series 015
Degrees and Diplomas - Western Australia
Includes Perth Technical College and University of Western Australia.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1948 - 1952
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0318
Box Number 050
Series 015
Editorial Committee and Staff
Includes meeting notes and correspondence.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1953 - 1958
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Notebooks
Inventory Identifier A0319
Box Number 050
Series 015
Education Fund Appeal
Includes founding of fund; lists of companies employing chemists, inviting donations to the fund and explaining the educational activities of the RACI.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1957 - 1960
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0320
Box Number 050
Series 015
Educational Institutions - General
Includes Melbourne Technical College - deputation to Premier and Treasurer re extending facilities; Workers' Educational Association; University of Melbourne, University of Western Australia; University of Adelaide; University College London, re Ramsay Memorial Fellowship.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GE1/1/1-6
Date range 1937 - 1953
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0321
Box Number 051
Series 015
Employment Agreements
Includes Report of Employment Agreements Sub-committee and correspondence.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1945 - 1951
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Reports
Inventory Identifier A0322
Box Number 051
Series 015
Entrance Fees 1960-1962
Includes correspondence re replacement of certificate fee with entrance fee and offer to waive entrance fees for junior and student fees.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1960 - 1962
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0323
Box Number 051
Series 015
Expert Witnesses
Includes Council Committee on the Remuneration of Expert Witnesses.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1936 - 1939
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Notebooks
Inventory Identifier A0324
Box Number 051
Series 015
Fees - Schedule of
Includes fees to be charged by analysts and regulations governing their work.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GA1/3/1-2
Date range 1937 - 1945
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0325
Box Number 051
Series 015
Finance - General
Includes banker's order for the payment of annual subscription; levy fund, Victorian Branch; furniture accounts; accumulation funds; NSW reserve fund; donation to Queensland Nutrition Council; signatories; estimates - revenue and expenditure; endowment and revenue plan; honoraria; payment of out of pocket expenses - councillors and proxies; headquarters current account.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IF1/6/1-13
Date range 1936 - 1957
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A0326
Box Number 051
Series 015
Finance - Income Tax
Includes income tax returns from 1935; Tax Department policy on donations for specific purposes; PAYE taxation booklet; press notice forwarded by Tax Department on deferred maintenance; assessments; pay-roll tax; stamp duty.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IF1/7/1-8
Date range 1935 - 1960
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Accounts and General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0327
Box Number 051
Series 015
Finance - Subscriptions, Regulations - 1943-1953
Includes subscriptions payable by country members; overseas members; subs payable on admission - associates, students and subscribers; arrears of unfinancial transferred members; suspension of subscriptions - fighting services; proposals to increase subscriptions; arrears of deceased members; fellows subscriptions; joint subscriptions of husband and wife.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IF1/18/1-12
Date range 1936 - 1953
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0328
Box Number 051
Series 015
Foreign Qualifications
Includes minutes and notes for meetings of Committee; correspondence concerning qualifications of foreign applicants for membership.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1959 - 1963
Quantity 5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Notebooks
Inventory Identifier A0329
Box Number 051
Series 015
Future Policy of Institute
Includes formation of committee for advising Council on the development of the Institute; meeting notes and minutes; correspondence.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1958 - 1969
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Notebooks
Inventory Identifier A0330
Box Number 051
Series 015
Incorporation 1918-1921
Includes correspondence re proposed amendments to the Draft Constitution; committees; Memorandum of Association.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1918 - 1921
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0331
Box Number 052
Series 015
Incorporation 1921-1922
Includes Memorandum of Association and Explanatory notes; galley proofs of the above; meeting minutes; suggested amendments to Memorandum.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1921 - 1922
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0332
Box Number 052
Series 015
Incorporation 1922-1924
Includes galley proofs of index to Memorandum and Articles; galley proofs of final copy of Memorandum and Articles; correspondence with Branches and Braund and Watt, solicitors.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1922 - 1924
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Publication Proofs, Indexes and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0333
Box Number 052
Series 015
Industrial Registration
Includes correspondence re application of Federation of Scientific Employees Association to Arbitration Court for registration; correspondence re questionnaire on industrial registration; application of Australian Association of Scientific Workers for registration; decision to publish analysis of questionnaires in ACI journal; approach to Institute of Engineers regarding industrial registration; correspondence in journal re industrial registration.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GI1/1/1-7
Date range 1943 - 1949
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0334
Box Number 052
Series 015
Industrial Registration - Concilliation and Arbitration Commission
Includes: "Aims and Policy of Association of Professional Engineers"; appeal before Industrial Appeals court; notes relating to industrial registration; analysis of the 1960 survey of industrial registration; application of AAESDA to Industrial Registrar for consent to alteration of its rules; draft article on industrial registration.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1960
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts, Reports and Published Reports
Inventory Identifier A0335
Box Number 052
Series 015
Industrial Registration - FSEA and FSTW
Includes: application card for membership of Federated Scientific Employees Association; inaugural meeting of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers, 1943; application of FSTW for registration; FSTW log of claims to Victorian Wages Board, NSW Wages Board and Federal Wages Board.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GI1/2/1-6
Date range 1943 - 1952
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas, Legal Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0336
Box Number 052
Series 015
Instruments - Import Restrictions
Refusal of import licences for US products.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1948
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0337
Box Number 053
Series 015
Journal - Abstracts and Reviews
Includes: formation of panel of reviewers in Branches; correspondence re appointment of reviewers; panel of abstractors; Australian chemical abstracts forwarded overseas; enquiries re: Australian chemical abstracts; publications for review; Bibliography of Scientific and Industrial Reports - US Dept of Commerce; abstracts of war time research.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/2/1-7
Date range 1946 - 1954
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence and Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier A0338
Box Number 053
Series 015
Journal - Advertising (General)
Includes: advertising policy; Public Service vacancies; sundry advertisements; correspondence with potential advertisers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/2/1, 4-6
Date range 1943 - 1956
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0339
Box Number 053
Series 015
Journal - Business (Except Advertising)
Includes: numbers printed; enquiries re sundry issues; reprints; title page and binding of journal; journal reserves; printing of journal wrappers; dispatch of journals inter-state; abstracts; tenders for printing; paper supplies; unexpired subscriptions at 31/12/50; subscriptions for 1951; fair copying declaration; reprinting rights; specimen copies sent; miscellaneous correspondence with printer.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/3/1-16
Date range 1952 - 1960
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Numeric Data, Journals, Legal Documents and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0340
Box Number 053
Series 015
Journal - Matter for
Includes: policy re publishing annual reports; Presidential addresses; correspondence re Branch activities; obituary notices; publications received; Council notes; items of interest; correspondence re papers; information and notes - branches; letters to the editor; closing dates for material; personal; general; notes and papers not published; Standards Association of Australia; photographs of Presidents of the Institute; reprints.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/8/1-6
Date range 1944 - 1951
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Reports, Notebooks, Talks and/or Speeches, Published Papers or Articles and Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier A0341
Box Number 053
Series 015
Journal - Mailing List (Members)
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/8/1-3
Date range 1936 - 1951
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Lists
Inventory Identifier A0342
Box Number 053
Series 015
Journal - Mailing List (Non-Members)
Correspondence ordered by nation.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/7/5-10
Date range 1936 - 1951
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0343
Box Number 053
Series 015
Journal - Mailing List (Non-Members)
Correspondence ordered by nation.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/7/11-20
Date range 1949 - 1953
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0344
Box Number 053
Series 015
Journal - Mailing List (Non-Members)
Correspondence ordered by nation.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/7/1-26
Date range 1951 - 1955
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0345
Box Number 054
Series 015
Journal - Matter for
Index missing. Correspondence regarding items submitted for publication in Journal. Photos of Phillips, L.W.; Williams, R.T.D.; Jewell, W.R. and Anderson, V.G.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/8/7-19
Date range 1942 - 1954
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier A0346
Box Number 054
Series 015
Journal - Policy
Includes: publication of Institute's own journal; Publications Committee reports 1935-1937; correspondence re policy 1936-1940; Joint Report by Editorial and Publications Committees 1940; correspondence re policy 1943-1944.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/10/1-4
Date range 1931 - 1951
Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Reports
Inventory Identifier A0347
Box Number 054
Series 015
Journal - Policy
Includes correspondence re policy 1945; policy - letters to the editor; Sub-committee on reform 1945; Victorian Branch Committee's recommendations; contributed articles; proposal to issue proceedings bi-monthly.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/10/5-10
Date range 1945 - 1951
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier A0348
Box Number 054
Series 015
Journal - Review Quarterly
Includes: matter for publication; registration with GPO; printing general; requests for back numbers; inquiries re copies not received; correspondence from advertisers; reprints; subscriptions; increase in subscription rates; circular from Editor to overseas organizations; reserves of numbers required.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/11/1-12
Date range 1950 - 1955
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier A0349
Box Number 055
Series 015
Journal Exchange
Recommendations of Sub-committee on exchange of Institute publications.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1955 - 1957
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0350
Box Number 055
Series 015
Kindred Societies - General
Includes Scientific Liaison Bureau; Australian Association of Scientific Workers; Society of Laboratory Technicians; Society of Instrument Technology.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GS2/15/1, GS2/11/1, GS2/3/1-6, GS1/1/1-3
Date range 1942 - 1967
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0351
Box Number 055
Series 015
Building regulations for laboratories.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GL1/1/1
Date range 1948
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0352
Box Number 055
Series 015
Laboratories - Institute
Institute Laboratory at University of Queensland.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IL2/1/1
Date range 1950
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0353
Box Number 055
Series 015
Liquidation of the Incorporated Institute
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1932
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0354
Box Number 055
Series 015
Manpower - Voluntary Register 1953
Ministry of Labour and National Service Plan for a register of scientific manpower.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GM1/1/1, IM2/5/12
Date range 1953
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Drawings and/or Plans
Inventory Identifier A0355
Box Number 055
Series 015
Meetings - Annual (Branch)
Includes dates of annual branch meetings and minutes of annual general meetings.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM1/1/1-2
Date range 1943 - 1951
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0356
Box Number 055
Series 015
Meetings - Annual General
Correspondence and papers for annual general meetings.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM1/2/1-15
Date range 1934 - 1955
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0357
Box Number 055
Series 015
Meetings - Branch
Includes: special meetings; general meetings for each state; branch calendars of meetings; lectures; Branch Committee; combined meeting of New South Wales; South Australia and Victorian branches.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM1/3/1-10
Date range 1939 - 1954
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Ephemera, Reports and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0358
Box Number 055
Series 015
Meetings - Conferences, Congresses and Exhibitions (Institute)
Includes 1937 Conference in Adelaide and 1953 Conference in Mildura.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM1/4/1-2
Date range 1937 - 1954
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier A0359
Box Number 055
Series 015
Meetings - Council
Includes: notices re special and adjourned meetings of council; minutes of informal meetings of Branch Presidents 26/1/45; general; dates for Council meetings.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM1/5/1-5
Date range 1944 - 1955
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0360
Box Number 055
Series 015
Meetings - Council in Person (Agenda) 1947
Includes circulars of agenda and supplementary notes for Council in person meetings.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1947 - 1956
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0361
Box Number 055
Series 015
Meetings - Council in Person (General)
Includes: correspondence re dates and venues; general correspondence; functions arranged during meetings; transport; accommodation and expenses; attendance of Branch Secretaries; general policy; minutes.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM1/7/1-7
Date range 1944 - 1952
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0362
Box Number 055
Series 015
Meetings - Group
Includes Food Technology Group; constitution of Victorian Branch; suggested Armidale group; Tasmanian Groups.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM1/8/1-4
Date range 1944 - 1950
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Minutes and Agendas and Notebooks
Inventory Identifier A0363
Box Number 055
Series 015
Meetings - Section
Includes: Newcastle, Wollongong, Burnie and Launceston sections; formation of sections.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM1/9/1-5
Date range 1938 - 1950
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas and Notebooks
Inventory Identifier A0364
Box Number 056
Series 015
Meetings - Social
Includes: Branch luncheons and dinners; Council luncheons and dinners; other Branch social gatherings.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM/10/1-3
Date range 1940 - 1944
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Ephemera and Notebooks
Inventory Identifier A0365
Box Number 056
Series 015
Meetings - Special General (Council)
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM1/11/1
Date range 1949
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0366
Box Number 056
Series 015
Members - Country
Includes: facilities for country members; subscriptions to "Chemical Engineering and Mining Review".
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM2/1/1-2
Date range 1937 - 1955
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Accounts
Inventory Identifier A0367
Box Number 056
Series 015
Members - Country
Includes: library facilities; circulation of addresses; Journal as medium of abstracting; "Australian Journal of Science"; "Manufacturing and Management"; list circularised 12/50.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM2/1/3-8
Date range 1937 - 1954
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Journals and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0368
Box Number 056
Series 015
Members - Country
Includes: "Australian Journal of Science"; "Manufacturing and Management"; sundry correspondence re country members.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM2/1/6-9
Date range 1947 - 1955
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Journals
Inventory Identifier A0369
Box Number 056
Series 015
Members - Foreign
Includes: regulations on length of residence; endorsement of applications; restriction of membership naturalised aliens; proposal to restrict admission of foreigners for the duration of the war; internment of members; restriction of membership to British and US subjects; advice from Army Department re foreigners applying for enrolment as subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM2/2/1-9
Date range 1937 - 1943
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Forms and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0370
Box Number 056
Series 015
Members - General
General correspondence re members.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1955 - 1959
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0371
Box Number 056
Series 015
Members - Letters of Introduction
Includes: letters of introduction (filed alphabetically); addresses of overseas institutions; general correspondence.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM2/3/1-3
Date range 1945 - 1955
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Indexes
Inventory Identifier A0372
Box Number 056
Series 015
Members - Life
General correspondence with members re life membership.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1958 - 1965
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0373
Box Number 057
Series 015
Members - Overseas
Includes: regulations re transfer to head office section; sundry persons.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM2/4/1-12
Date range 1937 - 1953
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Legal Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0374
Box Number 057
Series 015
Members - Overseas
Correspondence with overseas members.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1955 - 1960
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0375
Box Number 057
Series 015
Members - Register of, 1946
Includes: business arrangements for printing 1944 Register; sundry correspondence; list of non-members supplied with Register; reprinting of register 1946, 1950, 1954.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM2/5/1-12
Date range 1943 - 1954
Quantity 5 cm, 1 file
Formats Register, Accounts, General Correspondence and Indexes
Inventory Identifier A0376
Box Number 057
Series 015
Members - Resignations
Letters of resignation in alphabetical order.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0377
Box Number 057
Series 015
Membership - Associateship (Procedure)
Includes: list of associates; correspondence re admission as associates. Index missing.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/21/1-5
Date range 1942 - 1953
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0378
Box Number 057
Series 015
Membership - Branch Recommendations (Victoria and New South Wales)
Includes Branch recommendations on membership for Victoria and New South Wales.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/2/1-2
Date range 1943 - 1953
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0379
Box Number 058
Series 015
Membership - Branch Recommendations (QLD, SA, WA, Tas)
Includes Branch recommendations on membership for Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/2/3-6
Date range 1943 - 1953
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0380
Box Number 058
Series 015
Membership - Certificates
Includes: design of certificate; procedure for issue of certificates; correspondence re return of certificates by members who resign or are removed; correspondence re receipt of certificates by sundry members; replacement of certificates; correspondence with Mr Forman.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/3/1-6
Date range 1934 - 1953
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Ephemera
Inventory Identifier A0381
Box Number 058
Series 015
Membership - Fellowship Applications
Includes correspondence re applications for fellowship.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/4/1-9
Date range 1939 - 1952
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0382
Box Number 058
Series 015
Membership - Fellowship Applications
Includes correspondence re applications for fellowship.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/4/10-28
Date range 1947 - 1958
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0383
Box Number 058
Series 015
Membership - Fellowship (Honorary)
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/5/1-2
Date range 1932 - 1945
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0384
Box Number 058
Series 015
Membership - Fellowship (Procedure)
Includes application of Tattersall, G., South Australian Branch suggestion re recognition of outstanding services; lists of persons submitted to Council for unofficial opinion re eligibility; appointment of PAC as advisors to Council; enquiry by NSW re form of application; proposal by Trikojus, V.M., re method of election of fellows; proposal by Victorian Branch to adopt regulations of RIC.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/6/1-7
Date range 1938 - 1952
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Lists, Forms and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0385
Box Number 058
Series 015
Membership - Junior
Correspondence regarding formation of a junior grade of membership.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/9/1
Date range 1937 - 1944
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0386
Box Number 058
Series 015
Membership - Life
Includes: schedule of composition fees; procedure; correspondence by state.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/9/1-9
Date range 1936 - 1953
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Schedules and/or Timetables
Inventory Identifier A0387
Box Number 058
Series 015
Membership - Miscellaneous
Includes: withdrawal of applications; general; deaths; voluntary suspension of membership; examinations.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/20/1-6
Date range 1942 - 1955
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0388
Box Number 058
Series 015
Membership - Policy for Increasing
Includes: admission of teachers; prospectus from Defence Index Cards; prospects from graduates and diploma holders; reports submitted in connection with policy; correspondence arising from reports.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/10/1-5
Date range 1939 - 1950
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0389
Box Number 059
Series 015
Membership - Qualifications (Academic)
Includes: biochemists; Maths I; English Expression; language requirements; Institute examination; Physics.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/11/1-6
Date range 1936 - 1950
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0390
Box Number 059
Series 015
Membership - Qualifications (Brochure)
Includes: text of brochure and amendments; supplies to branches; revision of brochure, 1945; correspondence; booklet (finished copy); reprinting, 1953.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/12/1-6
Date range 1936 - 1952
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Drafts and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0391
Box Number 059
Series 015
Membership - Qualifications (Enquiries)
Includes: associateship enquiries; studentship; servicemen; subscribership.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/15/1-4
Date range 1935 - 1952
Quantity 5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0392
Box Number 059
Series 015
Membership - Qualifications (General)
Includes: amendments to qualifications; age - associateship.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/22/1-3
Date range 1943 - 1947
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Legal Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0393
Box Number 059
Series 015
Membership - Qualifications (Practical Experience)
Includes: teaching experience; experience requirements - servicemen; reports on practical experience requirements; alterations to experience requirements; metallurgy.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM/22/1-5
Date range 1935 - 1948
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0394
Box Number 059
Series 015
Membership - Qualifications (Preliminary General Education)
Includes: matriculation requirements; modern language requirement - matriculation; adult matriculation English; Physics and Mathematics matriculation; altered matriculation requirements - Sydney University.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/14/1-5
Date range 1937 - 1945
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Loose Notes and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0395
Box Number 059
Series 015
Membership - Statistics
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/17/1-3
Date range 1940 - 1955
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Inventory Identifier A0396
Box Number 059
Series 015
Membership - Sundry Persons
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM3/18/1-3
Date range 1940 - 1949
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Inventory Identifier A0397
Box Number 059
Series 015
Includes: R.S. Andrews Medal; correspondence with Branches; declaration of ACI as a protected undertaking; servicing of telephones; use of YWCA Committee Room; enquiry re paper given by Dr Reuter at meeting of Society of Chemical Industry; seasonal greetings; name of Institute; economy in printing and postage; entertainment of guests; greetings and congratulations; memorial to Watson, F.J.; official list for records Town Hall; Grimwade, Russell - candidature for Melbourne University Council; Melbourne University Gazette; Ministry of Education, Japan; Lord Kelvin's desk; the King/Queen, message of loyalty and sympathy; correspondence with PMG re mail.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IM5/1/1-19
Date range 1941 - 1954
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Ephemera, Newsletters and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0398
Box Number 060
Series 015
Includes: Canberra Publishing Company; "Fourth Report on Corrosion" by the Iron and Steel Institute, London; Berliner Business and Research Service; Australian and New Zealand Press Directory; Broadhead Document Record Service; enquiry from Eckrich, P., re article on liquid form of meat; Hemingway and Robertson - "Australian Business Encyclopedia"; Commonwealth Constitution alteration; proposed United Professions Council; Joint Technical Committee, NSW; Epidiascope, Institution of Engineers; Faust, J.W., re industrial respirator; "Biographical Encyclopedia of the World; Institute of Industrial Management; Netherlands Indies Government re "Holland Afloat"; University Conservatorium re Royal Charter; Law, B.R., re Harper, D.; Australian Institute of Librarians; Luke, K.G. re manufacture of badges; problems of scientific and industrial research; Pynor, A.H. re manufacture of combs; enquiry "The Industrial Chemist"; APM debenture issue, 1945; Russian National Day Committee; employment card misdirected by Manpower; enquiry re sources of films; Scientific Press Bureau, Sydney; New South Wales Institute of Technology; "Index of Literature on Vitamins"; "Australian Journal of Scientific Research"; CSIRO Lectures; documentary films; Williams Ramsay Centenary; ANRC Index; opening of Brown Coal Research Laboratories; British Commonwealth Scientific Office, Washington; analysis of foodstuffs - correspondence.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GM2/1/1-38
Date range 1938 - 1953
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Ephemera, Reports, Talks and/or Speeches, Journals, Published Papers or Articles, Published Reports and Indexes
Inventory Identifier A0399
Box Number 060
Series 015
National Association of Testing Authorities
Includes: formation of Association; register of laboratories.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GN2/1/1-2
Date range 1945 - 1957
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Register and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0400
Box Number 060
Series 015
Nomenclature - Scientific
Includes: Bosworth Report on Scientific Nomenclature, 1944; correspondence regarding supply of copies of Bosworth Report.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GN1/1/1
Date range 1944 - 1945
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Published Reports
Inventory Identifier A0401
Box Number 060
Series 015
Office Bearers
Includes: method of elections of office bearers; President; Vice-President; Honorary General Secretary; presentation to Jewell, W.R.; Assistant Honorary General Secretary; Branch Presidents; lists of office bearers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IA1/13/1-3, IC1/4/1-9
Date range 1939 - 1950
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0402
Box Number 060
Series 015
Committees - Elections (Branch)
Includes: resignations and changes in Committee membership; eligibility of officers for re-election; Branch Committee elections; Honorary Branch Secretaries; Branch Sections; Honorary Branch Treasurers; Branch Groups.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IC1/1/1-2, IC1/2/1-6
Date range 1943 - 1954
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Minutes and Agendas and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0403
Box Number 060
Series 015
Chemists - Overseas and Visiting
Includes: chemists arriving in Australia from Singapore and Java; New Zealand chemists; visiting English chemists; USA Government grants for American chemists to lecture in Australia.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC1/3/1-4
Date range 1942 - 1950
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Lists
Inventory Identifier A0404
Box Number 061
Series 015
Overseas Visitors
Includes: Overseas Visitors Committee; Todd, A.; Jones, E.R.H.; IUPAC Symposium; Benesch, R.; La Mer V.K.; Dainton, F.S.; Robertson, ?; Feigl, F.; Mattsson, L.; Barton, D.H.R.; Eyring, L.; Thompson, H.W.; Jones, R.N.; Dankwerts, P.V.; Cremlyn, R.J.W..
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1958 - 1962
Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Loose Notes, Talks and/or Speeches and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0405
Box Number 061
Series 015
Includes: deaths, official appointments; awards, honours, decorations; Caley, G.F.; personal correspondence with members; Steel, F.W.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IP1/1/1-6
Date range 1942 - 1950
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Ephemera and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0406
Box Number 061
Series 015
Post-War - Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
Includes: Secondary Industries Commission; intensified training of returned soldiers in chemistry; Munitions Supply Laboratories; Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GP1/1/1-4
Date range 1943 - 1945
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Loose Notes and Drawings and/or Plans
Inventory Identifier A0407
Box Number 061
Series 015
Post-War - Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
Includes: preference to returned soldiers; investigation of industrial developments in enemy countries, 1945; post-war requirements for chemically trained personnel; Allied Control Commission in Germany; scientific research in the armed forces.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GP1/1/5-9
Date range 1943 - 1946
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Memoranda
Inventory Identifier A0408
Box Number 061
Series 015
Committees - Post-War Reconstruction and Training
Formation of Committee to deal with post-war reconstruction and training.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IC1/9/1
Date range 1945 - 1952
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0409
Box Number 061
Series 015
Professional Assessment Committee
Formation of Committee and cases dealt with.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1935 - 1964
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0410
Box Number 061
Series 015
The Proprietary Drug Trades Association of Australia
Includes: Memorandum Articles and Articles of Association of PDTA; unbound copy of "Drug and Poison Law in Australia".
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC2/5/8
Date range 1949
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Books and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0411
Box Number 061
Series 015
Public Service
Plaint before Public Service Board for increased salary by technical assistants at Commonwealth Serum Laboratories.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1934 - 1935
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0412
Box Number 061
Series 015
Publications - "Chemistry as a Profession"
Includes: drafts of brochure "Chemistry as a Profession" and correspondence concerning its production; photographs of chemical laboratory and mass spectrograph.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GC2/1/1
Date range 1941 - 1953
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Drafts, Loose Photographic Prints and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0413
Box Number 061
Series 015
Publications - Import Restrictions
Restrictions on the import of US publications.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GP2/1/1
Date range 1947 - 1950
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier A0414
Box Number 061
Series 015
Publications - Other than Institute
Includes: "Chemische Weeklad"; "Standard Methods for the Examination of Foodstuffs"; "First Aid for Industrial Eye Injuries"; Editorial Report on nomenclature; transliteration of Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian for bibliographic purposes; Chemical Institute of Canada - "Papers of Symposium on the Chemistry of Nucleoproteins".
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GP2/3/1-7
Date range 1953 - 1954
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Journals, Published Papers or Articles and Published Reports
Inventory Identifier A0415
Box Number 062
Series 015
Qualifications - Regulations
Branch meetings on qualifications and booklet: "Standard of Qualifications".
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1930 - 1935
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier A0416
Box Number 062
Series 015
Reviews and Proceedings - Costs
Costs involved in producing Institute publications.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control File not labelled
Date range 1950 - 1957
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A0417
Box Number 062
Series 015
Reviews - Establishment of
Includes: Branch resolutions on Institute publications; Editorial Committee report; decision of Council to establish a quarterly review journal.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IJ1/10/10
Date range 1950 - 1965
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports, Minutes and Agendas and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0418
Box Number 062
Series 015
Russia - Scientific Liaison with
Includes: proposal by Fitzpatrick, A.S., to establish scientific liaison with the USSR; Anglo-Soviet Committee of the British Council; appointment of Ashby as Counsellor and Scientific Advisor at the Australian Legation in Moscow.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GR1/1/1-3
Date range 1943 - 1946
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0419
Box Number 062
Series 015
Scientific Societies
Includes: approach to overseas societies re reduced subscriptions to Institute members of overseas societies; inauguration of Joint Council of Professional Scientists, Great Britain, 1943; list of institutes with quarters in Victoria; proposal for Council of Scientific Societies, Victoria, 1945; closer co-operation between Empire Chemical Institutes; joint action between kindred bodies; International Geological Congress; American Academy of Political And Social Science; Food Technology Association of Victoria; Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia; greetings to other institutes; Handbook of Australian Scientific and Technical Societies and Institutions; Institute of Physics; World Conference of Executive Secretaries of Chemical Societies; Chemical-Technological Institute, Kharkov, USSR; Associacon Nacional de Quimicos de Espana; Society of Friends of Gemlin Institute; American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GS2/1/1-3
Date range 1937 - 1950
Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Ephemera, Memoranda, Lists and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0420
Box Number 062
Series 015
Scientists - Restrictions on the Movement of
Restrictions on the movement of scientific and technical officers within the State and Commonwealth Public Service; transfer of superannuation.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GS6/2/1
Date range 1949 - 1952
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0421
Box Number 062
Series 015
Honorary General Secretary (Personal)
Correspondence of Strong, H.W., Garran, R.R., Cranston, T.H.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1948 - 1957
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A0422
Box Number 062
Series 015
Specifications - Department of Supply and Development
Includes: proposal by Institute to assist Department in the matter of chemical specifications; enquiries re specifications.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GS3/1/1-2
Date range 1942 - 1944
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0423
Box Number 062
Series 015
Staff - Organizer of Exhibitions
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IS1/4/1
Date range 1947
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0424
Box Number 062
Series 015
Standards Association of Australia - Methods of Analysis
Includes: publication of methods of analysis by Institute; formation of Permanent Committees of Testing.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1929 - 1934
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0425
Box Number 063
Series 015
Standards - Unification of Food and Drug
Proposal to hold conference re unification of food and drug standards throughout Australia.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GS4/1/1
Date range 1941
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier A0426
Box Number 063
Series 015
Status Committee
Includes the case of dismissal of biochemist Cunningham, R.V.; salaries of biochemists in medical institutions; Professional Officers Association; Status Committee Pilot Survey.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1957 - 1960
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Reports and Schedules and/or Timetables
Inventory Identifier A0427
Box Number 063
Series 015
Students - Employment
Employment of University students during vacations.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IS4/1/1
Date range 1945 - 1946
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0428
Box Number 063
Series 015
Studentship - Questionnaires and Reports
Questionnaires and reports 1941-1952 and list of students who appear eligible for associateship.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IS2/2/1-12
Date range 1941 - 1952
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports and Lists
Inventory Identifier A0429
Box Number 063
Series 015
Studentship - Regulations
Includes: conditions governing registration of students; student applications.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IS2/4/1-2
Date range 1947 - 1949
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats Legal Documents and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0430
Box Number 063
Series 015
Studentship - Sundry Persons
Includes: enquiries re studentship; correspondence re registration of sundry students; reported death Summerville, L.C., (greatly exaggerated); miscellaneous correspondence; congratulatory letters to graduates.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IS2/3/1-5
Date range 1941 - 1950
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Memoranda
Inventory Identifier A0431
Box Number 063
Series 015
Subscribership - Regulations
Includes: conditions governing admission as a subscriber; fees; fees payable by country subscribers; rebates of fees; fees payable by overseas subscribers; companies to be invited to become subscribers.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IS3/1/1-6
Date range 1939 - 1950
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Legal Documents and Public Relations Material
Inventory Identifier A0432
Box Number 063
Series 015
Subscribership - Sundry Persons
Includes: sundry correspondence; eligibility for associateship; requests for forms.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IS3/2/1-3
Date range 1948 - 1950
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Forms
Inventory Identifier A0433
Box Number 063
Series 015
Includes: sales tax on apparatus bought by consulting chemists; income tax on overseas scholarships; exemption of donations; Australian Veterinary Association; sales tax on goods bought by the Institute.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control GT1/1/1-5
Date range 1946 - 1949
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts
Inventory Identifier A0434
Box Number 063
Series 015
Type Culture Collections
Committee to help organise an international collection of type cultures of micro-organisms.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Control IC1/4/8
Date range 1947 - 1948
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier A0435
Box Number 063
Series 015
Draft Royal Charter
2 copies. Refer also A0269 (Box 45).
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1928
Quantity 1 cm, 1 bag
Inventory Identifier A2034
Box Number 063
Series 015
Dr David St Clair Black
Letter proposing Dr Black as a candidate for the 1970 Rennie Memorial Medal, a list of Dr Black's publications and copies of those publications.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1970
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier A2036
Box Number 063
Series 015
Overseas Visitors - Danckwerts, P.V.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1961
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Inventory Identifier A2037
Box Number 064
Series 015
Charter and By-laws
This file contains faxes (on thermal paper), copies of correspondence and other materials relating to a Supplemental Charter and Affiliate Membership By-law changes.
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1985 - 1986
Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Loose Notes and Facsimile Transmissions
Inventory Identifier A2117
Box Number 064
Series 015
History of the Institute
Correspondence and minutes from various sources and a copy of the transcript of Miss Foley's "History of the Australian Chemical Institute (to 1945)".
Creator Royal Australian Chemical Institute - National Secretariat
Date range 1916 - 1992, Mainly 1916 to 1945
Quantity 3 cm, 3 files
Inventory Identifier A2586
Box Number 064
Series 015