Date Range | 1974 - 1984? |
Quantity | 17 cm, 5 notebooks |
Provenance | Development - PMA Ltd |
Description | Lance E. Rowley was a Development Officer, later Senior Development Officer, in the Development department of Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited, a position he retained until the closure of the Laverton plant in 1991. Contained in this series are a selection of laboratory notebooks created by Rowley between 1974 and 1984. The books contain handwritten notes and calculations, as well as a number of sample cards attached to pages throughout. |
Inventory Listing
Lance Rowley - Book 2 1974-75
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1974 - 1975
Quantity 2 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Notebooks, Loose Notes, Samples or Specimens and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA0177
Box Number 72
Series 41
Lance Rowley - Lab Notebook - 1978-1981
Part 1 of 2
The inscribed title on the notebook is "L. Rowley - 1978-1981 - Nov - May". Includes index headed "Lab Notebook - L. Rowley - Oct 78-".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1978 - 1981
Quantity 6 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Notebooks, Samples or Specimens and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA0179
Box Number 72
Series 41
Lance Rowley - Lab Notebook - 1978-1981
Part 2 of 2
The inscribed title on the notebook is "L. Rowley - 1978-1981 - Nov - May". Includes index headed "Lab Notebook - L. Rowley - Oct 78-".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1978 - 1981
Quantity 6 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Notebooks, Samples or Specimens and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA1219
Box Number 72
Series 41
Notebook 1981-1982
There is no inscribed title or index for this item. Believed to be a notebook of Lance Rowley. The first note in the book is on page 6, and is titled "Analysis of CPCB samples for PCBs" dated 27/5/81.
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1981 - 1982
Quantity 2 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Notebooks, Samples or Specimens and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA0178
Box Number 72
Series 41
Notebook 1983-1984
There is no inscribed title or index for this item. Believed to be a notebook of Lance Rowley. The first note in the book is on page 4, and is titled "Laboratory Grinding of a-Form blues for Polyethylene".
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1983 - 1984
Quantity 2 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Notebooks and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA0180
Box Number 72
Series 41