Series 10 - Rob Thomas and Kerry Hewitt - Superintendent Files

Date Range1960 - 1990, Mainly 1987-1990.
Quantity3 cm, 2 files
ProvenanceOperations - PMA Ltd

This series contains Rob Thomas's and Kerry Hewitt's files on a variety of subjects including Engineering project meetings, minutes, staff information and attendance records, staff warnings, procedures, wages, resumes, etc.

Kerry Hewitt is identified on several of the papers as either the Azo Plant Superintendent or Phthalo Plant Superintendent, and Rob Thomas is identified as the Phthalo Superintendent.

Inventory Listing

10-1 Rob Thomas and Kerry Hewitt Files

Includes papers on health and safety, minutes of meetings, manuals and training documentation, shift supervisor notes, documents regarding award restructuring, staff attendance records, etc.

Creator Operations - PMA Ltd
Date range 1960 - 1990, Mainly 1988-1990.    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA1118 Box Number 30 Series 10
10-2 Engineering Projects Meetings

Minutes and papers from engineering projects meetings. Some of the papers look to have been distributed to "RT" [Rob Thomas].

Creator Operations - PMA Ltd
Date range 1987 - 1988    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Diagrams, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA1119 Box Number 30 Series 10

Published by the The University of Melbourne, eScholarship Research Centre on AustehcWeb, December 2008
Listed by Barbara Cytowicz, Ann McCarthy, Gavan McCarthy, Michael Jones, Rachel Tropea
HTML edition
Updated 30 March 2009

The template for this finding aid is part of the Heritage Documentation Management System

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