St. Bartholomew's Medical College - Lecture notes and working papers
Lecture notes on Histological Technique - revised February 1953. Includes journal extracts on Darwin, Lamarck and Huxley: H.G. Cannon 'Darwin and Lamarck' in Main Current in Modern Thought May 1959; D.J. Foskett 'Wilberforce and Huxley on Evolution' in Nature 7 August 1954; G.H. Beale 'Timiriazev, Founder of Soviet Genetics' in Nature 11 January 1947.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1947 - 1959
Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-1
Series 18
St. Bartholomew's College and Monash University - Lecture notes
Notes for lectures given in 1965 and adapted from St. Bartholomew's lecture notes circa 1950. Edited 1951-1958 and 1965. Includes material on: Evolution and Selection, Nature versus Nurture (Human breeding), Endocrinology, Sensory organs and general human physiology.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1950? - 1965?
Quantity 1.7 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-2
Series 18
St. Bartholomew's College and Monash University - Lecture notes
Notes for lectures given in 1966 and adapted from St. Bartholomew's Lecture Notes circa 1950. Edited 1951-1959 and 1964, 1966. Includes introductory lectures on science and history of biology and medicine, general zoology lectures, and reprint of 'Endocrine Dysfunction in a Nakalanga Dwarf' by AJM and J.K.T. Cherry Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene vol.55, 1961.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1950? - 1966
Quantity 2.7 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-3
Series 18
St. Bartholomew's College and Monash University - Lecture notes
Notes for lectures on physiology of reproduction, 1951, modified 1952 and 1953.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1951 - 1953
Quantity 1.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-4
Series 18
St. Bartholomew's College and Monash University - Lecture notes
Notes for lecture of 1966(?) adapted from St. Bartholomew's lecture notes 1951 for Animal Physiology (advanced).
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1951 - 1966?
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-5
Series 18
St. Bartholomew's College and Monash University - Lecture notes
St. Bartholomew's lecture notes, edited and revised 1955, 1957, 1961 and 1964 - Mendelism, Genetics, Genetics of Sex, Hæmophilia.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1955 - 1964
Quantity 0.6 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-6
Series 18
St. Bartholomew's Medical College - Lecture notes
Includes typescript: 'On a new Variety in the Breeds of Sheep' by Col. D. Humphreys. 14 January 1813. Includes working notes and extract; New Scientist 28 February 1957. File marked 'Lecture notes given 1958-59'.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1957 - 1959, 1 item 1813
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-7
Series 18
St. Bartholomew's Medical College - Notes for practicals
'Directions for the removal of reproductive organs of birds'. Also in 'Danish'.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1951? - 1959?
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-8
Series 18
St. Bartholomew's Medical College - Lecturing aids
Geological and Evolutionary Time Scale Chart.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1953?
Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-9
Series 18
Monash University - Lecture notes and working papers
Material for lecture(s) on Darwinism. Includes typescript and manuscript of lecture, and press and journal cuttings: 'Displacement activity in Human Behaviour' - New Scientist 26 September 1957. Letters to The Age: 'Probing the Origin of Life' - The Age 25 October 1961.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1957 - 1961
Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-10
Series 18
Monash University Biology 1 Practical Notes
Class notes on osteology, anatomy and dissection procedures.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-11
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Amphibian anatomy and organ systems.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-12
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Avian and Proavian anatomy.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-13
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Invertebrate zoology - Annelida and others.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-14
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Coelenterata zoology - general
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-15
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Protozoan, Hydran zoology. Darwin and Mendel.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-16
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-17
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Fishes - Amphibian transition.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-18
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Protochordates and human evolution.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-19
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Fishes - general.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.6 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-20
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Mammalian zoology - general.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-21
Series 18
Monash University (?) overhead projections
Mammalia - comparative anatomy.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-22
Series 18
Monash University overhead projections
Reptilia - evolution.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-23
Series 18
Monash University overhead projections
Mammalian evolution.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-24
Series 18
Monash University - Miscellaneous notes and papers
Includes class material 'A Generalised Animal Cell' 1963 and journal cuttings: 'The Fact of Evolution' - The Rationalist January 1963 (includes letter by M.J.D. White); 'Earth and the Scientist' - Time 29 June 1962; 'Burnet on Biology' - Lab-Talk June 1964; 'On the Natural Superiority of Pigs' - Turtox News October 1962.
Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1962 - 1964
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-25
Series 18