- Jackson, P.P. (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
- 1-21
- Jacob, K. (Geological Survey of India)
- 8-4 20-3
- Jacob's Well (Egypt), photographs
- 20-3
- Jaeger, Fritz (Basel University)
- 8-28
- Jaeger, J.C. (Australian National University)
- 7-22
- James Cook University
- 1-51
- James, P.R. (University of Adelaide)
- 14-17
- Jarvik, Erik (Swedish Museum of Natural History)
- 7-4 7-6
- Jenkin, J.J.
- 1-50
- Jennings, J.N. (Australian National University)
- 8-20 8-44 14-16
- Jenolan Caves (NSW), photographs
- 18-24
- Jensen, Mysie, photograph
- 17-11
- Jervis, Jas
- 6-2
- Jewitt, T.N. (Hunting Technical Services Ltd)
- 16-2 16-8
- Jobberas, G. (Canterbury University College)
- 6-1
- John Wiley & Sons Inc.
- 14-3 14-4 14-10 14-11 15-2 15-11
- Johnson, Chester O. (Gustavus Adolphus College)
- 14-11
- Johnson, H.D. (Oxford University)
- 15-32
- Johnson, J.L. (City of Kew)
- 1-21
- Johnson, K.R. (Wollongong University College)
- 15-35
- Johnson, Marion (University of Melbourne), photograph
- 17-21
- Johnson, R.W. (Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics)
- 6-16
- Jones, Barry (Member of Parliament)
- 6-16
- Jones, D.K. (Geological Society of Australia)
- 12-8 12-12 12-19
- Jones, F.Wood (University of Melbourne)
- 6-5
- Jones, H.L.
- 7-23
- Jones, Norman
- 1-21
- Jones, Spencer (Department of Mines, Victoria)
- 12-17
- Joubin, Franc R. (Unesco/UNDP Mission to Indonesia)
- 10-24
- Journal of Geological Education
- 14-17
- Journal of Geology
- 13-7 14-17 15-14
- Journal of Geomorphology
- 13-7
- Journal of Geophysical Research
- 14-15
- Julivert, Manuel (Oviedo University)
- 15-42
- Jungfrau (Switzerland), photographs
- 20-12
- Junner, Norman, R. (University of Melbourne)
- 11-10
- Jutson, J.T.
- 6-23 13-7