AAES | Australian Agricultural Economics Society |
AAS | Australian Academy of Science |
ABC | Australian Broadcasting Corporation |
ACF | Australian Conservation Foundation |
ACI | Australian Consolidated Industries |
ACNT | Australian Council of National Trusts |
AEC | Adult Education Centre |
AILA | Australian Institute of Landscape Architects |
AMF | Australian Military Forces |
ANZAAS | Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science |
APM | Australian Paper Mills |
APPU | Australian Primary Producers' Union |
ARC | Australian Research Council |
ASAP | Australian Science Archives Project |
AVCA | Agricultural & Veterinary Chemical Association of Australia |
AWWA | Australian Water and Wastewater Association |
BHP | Broken Hill Pty |
CCV | Conservation Council of Victoria |
CEP | Commission on Environmental Planning |
CFL | Conservation, Forests and Lands |
CRA | Conzinc Riotinto Australia |
CRB | Country Roads Board |
CRRERIS | Commonwealth Regional Renewable Energy Resources Information System |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization |
DCFL | Department of Conservation Forests and Lands |
EPA | Environment Protection Authority |
EPC | Environmental Planning Commission (Goode calls it CEP, see above) |
FCV | Forests Commission, Victoria |
FLUC | Federal Land Use Committee, a committee of the APPU |
ICI | Imperial Chemical Industries |
IUCN | International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources |
IYF | International Youth Fund |
LAC | Landscape Advisory Committee |
LC/NTA | Landscape Committee of the National Trust, Australia |
LCC | Land Conservation Council |
LGC | Local Government Commission |
LPC | Landscape Preservation Council, National Trust of Australia |
LVWSB | Latrobe Valley Water and Sewerage Board |
MHR | Member of the House of Representatives |
MLA | Member of Legislative Council |
MMBW | Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works |
MP | Member of Parliament |
MPA | Ministry for Planning and Environment |
NCS | National Conservation Strategy |
NCSA | National Conservation Strategy for Victoria |
NCSSA | Nature Conservation Society of South Australia |
NFF | National Farmers' Federation |
NPA | National Parks Authority |
NPAC | National Parks Advisory Council |
NPS | National Parks Service |
NRB | National Roads Board (New Zealand) |
NRCL | National Resources Conservation League |
NTA | National Trust of Australia |
PPWC | Parliamentary Public Works Committee |
RAA | Royal Automobile Association (South Australia) |
RACV | Royal Automobile Club of Victoria |
RCA | Road Construction Authority |
RCC | Roadside Conservation Committee |
SMA | Snowy Mountains Authority |
SCA | Soil Conservation Authority |
SCS | Soil Conservation Service (New South Wales) |
SEC | State Electricity Commission |
SR&WSC | State Rivers and Water Supply Commission |
TCPA | Town and Country Planning Association |
TCPB | Town and Country Planning Board |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation |
UNRRA | United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration |
VCS | Victorian Conservation Strategy |
VNPA | Victorian National Parks Association |
WCS | World Conservation Strategy |
WOI | War Organisation of Industry |
WWF | World Wildlife Fund |