Series 3 - Secrets of the Sun

Date Range1952 - 1987
Quantity4 Boxes
ProvenanceRonald Gordon Giovanelli

Section 1 - Correspondence 3/1-3/7
Section 2 - Photographs 3/8-3/22
Section 3 - Draft Manuscripts 3/23-3/26
Correspondence, draft manuscripts, diagrams, graphs, notes, reviews, photographs, publications, draft typescripts, galley proofs

Inventory Listing

3-1 Approval requests for photographs

Outwards correspondence, mainly concerning approval requests by RGG for use of photographs in his book Secrets of the Sun. Includes correspondence with: Dr. Rösch, J.B. Zirber, G. Burbidge, Kitt Peak National Observatory; Director, American Science and Engineering; J.J. Lowke, CSIRO Division of Applied Physics; R.H. Frater, CSIRO Division of Radiophysics; Sylviane Perret, Institut d' Astrophysique; J. Piddington, Lawrence Cram, R.E. Loughhead, R.J. Bray, CSIRO Division of Applied Physics; R. Magee, CSIRO Division of Radiophysics; J.M. Beckers, University of Arizona; Harold Zirin, California Institute of Technology; Springer-Verlag Berlin; F. Graham Smith, Royal Greenwich Observatory; Robert MacQueen, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Steve Musman, Sacramento Peak Observatory; Neil R. Sheeley, Jr., Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC; World Data Center A for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Boulder; Victor Gaizauskas, National Research Council of Canada; Goddard Space Flight Center; Riksbanken, Stockholm; Andrea Dupree, Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; M. Eric Fossat, Observatoire de Nice; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena; John T. Jefferies, Hawaii Institute for Astronomy; J. Harvey, Kitt Peak National Observatory; B.J. Walby, CSIRO Editorial and Publications Service; Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia; Alan Title, Lockheed Solar Observatory; B. Yallop, Royal Greenwich Observatory; Mount Wilson and Las Campanas Observatories; D. Reidel Publishing Co.; J. Eddy, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; John N. Xanthakis, Academy of Athens; Gerald Pneumann, National Center for Atmospheric Research, E.R. Mustel, Astronomical Council, USSR Academy of Science; Sharad R. Kane, Space Sciences Laboratory; George Simon, Sacramento Peak Observatory; Robert Brucato, California Institute of Technology; John Coburn; Ramon Pavlyshyn, Department of Works, Brisbane; Selwyn J. Muller, Speaker, Parliament House, Brisbane

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 27 January 1981 - 8 September 1983    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-1 Box Number 6 Series 3
3-2 Approvals for photographic reproductions

Inwards and some outwards correspondence concerning approvals for photographs for reproduction in Secrets of the Sun. Includes correspondence with: Bernard Pagel; Neil R. Sheeley, Jr.; J.B. Zirker; F. Chauveau; Robert J. Brucato; Jeff Nenow; Lawrence Cram; Springer-Verlag Berlin; J. Piddington; B.J. Walby; R.J. Bray and R.E. Loughhead; R. McGee; R.M. MacQueen; J.M. Beckers; A.K. Dupree; Margaret Liggett; J.W. Harvey; Al Krieger; R.H. Frater; J.T. Jefferies; Robert Sparve; Sylviane Perret; John A. Eddy, B.D. Yallop; H.E. Zoeteman; James H. Breen; Viola Miller; Del Hewitt and Agnes Paulsen; Jurrie J. van der Woude; V. Gaizauskas; P. Andrle; Lloyd F. Carter; Sharad R. Kane; J. Xanthakis; G.W. Pneuman; R.N. Bracewell; John Coburn; S.J. Muller

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 17 February 1981 - 8 September 1983    Quantity 4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-2 Box Number 6 Series 3
3-3 Publishing correspondence

Inwards and outwards correspondence. Includes: Proof-reading instructions, Cambridge University Press; RGG to E. Tenner on proposed monograph; Reader's report on proposed monograph; J. McConnell; Steve Musman; E.R. Mustel, Astronomical Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Robin Rees; M.L. Jowett; Adelaide Hewitt, Kitt Peak National Observatory; R.E. Loughhead and L.E. Cram to Simon Mitton; Chris McLeod; Jo Blishen; Richenda Buxton; Jacqueline Northfield; Draft blurb of Secrets of the Sun

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 6 July 1982 - 15 January 1987    Quantity 0.7 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-3 Box Number 6 Series 3
3-4 Working Materials

Draft manuscripts, draft typescripts, diagrams, graphs and notes mainly pertaining to Secrets of the Sun. Includes: Draft notes by RGG to John Brandt offering himself as a consultant in solar physics; Notes on changes to the text; Notes on acknowledgements; Various diagrams including temperature/pressure graph of sun's surface, diagram showing reversal of magnetic polarity in polar regions, mean variations in terrestrial precipitation; Manuscript of preface, figure captions and acknowledgements; typescript list of proposed photographs and proposed acknowledgments

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range Mainly 1983    Quantity 13 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-4 Box Number 6 Series 3
3-5 Reviews of Secrets of the Sun

Reviews of Secrets of the Sun in English, German and Swedish. Includes review by: Peter Mason, Sydney Morning Herald (?), n.d.; David W. Hughes, Nature, 7 February 1985; Dainis Dravins, Astronomisk Tidsskrift, 1985 (in Swedish); J. Jockers, Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung, 1985 (in German); B. Roberts, Contemporary Physics, 1985; Library Journal, 1 March 1985; Sonne, March 1985 (in German); D. McNally, British Book News, April 1985; typescript of review by Brad Timerson, 1985; Rudolf Kippenhahn, Steme und Weltraum, June 1985 (in German); W.E. Howard III, Choice, June 1985; Gail Clark, Astronomy, October 1985; Zenit, December 1985 (in German); Gordon Miller, Physics Bulletin, 1985; P.W. Hill, Endeavour, n.d.

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1985
Inventory Identifier 3-5 Box Number 6 Series 3
3-6 Secrets of the Sun (English edition)

Copy of English edition of Secrets of the Sun, hardback

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1984    Quantity 1.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-6 Box Number 6 Series 3
3-7 Secrets of the Sun (German edition)

Copy of German edition of Secrets of the Sun, hardback

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1987    Quantity 1.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-7 Box Number 6 Series 3
3-8 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

Approximately 40 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, all black and white, various sizes, mostly unlabelled and undated, some mounted on cardboard. 8 photographic negatives. Includes: Magnetograms showing magnetic networks; Graphs of solar phenomena; Solar spectrograph showing absorption lines and the "Zeeman effect"; Photographs showing velocities in supergranules; Spectroheliograms of the Ha fibrils in an active region; Print of 6 photographs of solar observations, 21 December 1973, includes magnetograms, spectroheliograms; Print of 8 photographs of solar phenomena with signatures of solar astronomers; Set of 12 postcard photographs of Mount Stromlo Observatory and its work

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1950s - 1980s    Quantity 1 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-8 Box Number 7 Series 3
3-9 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

12 photographs and two photographic negatives of the sun and various solar phenomena, all black and white, size mostly 280 x 215mm, some unlabelled and undated. Includes: Magnetograms, 10 November 1971; Magnetograms of sunspots, 6 May 1981; Sunspot and surrounding granulation; Print of 3 spectroheliograms of sunspot; Ultraviolet spectrum of corona, total eclipse, 25 February 1952; Solar corona during total solar eclipse, 30 June 1973; Solar corona during total solar eclipse, 16 February 1980

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1952 - 1981    Quantity 0.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-9 Box Number 7 Series 3
3-10 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

Approximately 20 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, mostly black and white, some unlabelled and undated, some mounted on cardboard, various sizes mostly 254 x 208mm; Several diagrams. Includes: Photographs of crown of prominences, 4 October 1966; Ha fibrils around an active region, 14 May 1967; Diagram of subsurface magnetic field and polarities of sunspots; Spectroheliogram; Print of 3 photographs of supergranule structure; Group of 4 magnetograms of sunspots mounted on cardboard; Solar butterfly diagram; Series of 3 photographs showing sun with and without sunspots; Colour photograph of the setting sun

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1960s - 1970s    Quantity 0.8 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-10 Box Number 7 Series 3
3-11 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

Approximately 30 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, black and white and colour, some unlabelled and undated, various sizes. Includes: Photographs of Ulrich's graph of solar oscillations; Flares, 1 and 2 March 1969 and 20 and 21 June 1980; Colour photographs of tapestries depicting the sun

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1969 - 1980s    Quantity 0.8 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-11 Box Number 7 Series 3
3-12 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

Approximately 70 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, black and white, most unlabelled and undated, size mostly 250 x 210mm, multiple copies of some photographs; several diagrams. Includes photographs of: The chromosphere at the limb; Granulation; Supergranulation; Sunspots and surrounding granulation; Solar disc with sunspots; Magnetograms of sun; spectroheliogram of granulation; Ha fibrils; Solar butterfly diagram

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1950s - 1980s    Quantity 1.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-12 Box Number 7 Series 3
3-13 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

31 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, 25 black and white, 6 colour, most labelled and dated; size mostly 250 x 210mm, 4 photographic negatives. Includes photographs of: The corona at eclipse, 30 June 1973; Emission-line coronagraphs; Outer corona at eclipse, 16 February 1980; Magnetograms of sunspots; Ha fibrils around active region; Magnetogram of solar disc, 4 September 1973 in colour

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1960s - 1980s    Quantity 0.8 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-13 Box Number 7 Series 3
3-14 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

8 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, black and white, most labelled and dated, size mostly 250 x 210mm. 7 photographic negatives. Includes: Magnetogram of solar disc, 4 July 1974; Ha spectroheliogram of solar disc, 14 August 1974; Print of 15 spectroheliograms of phages, sunspots and prominences, 26 November 1956

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1950s - 1970s    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-14 Box Number 8 Series 3
3-15 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

Approximately 120 X-ray heliograms of the sun, colour and black and white, unlabelled and undated, various sizes. Multiple copies of some photographs. 40 photographic negatives. Photographs mostly consist of a series of X-ray images at daily intervals showing strong emission lines over active regions, n.d.

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Quantity 15 cm, Inventory Identifier 3-15 Box Number 8 Series 3
3-16 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

7 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, black and white, most unlabelled and undated, size 250 x 210mm. Includes: Magnetogram of solar disc, 23 June 1980; Granulation; Sunspots and surrounding granulation; Spectroheliograms

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1970s - 1980s    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-16 Box Number 8 Series 3
3-17 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

10 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, colour, all unlabelled and undated, various sizes mostly approximately 300 x 200mm. Includes: Magnetograms of magnetic canopies near large sunspot; Photograph of sunspots; Photograph of setting sun

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1970s - 1980s    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-17 Box Number 8 Series 3
3-18 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

37 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, mostly black and white, most unlabelled and undated, size mostly 250 x 210mm. Multiple copies of some photographs. Includes photographs of: Corona at total solar eclipse, 16 February 1980 and 30 June 1973; Flares, 28 March 1971; Solar filigree; Radioheliogram of flare at radio frequency of 80 MHz; Multiple copies of photographs of flare, 9 June 1968

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1968 - 1980    Quantity 0.7 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-18 Box Number 8 Series 3
3-19 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

44 photographs of sun and various solar phenomena, black and white, labelled and dated, size 250 x 210mm. Series of magnetograms of fragmenting sunspots from approximately 30 June 1981 to 22 July 1981

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 30 June 1981 - 22 July 1981    Quantity 1.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-19 Box Number 8 Series 3
3-20 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

27 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, black and white, most unlabelled and undated, size 250 x 210mm. Multiple copies of some photographs. 4 photographic negatives. Includes photographs of: Magnetic field as outlined by iron filings; Print of 5 photographs of rotation of active sunspot across solar disc; Ha fibrils in active region; Large sunspot

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1960s - 1980s    Quantity 0.9 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-20 Box Number 8 Series 3
3-21 Secrets of the Sun Photographs

16 photographs of the sun and various solar phenomena, black and white, most unlabelled and undated, size mostly 250 x 210mm. Photographs include magnetograms of sunspots and surrounding regions, n.d.

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Quantity 4 cm, Inventory Identifier 3-21 Box Number 8 Series 3
3-22 Secrets of the Sun Photographic negatives

16 photographic negatives of the sun and various solar phenomena, some unlabelled and undated, size approximately 250 x 200mm. Includes negatives of: Flares; Exploding granules; Granulation; Chromosphere at the limb; Ha fibrils in active region; Large sunspot

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1960s - 1980s    Quantity 0.8 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-22 Box Number 8 Series 3
3-23 Secrets of the Sun Slides

17 photographic slides of the sun and various solar phenomena, colour, unlabelled and undated. Includes slides of: Magnetograms of sunspots and surrounding regions; Velocity of rotation diagram; Eruptive prominence; Sun Tapestry by John Coburn; Setting sun; X-ray heliograms; Surface separating field lines diagram. File also includes eye lens from copy of Galileo's telescopes, n.d.

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Quantity 5 cm, Inventory Identifier 3-23 Box Number 8 Series 3
3-23 Draft typescript of Secrets of the Sun

Copy of draft typescript of Secrets of the Sun with corrections

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1984    Quantity 2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-23 Box Number 9 Series 3
3-24 Draft typescript of Secrets of the Sun

Copy of draft typescript of Secrets of the Sun with corrections, extra copy

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1984    Quantity 2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-24 Box Number 9 Series 3
3-25 Galley Proof of Secrets of the Sun

Copy of galley proof of Secrets of the Sun, with corrections

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1984    Quantity 1 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-25 Box Number 9 Series 3
3-26 Galley Proof of Secrets of the Sun

Copy of galley proof of Secrets of the Sun with corrections, reduced photocopy

Creator Ronald Gordon Giovanelli
Date range 1984    Quantity 0.1 cm,
Inventory Identifier 3-26 Box Number 9 Series 3

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, April 2004
With support from Ian Potter Foundation and The University of Melbourne
Listed by Doug McCann and Gavan McCarthy
HTML edition Ailie Smith
Updated 8 November 2007

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