Date Range | 1951 - 1971 |
Provenance | Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne |
Description | This series contains correspondence, documentation and various manufacturers brochures. Topics covered concern the transfer of CSIRAC from Sydney to Melbourne, enquiries and orders for the purchase of various hardware items and paper tape from suppliers, machine speed up and other design notes. |
Inventory Listing
This file contains correspondence concerning equipment requirements and is mainly directed to suppliers. Also Purchase approvals. Instruction Book and Data from Stabilac Pty Ltd, Sydney for Instantaneous Electronic Voltage Stabiliser Types T200 and T500 with handwritten notes at rear. Creed Punch Tape catalogue June 1956, Creed Punch Tape brochure June 1956, Creed Underwood perforating typewriter brochure, Flexowriter Model FL brochure, Friden Collectdata Data Collecting System brochure 1959. Data Control Invoice No 8181 for one Friden model FPC-5 Flexowriter, May 10, 1962 Commonwealth of Australia transfer voucher for CV.3427 Computer Electronic CSIRO Mark 1 to Melbourne University, 13 May 1955. CSIRO Radiophysics delivery docket No. 4570 for 43 Crates of Electronic Equipment to Melbourne University, 15 June 1955. Also two clipped working manuals. Folder containing Transformer and Choke Specifications. Correspondence details: 22/2/55 C.H. Morley/Stott & Hoare to F. Hirst Representing Flexowriter Tape Perforator. 15/6/55 CSIRO to Uni of Melbourne Delivery Docket 4570 for 43 crates of Electronic Equipment (19035). 13/10/55 CSIRO to Uni of Melbourne Transfer voucher for CV.3427 Computer Electronic CSIRO Mark I (19036). Undated Procedure for Spraying Magnetic Disc for Electronic Computer. Undated Computation Laboratory Inventory (equipment/furniture) handwritten. June’56 Creed & Co. Ltd./UK Advertising brochure-Punched Tape Equipment (19034). June’56 Creed & Co. Ltd./UK Advertising brochure-Punched Tape Equipment (19037). Undated Commercial Controls Corp/US Advertising brochure-Flexowriter Model FL (19032). June’56 Creed Underwood/UK Advertising brochure-Perforating Typewriter (19033). 29/6/56 Maxwell Howden Note advising delivery complete (possibly crystals). 6/9/56 LJ Score/Comm Conts. to Stott & Hoare Flexowriter explanations. 12/9/56 Stott &Hoare to F. Hirst Enclosing above letter. 8/2/57 F. Hirst to Jacoby, Mitchell & Co. Requesting quote for motor-Citenco Type REP/N. 21/6/57 R.G. Smart to NSW University Advice about suppliers of iron oxide for magnetic drum. 1/7/57 F. Hirst to Weapons Research Est. Requesting details of lacquer used to respray magnetic disc. 8/7/57 J.A. Ovenstone/WRE to F. Hirst Dics were sprayed by Elliott Brothers. 5/7/57 Salford Elec/UK to Jepson, Bolton/UK Price for magnetic oxides, plus suitable formula for oxide. 18/10/57 F. Hirst to M. Curtis/Balm Paints Thank you for producing magnetic lacquer for magnetic disc. 3/7/57 J.A.Ovenstone/WRE to T.M. Cherry Re loan of Ferranti tape reader/5-hole perforator. 21/10/57 T.M. Cherry to WRE Requesting loan of 5-hole tape perforator. 11/11/57 F. Hirst to Electro-Chemical Eng. Returning Sunvic Control unit. 14/11/57 F. Hirst to Mullard-Australia Increase quota for long life valves into Australia. 11/12/57 Ferranti to Uni of Melbourne Advice Note for High Speed Tape Reader delivery. Undated Request for specifications of Ferranti Tape Reader. 31/3/58 F. Hirst to Philips Electrical Sockets for exchange. 2/5/58 Cherry/Martin/Hirst to Registrar/MU Approval request for 5-hole tape editing equipment. 9/5/58 Registrar to L.H. Martin Authority for 5-hole tape editing equipment purchase. 14/5/58 Stott & Hoare to F. Hirst Confirming quote for Flexowriter with modifications. 14/8/58 Data Control to F. Hirst Change in franchising for Commercial Controls. 16/9/58 Standard Telephones to F. Hirst Purchase of Creed punch equipment. 18/9/58 G.N. Raymond to Unii of Melb Confirmation of order to boxes. Undated Data Control Maintenance agreement for Flexowriter. 11/11/58 F. Hirst to Registrar/Melb Uni 230v A.C. Mains Supply upgrade. 9/12/58 F. Hirst to JM Bennett/Adolph Basser Requesting details of teletype 5 hole tape reperforator (punch). 11/12/58 J.M. Bennett/Adolph Basser to F. Hirst Details of Teletype Corporation & agent. 11/12/58 Data Control Loan of Tape equipment. 12/12/58 F. Hirst to J. Bowie/WRE Requesting manual for Creed 5-hole punch on loan. 5/1/59 J. Bowie/WRE to F. Hirst Manual unavailable, sending maintenance instructions, offering suggestions. 16/12/58 F. Hirst to Teletype Corporation Requesting quote for punches. 1959 Friden/US Advertising brochure-Collectdata Data Collecting System (19031). 7/1/59 Teletype Corporation to F. Hirst Literature sent and advising of agents. 3/3/59 F. Hirst to M. Beard Requesting Beard spends day to discuss increasing magnetic drum storage. 8/5/59 Standard Telephones to F. Hirst Handbooks for Creed equipment to be forwarded when available. 5/6/59 Standard Telephones to F. Hirst Enclosing Maintenance Book and Parts List for Creed equipment. 18/3/58 WRE to T. Cherry Approval of loan of Creed punch. 29/5/59 M. Beard to F. Hirst Request for loan of ‘spare’ tape punch. 3/6/59 F. Hirst to M. Beard Plans to send WRE Creed punch on to Radiophysics. 9/11/59 WRE to T. Cherry Approval for Creed punch to be forwarded to Radiophysics. 16/11/59 F. Hirst to M. Beard Does he still want Creed punch? 20/11/59 M. Beard to F. Hirst Would be pleased to have Creed punch. 29/9/60 WRE to T. Cherry Requesting details of location of Creed punch. 5/10/60 F. Hirst to WRE Confirming Creed punch at Radiophysics. 11/9/59 R.F. Thyer/Dept of Nat Dev to F. Hirst Enclosing Maintenance Instruction Booklet & Parts List for punch. 13/11/59 F. Hirst to Waterlow & Sons Order for Paper Tape. 5/12/59 Percy Boyden to F. Hirst New address. 14/4/60 F. Hirst to Relays Pty Ltd Order for relays. 13/5/60 F. Hirst to STC Order for parts for Creed Punch. 21/7/60 F. Hirst to Warburton Franki Order for components for over-voltage protection. 27/4/61 F. Hirst to Standard Telephones Order for spares. 16/5/61 Warburton Franki to F. Hirst Specifications for over-voltage protection device. 26/9/61 Anodeon Semi-Conductors to F. Hirst Sending set of data sheets of Anodeon Semi-conductors. 17/8/61 Amalgamated Wireless to F. Hirst Prices for Typetronic models. 15/9/61 F. Hirst to Accountant/Melb Uni Request for new Flexowriter. 16/10/61 Accountant/Melb Uni to F. Hirst Approval for new Flexowriter. 19/10/61 Ferranti Ltd to Uni of Melb Acceptance of order for Ball races. 19/9/61 Data Control to F. Hirst Quotation for Flexowriter. 8/5/62 Data Control to Uni of Melb Delivery advice for Flexowriter. 10/5/62 Data control to Uni of Melb Invoice 8181 for 1xFriden model FPC-5 Flexowriter (19066). 25/10/62 F. Hirst to Accountant/Melb Uni Request to purchase a Tektronix Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. 18/12/62 Accountant/Melb Uni to F. Hirst Approval to purchase a Tektronix Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. 16/11/62 F. Hirst to Percy Boyden Purchase order for Paper Tape. 19/11/62 Percy Boyden to F. Hirst Paper difference noted and sample submitted for testing. 28/11/62 F. Hirst to Standard Telephones Special die plates for Creed Reperforator. Undated Geoff Hill to F. Hirst Thanks for line data/report is progressing/questions re CRO.
Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Date range 1955 - 1962
Quantity 9 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Numeric Data, Specifications and Calculations
Inventory Identifier C118
Box Number 6
Series 17
Machine Speed-up and Other Design Notes
This file contains papers and drawings concerning machine speed-up, together with other design notes. (CSIRAC Notes 24/10/62 by T.S. Holden & J. Spencer/CSIRO Building Research. CSIRAC Notes 5/3/62-Machine Idiosyncrasies by T.S. Holden). Details: Undated Diagrams F8 Magnetic Matrix Store/Fig 8Bfig 8 Wave Forms for Magnetic Matrix Store (1xmaster).
Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Date range 1962
Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes and Drawings
Inventory Identifier C119
Box Number 6
Series 17
This file contains letters between Thomas Cherry and Dr S Gill of Ferranti Ltd, London. The principal subject of the correspondence is the purchase of a high speed 5 hole tape reader for the CSIRAC computer. The file also contains a typed note regarding the tape reader, some rough jottings and a hand-written business card. Correspondence details: 3/7/57 S. Gill/Ferranti to T.M. Cherry Thanks for hospitality/Programming manual for Mercury Computer available shortly. 19/7/57 T.M. Cherry to S. Gill Want to purchase Ferranti 5-hole tape reader Undated Note Ferranti tape reader Mark II requirement specification. Undated Business Card/IBM New York Handwritten note of Sydney address on reverse.
Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control 2/003
Date range 1957
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier C017
Box Number 1
Series 17
The Machine CSIRAC
Sketch of the Command Facilities
This item contains a paper which provides a brief description of the computer and its functions. This item also includes a 'routine sheet' for the CSIRO Mk.1 Computer, which contains lists of numbers. Details: Undated Paper - ‘The Machine CSIRAC - Sketch of the command facilities/List of sources and destinations’ Undated Routine Sheet
Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control 4/005
Date range 1951? - 1971?, Undated
Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data, Lists and Specifications
Inventory Identifier C035
Box Number 1
Series 17
Principles and Operation of Electronic Digital Computer
This item contains a paper and a photocopied extract. The undated paper is entitled 'Principles and Operation of Electronic Digital Computer' by Frank Hirst. It provides a history of the development of the electronic digital computer and describes the organisation and operational principles of the computer. There are master sheets of the paper and a copy which is in a fairly fragile condition. Accompanying the paper are master sheets and copies (60 in number) of diagrams related to the operation of the electronic digital computer. This item includes a photocopied extract from the `Personnel Practice Bulletin', Volume 27, Number 3, September 1971. The extract is entitled 'A Note on Electronic Computers in Australia - June 1971'. The article summarises an annual census of computers undertaken by the Department of Labour and National Service. Details: Undated Paper - ‘Principles and Operation of Electronic Digital Computer’ by Frank Hirst (1xmastercopy & 1 copy) June 1971 Schools Board for Information Science - ‘A Note on Electronic Computers in Australia-June 1971’. Undated Diagrams Fig1 Mercury Delay Line Store/Fig 2/Wave Forms/Fig 3A Nickel Delay Line/Fig 4 Wave Forms of Nickel Delay Line. (60xcopies & 1xmaster sheets).
Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control 4/006
Date range c. 1960 - 1971
Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Diagrams, Numeric Data, Reports, Photocopied Documents and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier C036
Box Number 2
Series 17