Series 16 - CSIRAC Test Equipment

Date Range1954
ProvenanceDepartment of Computer Science, University of Melbourne

This series contains file and booklet relating to Test equipment.

Inventory Listing

Computation Laboratory Notebooks

9 Computation Laboratory notebooks. Some originated in Sydney and others in Melbourne. Contain various notes including Mercury Delay Line test figures, Drum Transistor Amplifier. Notebooks entitled:
10 Mcs Mercury Delay Lines 0-26
Line Tests
Receiver Test Log
Receiver Log
Mercury Delay Lines
Mercury Delay Lines
Log Mercury Lines Nos 1-24 (actually contains notes on drum transistor circuitry)
Small notebooks - entitled 'Aircraft Bookings' and one untitled belonged to Maston Beard.
4 empty CSIRO envelopes addressed to different people

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range 1958 - 1962    Quantity 8 cm,
Formats Notebooks
Inventory Identifier C133 Box Number 17 Series 16
Wave Form photographs and notebook

Wave form photographs and notes on CSIRAC dismantling prepared by Jurij Semkiw with a polaroid camera on a Tektronix oscilloscope just prior to CSIRAC dismantling in 1964.
(These records were prepared as protection for any possible future development and historical record.)

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range November 1964
Formats Notebooks and Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier C132 Box Number 16 Series 16
Wave Form photographs

Black 4-ring foolscap binder containing wave form photographs and descriptions of:
H. Register
Sequence Unit MkII - 2 pages
Time Selector
A Register
A,B Registers Multiplication, Input Trunk - 2 pages
B Register Multiplier Sequence Unit - 2 pages
C Register
D Register
Memory - 2 pages
(CSIRAC used specially designed test equipment in which time was depicted from right to left instead of the usual left to right because the least significant digit in the CSIRAC word was on the right. Thus the wave forms copied from the test equipment oscilloscope showed time increasing from right to left).
(These photographs would have been taken at Radiophysics, Sydney prior to CSIRAC moving to Melbourne).

Creator Radiophysics Laboratory
Date range 1954    Quantity 4 cm,
Formats Loose Photographic Prints
Inventory Identifier C131 Box Number 16 Series 16
CSIRAC Test Equipment

This file contains office file entitled ‘RPL 127: Modifications to Memory Test and Monitoring Equipment for CSIRO Mk.1 Computer’ ex G.A. Chandler - CSIRO, Radiophysics Laboratory; booklet ‘Electronic Computer Test and Monitor Equipment’ by R.D. Ryan, Radiophysics Laboratory, CSIRO.

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Date range 1954    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data, Published Papers or Articles and Specifications
Inventory Identifier C117 Box Number 6 Series 16

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, 2002
Listed by Ron Bowles, Jurij Semkiw, John Spencer, Judith Hughes
HTML edition
Updated 5 July 2005

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