- wallaby cull
- 2-50
- Wangaratta
- 8-35 11-11 11-18
- Warrnambool
- 2-50 2-96
- Washington, G.
- 17-49
- Washington, USA
- 2-50 2-78 2-79 8-31 17-14 17-40 17-45 17-47 17-49 17-52 17-61
- Watabung Primary School, Papua New Guinea
- 17-58
- water birds
- 17-40 17-41 17-43 17-47
- water catchments
- 2-158 12-2
- water conservation
- 12-27
- water falls
- 17-46 17-49
- water pollution
- 2-47 2-61 2-67 2-68 2-69 2-84 2-123 8-15 10-5 11-25 12-12 12-36 18-4 18-5 18-7 18-11 18-12
- Water Research Foundation
- 11-2
- water supply
- 2-38 2-156
- waterbirds
- 17-2 17-15 17-39 17-42 17-48
- waterfowl
- 8-30 12-10 12-11 14-2 17-40
- waterways
- 14-10 14-11 17-24 17-31
- Waterworks Trusts Association
- 11-28
- Weaven, G.
- 2-217
- Webb, Prof. M.
- 2-81
- Webster, J. J.
- 6-2
- weirs
- 17-40
- Wenatchee National Forest, Washington, USA
- 17-32
- Wenatchee, Washington, USA
- 17-32 17-42 17-57
- Werribee
- 2-48 2-98 2-169 2-170 2-219 8-3 8-16 16-2 16-4
- Werribee Park
- 8-3 8-16 16-2
- Werribee River
- 2-48
- Wesley Vale pulp mill
- 2-197 2-199 2-200 2-201 2-203
- West German Greens
- 2-205
- Western Australia
- 2-46 2-63 2-81 2-211 12-12 17-12 17-22 17-25
- Western Mining Corporation (WMC)
- 2-149 2-151 2-170 2-172 2-203 2-209 2-212
- Western Region Commission
- 2-208
- Westernport Bay
- 2-41 2-49 2-50 2-53 2-55 2-56 2-64 2-66 2-74 2-76 2-77 2-81 2-85 2-92 2-96 2-97 2-98 2-101 2-104 2-105 2-106 2-110 2-111 2-112 2-134 2-140 2-152 2-169 8-9 8-14 8-16 8-31 8-32 8-38 11-8 11-9 11-16 11-32 16-2 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 18-6 18-7 18-8 18-9 18-10 18-11 18-12 18-13 18-28
- wet tropics
- 2-190 2-191 2-194 2-197
- Whale Point pulp mill
- 2-204
- whaling
- 2-50 2-51 2-65 2-90 2-103 2-109 2-115 2-121 2-123 2-129 2-130 2-145 2-147 2-148 2-149 2-151 2-152 2-154 2-157 2-163 2-164 2-175 2-184 2-186 2-187 2-190 2-196 2-199 2-201 2-205 12-25 12-26 12-27 12-37 14-14
- Wharton, J. C. F.
- 8-19 8-26 11-9
- Whitlam, G.
- 2-52 2-70 2-71 2-80 2-129
- Whitley, G. P.
- 11-21
- Wichita, New Mexico, USA
- 17-10 17-11 17-24
- wild ducks
- 8-23
- wildflowers
- 17-12 17-13 17-22 17-35 17-43 17-46 17-47 17-49 17-50 17-58 17-59 17-61 17-62
- Wildlife Conservation School, Adelaide
- 8-26 8-35 11-2
- wildlife officers
- 17-15 17-16 17-17 17-20 17-21 17-48
- Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland
- 2-72 2-87 11-15 12-1 12-7
- wildlife refuges
- 17-24 17-34 17-43 17-61
- wildlife reserves
- 2-40 2-135 8-16 11-6 11-7 17-8 17-9 17-10 17-11 17-35 17-36 17-37 17-38 17-39 17-40 17-51 17-61
- wildlife smuggling
- 2-41 2-54 2-59 2-84 2-98 2-121 2-125 2-127 2-130 2-134 2-145 2-155 2-162 2-170 2-176 2-184 2-195 2-202 2-208
- Willeke, G. E.
- 11-34
- William Angliss Food Trades School
- 2-56 11-19 11-28
- Williams, Rev. J. K.
- 2-78
- Williamstown
- 2-77
- Willman, C.
- 2-44 2-46 2-50 2-52 2-57 2-59 2-60 2-76 2-79 2-82 2-84 2-97
- Wilson, H.
- 2-78
- Wimmera Region, Victoria
- 2-73 2-78 2-173 8-1 11-27 17-21 17-25
- wind power
- 2-173 2-194 2-216
- Winston, Prof. D.
- 2-68
- Wisconsin, USA
- 17-9
- wombat killing
- 2-40
- woodchipping
- 2-61 2-74 2-96 2-111 2-118 2-121 2-123 2-126 2-127 2-128 2-129 2-136 2-138 2-141 2-147 2-160 2-161 2-163 2-164 2-174 2-175 2-176 2-182 2-183 2-187 2-191 2-192 2-202 2-205 12-12 12-13 12-15 12-25 12-26 12-27 12-28 12-37
- Wooten, H.
- 2-171
- World Bank
- 2-95 2-199
- World Commission on Environment and Development
- 2-186
- World Heritage listings
- 2-161 2-195
- World War II
- 2-171
- World War III
- 2-171
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
- 8-3 8-4 11-13 12-34
- Worldwatch Institute
- 2-173 2-201 2-208
- Wray Fish Rearing Station, Colorado, USA
- 17-14
- Wright, J.
- 2-72 2-77 2-78 2-83 2-105
- Wuthathi Aboriginals
- 2-205
- Wyoming, USA
- 17-28 17-43 17-47
- Wyperfeld National Park, Victoria
- 17-12