- Cambridge Philosophical Society
- BRAG00303
- Campbell, Norman R.
- BRAG00247 BRAG00248 BRAG00557
- Canada
- BRAG00336
- Carlisle
- BRAG00470
- Caroe, Alban
- BRAG00367 BRAG00483 BRAG00484 BRAG00504
- Caroe, Gwendolen (nee Bragg), see also Bragg, Gwendolen
- BRAG00287 BRAG00329 BRAG00330 BRAG00331 BRAG00332 BRAG00333 BRAG00335 BRAG00367
- Caroe, Lucy
- BRAG00570
- Caroe, Martin
- BRAG00570
- Carrington Street
- BRAG00016 BRAG00017 BRAG00584
- Catherwood House
- BRAG00017 BRAG00018 BRAG00019 BRAG00469
- Cavendish Chair
- BRAG00243
- Cavendish Laboratory
- BRAG00055 BRAG00248 BRAG00302 BRAG00341 BRAG00557 BRAG00563 BRAG00576
- Cavendish Professors
- BRAG00234 BRAG00341 BRAG00342 BRAG00343
- Chapman, Robert William
- BRAG00125
- Chautauqua Movement
- BRAG00107
- Chemical Society of London
- BRAG00275
- Chiddingfold
- BRAG00027 BRAG00570
- Chiddingfold Church
- BRAG00570
- Christ Church Rectory
- BRAG00021
- Christchuch
- BRAG00022
- Church of England
- BRAG00062
- Cloud Chamber
- BRAG00215
- Cobb, Alexia
- BRAG00001
- Collegiate School of St. Peter
- BRAG00002 BRAG00062 BRAG00147 BRAG00293 BRAG00294 BRAG00295 BRAG00296 BRAG00536 BRAG00537 BRAG00538
- Collie, John Norman
- BRAG00193
- Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)
- BRAG00255
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- BRAG00028
- Compton Effect
- BRAG00151 BRAG00153
- Compton, Arthur Holly
- BRAG00151 BRAG00153
- Cooke, William Ernest
- BRAG00091 BRAG00142 BRAG00143
- Cooke, William Tennant
- BRAG00144
- Crick, Francis
- BRAG00345
- Critic
- BRAG00061 BRAG00304 BRAG00384 BRAG00385 BRAG00386 BRAG00476 BRAG00514 BRAG00544
- crystallography
- BRAG00028 BRAG00236 BRAG00237 BRAG00238 BRAG00239 BRAG00240 BRAG00241 BRAG00242 BRAG00281 BRAG00283 BRAG00284 BRAG00303 BRAG00304 BRAG00337 BRAG00342 BRAG00355 BRAG00356 BRAG00357 BRAG00559 BRAG00577
- crystals
- BRAG00238 BRAG00239 BRAG00304 BRAG00446
- Cumberland
- BRAG00030 BRAG00031
- Cumbria
- BRAG00029 BRAG00030 BRAG00031 BRAG00032 BRAG00033 BRAG00582 BRAG00457
- Curie, Marie
- BRAG00202
- Curie, Pierre
- BRAG00202