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Table of Contents
Weather News Introduction History Personal Notes Mr. B. W. Newman, Deputy Director, Sydney Mr. G. W. MackeyDeputy Director, Perth Mr. J. JohnstonDeputy Director, Hobart Mr. A. J. ShieldsDeputy Director, Brisbane Mr. B. J. RetallackSupervising Meteorologist, Training Mr. J. HoganDeputy Director, Adelaide Mr. F. BellOfficer-in-Charge, Darwin Mr. P. RyanOfficer-in-Charge, Darwin Bureau Profile #1 Dr. Kevin Spillane: The Quality of Tenacity Taking the World View [John Zillman] Fred Bell, the Pilot's Friend Mildura's Harry Storer ComputersNew ADC [Ross Maine] H. G. Bond The Sky is the Limit [Bettye Macnicol / Jenny Hopwood] Hobart Weather Birds [Judy Morris / Felicity James] Professional Officers' Association Award to Henry [Phillpot] New Assistant Director Facilities is Keith Henderson Tasmania's New Regional Director [Ted Phillips] New Head for ANMRC [Doug Gauntlett] Tony Powell New Regional Director Victoria Lynn Mitchell Takes Over the Reins in SA RO Fillerup! Pat Sullivan New Regional Director, NSW Bettye Dixon Heads Canberra Liaison Section Dr Michael Manton Chief of BMRC Graeme Furler, Regional Director South Australia Ian Mason, Regional Director ACT Regional Director Queensland [Rex Falls] Don Linforth, STPM Bob Brook, Asst Director (Observations) Jim Arthur, Regional Director, Northern Territory Neil Streten Appointed Deputy Director (Services) Bill Downey, Assistant Director (Executive) Antarctic Medal Winners Agrometeorology's Leading Lady [Gloria Bedson] Ken WilsonFocus on the 'Big Picture' Sue Barrell's 'Balancing Act' Dr Geoff Love Appointed Deputy Director (Services) Serendipity at 33,000ft: A Win for MetrologyBruce Forgan's WMO Vaisala Award Pressure's On for New NCC Head [Mary Voice] Bob Leighton Wins AMOS Honor for Climate Studies Retirements Obituaries Observers and Volunteers Media Computers Index Search Help Contact us ![]() |
Bureau Profile #1No. 166 June 1970, Item 1902Future issues of Weather News will carry one or more short profiles of Bureau personalities to show you a little of what the other person is doing. The editor hopes to see people from all regions mentioned. He appeals for suggestions and contributions. Photographs will be welcome. He reserves the right to refuse autobiographies, unless accompanied by a suitable publication fee. Dr. Kevin Spillane: The Quality of TenacityNo. 166 June 1970, Item 1902Kev Spillane is widely known in the Bureau as one of that special breed of meteorologists working in the rarified air of Research and Development Division. On August 13 at Melbourne University he joins an even more select groupthose who have gained a PhD in Meteorology. No mean achievement for a 41-year old father of five with the responsibility of heading the Physical Research Branch. Dr. Kevin Thomas Spillane, BSc., PhD., earned his degrees by a quality of tenacity well known to his colleagues. This determination showed first on the rugby field, where Kev, although not heavily built, represented Queensland and Victoria in interstate competition as a five-eighth. One assumes he was very fast by the fact of his survival. A man of wide scientific interestsand one ready to advise and encourage younger colleaguesKev Spillane has been described by contemporaries as "a provocative thinker, a real ideas man." He argues quietly, if urgentlywith his dry wit always on standby. Kev left school in Brisbane in 1946 and worked for some months as a surveyor's assistant before answering an advertisement for meteorological assistants. He recalls that during his schooling he regularly passed Queensland Regional Office, where he was "mystified by things spinning around, tanks and the white boxes on poles. It seemed a very exciting Scientific place . . ."
People in Bright Sparcs - Spillane, Kevin Thomas
© Online Edition Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and Bureau of Meteorology 2001 Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher |