Table of Contents
History of Research in the Bureau of Meteorology
Chapter 1: Germination and Growth
Chapter 2: Struggle, Competition and Emergence
Appendix 1: Meteorology Act 1906
Appendix 2: Meteorology Act 1955
Appendix 3: Simpson Report
Appendix 4: Survey Questionnaire
Appendix 5: Bibliography
Bureau of Meteorology—Files
Bureau of Meteorology—Publications and Reports
Gibbs, W. J.
Kidson, Edward
Kidson, Edward and Camm, H. E.
Priestley, C. H. B.
Quayle, E. T.
Taylor, Griffith
Tucker, G. B.
Warren, H. N.
White, F. W. G.
World Meteorological Organization—Publications
Contact us
Appendix 5: Bibliography
- Ashford, O. M., 'Development of Weather Forecasting in Britain, 1900–40: The vision of L. F. Richardson', Weather 47, pp 394-402
- Australian Academy of Science, Aust. Institute of Physics Papers (Basser library, MS 86/1)
- Australian Committee for the World Climate Research Programme, World Climate Research Programme Australian Activities, BOM/AAS, Melbourne, 1987
- Australian Numerical Meteorology Research Centre, CMRC/ANMRC Valedictory Report, ANMRC, Melbourne, 1984
Bureau of Meteorology—Files
- 19/139, 'Conference of Dominion Meteorologists—London 1919' (Commonwealth Archives Accession No B 435, Box No 1)
- 30/434, 'Liaison with Universities and Colleges Etc'
- 30/2493, 'International Antarctic Meteorological Research Centre—External Relations'
- 30/2636, 'External Relations:—WMO Organization and Liaison with Australia'
- 40/834, 'Wimperis Report—Commonwealth Grant'
- 45/2821, 'Organisation Met. Services—Organisational Plans etc for P S Board' (Commonwealth Archives Accession No MP 1514, Series No 1, Box No 2)
- 51/1495 Pt 1, 'Annual Reports—Central Office—Research Section' (Commonwealth Archives Accession No MP 1514, Series No 1, Box No 4)
- 55/171 Pt 2, 'Research and Development Branch—Quarterly Reports'
- 60/9050, 'International Antarctic Analysis Centre'
- 65/84 Pt 1, 'Australian Numerical Meteorology Research Centre ANMRC General'
- 75/2633, 'Establishment—Research and Systems Division—Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre'
Bureau of Meteorology—Publications and Reports
- Australia's Role in International Meteorology—IMO-WMO Centenary 1873–1973, BOM, Melbourne, 1973
- Bureau of Meteorology Response to Green Paper on New Perspectives for Australian Meteorological Services', BOM, Melbourne, 1976
- Climate Activities in Australia 1993, AGPS, Canberra, 1993
- 'Fifty years of Weather History', Weather News No 18, BOM Melbourne, January 1958
- Upper Air Data Australia, BOM, Melbourne, 1958
- Bowen, E. G., Letter to Sir David Rivett, 12 April 1945, (held on BOM file 45/2696)
- Clarke, R. H., 'ANMRC 1974–1977', CMRC/ANMRC Valedictory Report, ANMRC Melbourne, 1984, pp 10-13
- CSIRO, Position Paper 'Rationalisation of Meteorological Research', June 1981
- CSIRO/Department of Science and the Environment, Review of the Australian Numerical Meteorology Research Centre, November 1979
- Department of Defence, Air Accidents Investigation Committee, Report on the Fatal Accident to the Douglas DC2 Aircraft "Kyeema", Department of Defence, Melbourne, 1938
- Department of Home Affairs, Report of Meteorological Conference held in Melbourne, May 1907, Melbourne, 1907
- Evans, W. F., History of the Radio Research Board, Melbourne, 1973
- Friedman, R. M., Appropriating the Weather, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1989.
- Fuller, J. F., THOR 'S LEGIONS Weather Support to the US Air Force and Army 1937–1987, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 1990
- Gentilli, J., 'A History of Meteorological and Climatological Studies in Australia', University Studies in History 5, University of Western Australia, Perth, 1967
Gibbs, W. J.
- A perspective of Australian meteorology—1939–78', Australian Meteorological Magazine 30, 1982, pp 3-17
- CMRC Review— draft submission 30 October 1973 (held on BOM file 55/424)
- Letter to Secretary, Department of Science and Chairman, CSIRO, 18 July 1978 (held on BOM file 55/424)
- Mathematics in Meteorology, Theory and Practice, AGPS, Canberra, 1972
- Gibbs, W. J., and Priestley, C. H. B., "Origins of CMRC', CMRC/ANMRC Valedictory Report, ANMRC, Melbourne, 1984, pp 1-4
- Gibbs, W. J., Priestley, C. H. B. and White, Sir Frederick, Prospectus for Meteorological Research in Australia, BOM, Melbourne, 1967.
- Hogan (1896–1970), J., 'Notes prepared by John Hogan (1896–1970)', Metarch Papers No 2, BOM, Melbourne, 1986
- Home, R. W. and Livingstone, K., "The Federalising of Meteorology 1875–1908' (draft manuscript)
- Howson, P. W., Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Bureau of Meteorology, AGPS, Canberra, 1977
- Hunt, H. A., Report upon Observations Made during an Official Visit to Europe, Asia, and America, BOM, Melbourne, 1911
- Hunt, H. A., Taylor, Griffith and Quayle, E. T., The Climate and Weather of Australia, BOM, Melbourne, 1913
- International Antarctic Meteorological Research Centre, The International Antarctic Meteorological Research Centre, IAMRC, Melbourne, 1967
- 'Interstate Astronomical and Meteorological Conference', VPP, 1905, Legislative Assembly, vol III, pp 5-14 (internal pagination)
Kidson, Edward
- Cloud-heights from Melbourne Observatory photographs'. Proceedings of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science 16, 1923, pp 153-192
- Letter to Ross, 6 July 1924, AAS, Aust. Institute of Physics Papers
- 'Some periods in Australian weather', Paper 1, Bulletin 17, BOM, Melbourne, 1925
Kidson, Edward and Camm, H. E.
- 'Atmospheric pollution: observations with the Owen's dust-counter during 1923 and 1924', Paper 3, Bulletin 17, Melbourne, 1925
- 'Observations of visibility at various Australian stations during 1923 and 1924', Paper 2, Bulletin 17, BOM, Melbourne, 1925
- Kidson, I. M., Edward Kidson, Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd, Christehurch, 1941
- Leslie, L. M., and Dietachmayer, G. S., 'Real-time limited area numerical weather prediction in Australia: a historical perspective', Australian Meteorological Magazine 41, pp 61-77
- Lillywhite, J. W., 'My Early Years in the Bureau of Meteorology', Metarch Papers No 4, BOM, Melbourne, 1992
- Loewe, F., 'Discussion of Eight Years of Aerological Observations obtained by means of Aeroplanes near Melbourne', Bulletin 27, BOM, Melbourne, 1940
- Lonergan, J. P., 'Perception of a Joint Unit', CMRC/ANMRC Valedictory Report, ANMRC, Melbourne, 1984, pp 20-23
- Mackey, G., 'Reminiscences of a career in the Bureau of Meteorology' (unpublished paper, BOM, Melbourne)
- Martin, L. H., Letter to Minister for the Interior, 6 February 1953 (held on BOM file 45/2696)
- Martyn, D. F., and Squires, P., Preliminary Instruction Manual of Weather Forecasting for Radar Operations in South West Pacific Area, CSIR, Melbourne, 1944
- Medley, J. D. G., Letter to Warren, 31 August 1946 (held on BOM file 45/2696)
- Mellor, D. P., The Role of Science and Industry, (Australia in the War of 1939–1945), Series 4 (Civil), Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1958.
- Meteorological Council, Report of the International Meteorological Committee, HMSO, London, 1900
- Meteorological Office, Report of the Conference of 'Empire Meteorologists London March 4-9 1946, M.O. 490(a,b), HMSO, London, 1947
- Ministerial Statement Review of Commonwealth Functions, AGPS, Canberra, 1981.
- Noar, P. F., 'Interface between CMRC/ANMRC and the Bureau of Meteorology', CMRC/ANMRC Valedictory Report, ANMRC, Melbourne, 1984, pp 24-28
- Ogden, R. J., 'Training at the Meteorological Office, 1936–71', Weather 47, Royal Meteorological Society, London, pp 349-353
- Platzman, G. W., 'A retrospective view of Richardson's book on weather prediction', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 48, pp 514-550
Priestley, C. H. B.
- CMRC Review—draft submission 10 November 1973 (held BOM file 55/424)
- 'Reminiscences of 30 years of meteorological research in Australia', Australian Meteorological Magazine 30, pp 19-30
Quayle, E. T.
- 'On the possibility of forecasting the approximate winter rainfall for northern Victoria', Bulletin 5, BOM, Melbourne, 1910
- Relation between cirrus directions as observed in Melbourne and the approach of the various storm systems affecting Victoria', Bulletin 10, BOM, Melbourne, 1915
- Radok, U., 'Discussion of four years of aerological observations obtained by means of aeroplanes near Perth', Bulletin 37, BOM, Melbourne, 1946
- Riehl, H., Some Problems of Research and Education in Australian Meteorology, BOM, Melbourne, 1967
- Simpson, Sir George, 'Notes on Research and Training in the Meteorological Bureau and University in Response to the Letter from the Minister for the Interior dated 18 January, 1939', Melbourne, March 1939 (held on BOM file 45/2696; see also Appendix 4 of this Metarch Paper)
Taylor, Griffith
- 'Initial investigations in the upper air of Australia', Bulletin 13, BOM, Melbourne, 1916
- 'Physiography of eastern Australia', Bulletin 8, BOM, Melbourne, 1914
- The control of settlement by humidity and temperature (with special reference to Australia and the Empire); an introduction to comparative climatology; illustrated by 70 climographs'. Bulletin 14, BOM, Melbourne, 1916
- Timcke, E. W., Letter to W. A. MacLaren, Secretary, Department of the Interior, 2 April 1953 (held on BOM file 30/1390)
- Towards New Perspectives for Australian Meteorological Services, AGPS, Canberra, 1976
- Treloar, H. M., and Newman, B. W., 'Part 1. Weather conditions from records of ships' logs and land observations', Bulletin 24, BOM, 1938
Tucker, G. B.
- A CMRC Commentary, 14 November 1973 (held on BOM file 55/424)
- Research and Services: Differing Attitudes within the Science of Meteorology', Weather , No 4, Royal Meteorological Society, London, pp 104-112
- Tucker, G. B., and Moran, P. V., Report on a Proposed Meteorological Research Programme, Melbourne, 1967
- University of Melbourne (The), Standing Committee of Convocation, Minute Book No l, pp 427
Warren, H. N.
- File note of 25 February 1948 (held on BOM file 75/2633)
- Letters to the Secretary, Department of Air, and Secretary, Department of the Interior, 26 April 1945 (held on BOM file 45/2696)
- Letter to F W G White, 27 April 1945 (held on BOM file 45/2696)
- Letter to Secretary, Department of Air, 30 April 1945 (held on BOM file 30/1390 Pt 1)
White, F. W. G.
- Letter to H. N. Warren, 24 April 1945 (held on BOM file 45/2696)
- Letter to H. N. Warren, 2 May 1945 (held on BOM file 45/2696)
- Letter to O. U. Vonwiller, 25 August 1945 (held on BOM file 45/2696)
- Wimperis, H. E., 'Report on the Inauguration of Aeronautical Research in Australia', Parliamentary Papers 1937–40, 3, pp 1189-1198
World Meteorological Organization—Publications
- THE WMO ACHIEVEMENT 40 Years in the Service of International Meteorology and Hydrology, WMO No 729, Geneva, 1990
- WMO Bulletin 31, No 4, pp 301-312
- WMO Bulletin 34, No 3, pp 183-196
- Zillman, J. W., 'Submission to the CSIRO Division of Cloud Physics Review Committee', 1980
Gibbs, W. J., 'Scientists: Practitioners and Researchers', University Gazette. March 1969, Melbourne, 1969
Latour, B., Science in Action, Open University Press, Milton Keynes, 1987
Ravetz, J., Scientific Knowledge and its Social Problems, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1971
Rouse, J., KNOWLEDGE AND POWER Toward a Political Philosophy of Science, Cornell University Press, London, 1987
Schedvin, C. B., Shaping Science and Industry, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1987
Turnbull, D., Technoscience Worlds, Deakin University Press, Geelong, 1991
Organisations in Australian Science at Work - International Antarctic Analysis Centre; International Antarctic Meteorological Research Centre; Radio Research Board
People in Bright Sparcs - Bowen, Edward George (Taffy); Clarke, Reginald Henry; Hogan, John; Hunt, Henry Ambrose ; Kidson, Edward; Newman, Bernard William (Bernie); Priestley, Charles Henry Brian (Bill); Quayle, Edwin Thomas; Squires, Patrick; Taylor, Thomas Griffith; Warren, Herbert Norman; White, Frederick William George
Gardner, J. 1997 'Stormy Weather: A History of Research in the Bureau of Meteorology', Metarch Papers, No. 11 December 1997, Bureau of Meteorology
© Online Edition Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and Bureau of Meteorology 2001 Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher